Starting egg share buddy wanted.

Hey hope glad you had a good time at the scan! What a shame about the pic though, it was the same at my 32 week scan, got a great look at her face and perfect little lips but dr printed off a blurry one (bitch lol)
Baby sounds a great size too! I'm with ya on the aches and being uncomfortable now, can't believe how every little task has turned into a chore now, had to get dd to fasten my shoes earlier as it hurt my bump trying to hold onto my foot long enough.
Shaving my legs is a full job in itself never mind anywhere else, good job I can't see that lol.
Do you have another scan in a few weeks now?

My next one is in about 2 weeks now, can't wait, as long as she lets me look this time.
I feel like I'm on proper count down now its so strange, all I can think about is baby and I just want to start getting everything in place, I.e cleaning, Hosp bag etc.
I'm hoping to start mat leave at 37-38 weeks all being well so even that's not too far away.
It's going to be so strange going into labour, I'm already looking for signs as getting bh every time I move, think she likes me being lazy! As long as she stays for another few weeks yet though.
Feel like I'm rambling now lol, will probs still be doing that on here through contractions :) x
Hi everyone!!

Hope sounds like you have a big baby on the way!! Rest up nd take it easy while you still can!! Must be so exciting now tho for you and bumski the end is in sight!! You will soon have your beautiful baby's :cloud9:

Bumski you have done well to keep working up until the end! Bet its passed time quicker! I'm so excited for you and hope! Time has flown by!!

Betty any new on when your starting??

Pcct,nimbec, tryandwish how r u?

AFM I don't like to speak to soon but no bleeding sinse Wednesday :happydance: which has been nice so iv been able to get a bit more done to prepare for our move!! I can't wait should be in new house by end of July!
I have my next scan on June 11th and I also have first appointment with the midwife that afternoon! My Doppler arrived on Friday I have had a fiddle around found something that was 128 but prob not baby iv put it away for now and will have another go next week! I am starting to believe this may be our forever baby :cloud9: x
Happy 9 weeks g3 glad u haven't had no bleeding :dance: and wont be long until u move :)

Bumski go u for working right to the end I sure no I won't be haha! Not long until it next scan !

Hope u are all Doing well / am on my phone and hate posting when on phone so just a short one
Happy 9 weeks g3mz! Great to see a much deserved ticker up too! I agree this is def your forever baby, I'm so glad the bleeding is stopping! Just remember though its not always bad news if you do see more, mine finally stopped at 14 weeks but slowed down a lot by 10-11 weeks. How are you feeling? You got any symptoms? X

Pcct I just can't believe your next one is 17 weeks!!! Where is it going lol? How's that lovely bump coming on now? Baby will be having a growth spurt now too so watch it grow! X

I am really excited to meet baby now, she has this horrible habit of punching me in what feels like my cervix! Ouch! Feels like I'm being stabbed by something sharp up there and makes me flinch really bad, quite embarrassing as people are like 'oh god what's up?' Can't really say lol.
One of mil friends has just used an egg donor for her 3rd ivf after molar and bfn and she is now 9 weeks pregnant and just had her scan! Absolutely over the moon for her as this was the last one they could afford. Just love positive ivf stories!
Hope your all well x
Haha I know that feeling too I had it on Friday at work It was so painful and a girl asking of I was ok I just sort of giggled thru the pain and said yeah lol
I think since I turned 16 week my bump is like a propa bump now rather than just extra tubby it's defo all firm now and it feels good to iykwim lol it's really nice and round and defo no hiding it lol!
Omg!!! That is amazing about it mil friend!!! Huge congrats for them all :yipee:
Ps ps ...... Picked my baby book up from my friend who collected it for me at m&s I loveeeeee it!!!!! Me and oh went thru it all and see what we can put in it I love the stamp and newspaper bit ect lol
Bumski- My next scan is at 36wks, if I see a good shot of baby I'm going to ask for a photo o that shot straight away!!! I know about the sudden pain and shocking people. Mind I had a bit of a scare last week, lasted a few days. Had not been able to go to toilet and took a suppository. Then for 3days had contractions and baby seemed in distress. I was booked to see consultant after scan on fri and midwife said he was not there. Showed her what I took (was given them at new year by doctor and have only took 8 since 2nd jan- only take when desperate- not gone for 4/5days and in agony!) well she went crazy!!! Told me they used to give them to try and induce labour and no wonder I had been having contractions!!! She said she would ring consultant and ask him to come see me. Then heard her screaming at someone over the phone about how bad it was I had been taking them especially at this stage of pregnancy and I could have had baby!!! Consultant came and siad I had been very responsible with the usage and with my condition he trusted me to use them wisely. Well After state I and baby was in I will be only taking one if I'm on deaths door- well until 38wks then I might abuse it and try and kick start labour ;) Oh and I wish little man was lazy!!! He moves strongly, punches and kicks the hell out of me and boy it so hurts now :( So your working till 37/38wks? how much time are you having off after baby? Have things improved with in laws?
gmz3- 9weeks already :) So glad bleeding has stopped. Bet your super excited for your move. Nice new beginnings for you. How's things with your step daughter? have you's told her yet?
pcct- You seem to be sailing through your pregnancy like a dream :) So glad you like the book-it's soooo lush :)
Hey how is everyone doing?
Hope- yeah my pregnant seams just too easy lol long may it continue got a strange feeling my labour is guna be a night mare as baby seams so happy and content in here lol
How is everyone doing?? :flower:

AFM I'm trying so hard not to stress myself out but there's always something! :wacko: prob made worse coz I'm suffering really bad with hay fever and just feel yuk!!

Dh accidentally managed to tel mil that she could stay over for Xmas!! (Il be in for csection sometime around then!) I then pointed out to him that il be due!! Oh perfect she said you will need the help!! Uh no what I need is time for us to bond as a family and get into a routine!! I never had any help with my others not even from there dads!! Mil then went on to say you will be using towelling nappies won't you?? Uh no I said I always used disposable with my 2 and to be honest it's just easier for me with already having the other 2 to look after (dd still in nappies at night due to her Gdd) that's just lazy she said!! :growlmad: I held it in for 2 days then finally exploded and told dh I don't want her over when I'm due/when baby's born! I said give it a week or 2 and I don't mind her staying for a night but she wanted to stay for a week!! Iv always got on really well with her but I can see we might clash when it comes to baby which is a shame!

Then there's my step daughter! She was told the weekend, dh played it down to me but I got the full story from dd! She said he's not allowed a baby and it defiantly can't be a girl! She cried and pouted all day but didn't go home coz she expects him to pay for a trip to Disney land and Harry potter studios, between both she's expecting around 300! I hit the roof when I found out and it caused big problems!! I agreed to 1 trip but 2 is just being silly as she's already going on a 3 week Caribbean cruise with her mum and step dad!!
Dh said he will tell her this week it's only 1 he's paying for!
Mil said from the way she was there on sat after she was told she thinks once she's had the money she won't see him again!
And he hasn't told her yet that she has to apologise to me and will have to spend time me and baby too! One step at a time!
Really looking forward to my scan Tuesday! :happydance:
Hello hope all you ladies are okay ? Trying too stay away from forums as they were kind off taking over every spare min a had not good !!! Feel so much more relaxed for doing so !!!

My cycle will be starting in 2 weeks as I have just ovulated!!! Just wanna get started !!!! We have decided not too egg share this cycle we are doing our own cycle again !!! But if thi one fails we are egg sharing in August !!!!! X
That's great Betty!! I hope this next 2 weeks goes by quickly for you, x

Hope how are you and lo doing after your contractions? That's so scary! I hope everything's settled down, not too long to go now ;) x

G3mz has it sunk in yet? Don't let dhs dd get to you, concentrate on you and lo, that's what's important now. In all honesty I think I would have had it out with her by now, x

Pcct how are you doing? You seem to be sailing through this! Your already coming up to 20 weeks!!! :0 x

Afm I'm just dying to get to the end now! I am so uncomfortable all the time, pain in my ribs in my back, can't sleep because of restless legs, constant acid, bh whenever I walk anywhere! Apart from that I'm still loving it though lol.
I really will miss being pregnant when this is over, just can't wait to hold my baby girl for the first time! I'm so so so excited!!!! Xxx
It's been quiet on here! Hope everyone is ok?
Been trying to keep off here for a bit as reading some of the negative stuff on the 1st tri boards was making me paranoid! But I'm feeling on top of the world now!
Today I had my scan and just like my ticker said I was measuring 10wks 2days although she still argued that I should be 9+5 but she said il get a definite date at my dating scan! Can't believe how much he/she has changed last time it just looked like a jelly bean! This time arms legs and moving!! Just amazing!!

Then I had my first midwife appointment! She was a little annoyed that I have left it until now, I told her I was 10+2 or 9+5 and she said no here il go by your lmp as transfer or not it was on a natural cycle and she said if they think I'm measuring more than they say I am it shows they don't know everything! She was a little scary to be honest :haha: anyway she gave me a load of forms to fill in but she's going on annual leave on Thursday so I have a different midwife coming to see me Friday to book me in! And get me a scan ASAP and due to my history of losing one of my boys late in pregnancy il need consultant led care.
Going to be so busy next week the children have their school sports days and we are moving next Friday! I'm soooooooooo excited things are going so well!!
Still feel like death and even breathing seems an effort! But I don't care :cloud9:


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Awwww g3 loving ur little pic :) glad u r doing ok
Wow g3mz look how much baby has grown!! I remember having a scan around 10 weeks and its just amazing seeing those little legs wriggling! :)
Are you going to find out what your having? X

I'm counting down the days to 37 weeks when I can finally have sex again! Can't believe we not done it in all these months, baby is being super active come midnight now, feels like she's trying to break free, got a funny feeling she's going to be lazy and make me wait to meet her though. Started looking for signs already but nothing lol x
Hey bumski :) really can't wait for u to met ur little girl :) and cant wait to see pics eeeek.. Am doing ok work is really taken it out of me tho and just can't think straight :dohh: part from that everything is going great :)
Bumski you haven't had sex for that long??! Wow you must be super stressed! It's killed me waiting until now :haha: although I'm still terrified Incase I bleed after! Hope your little lady doesn't keep you waiting to long!!

Pcct if I was working now I'd prob injure myself as I'm so tired and have complete baby brain! I went shopping yesterday for Father's Day presents got things from the kids to dh then got home and realised I hadn't got my own dad anything not even a card :dohh: I keep losing everything and all I want to do is sleep! Your pregnancy is still flying by!!

I will be booking a gender scan for 16 weeks! Iv found this place that records your baby's heartbeat and puts it in a teddy bear so cute!!
Lol I was the same I was so glad I was off work from 6 weeks to 16 weeks lol ... It is going in so fast!! so is urs can't believe u r past 10 weeks already!

I had a scan on sat just gone, they do teddys like that too :) but I went for a movie themed DVD cd rom full of pics , pic frame well being report 2 printed pics of my choice our disk will be here tomorrow and hoping I can share them with u all :)
Wow would be lovely to see it!!
I am loving being pregnant!! I thought I was bloated but midwife said as its solid and such a bump shape it may be one, she said with it being my 3rd pregnancy I may show early so I'm happy with that!
I was in asda the other day and the woman on he till said when are you due??
I was so tempted to say due for what?? Just to see the reaction on her face :haha: but I was just chuffed she knew I was pregnant and not just a bit podgy! :happydance:
Haha! I have people already thinking am due next months!!! :dohh: the 2 pics I got printed off were so cute I got a profile one and one of the arm :cloud9: the others that r on disk r face on and both feet together :) not sure what else r on disk , but our DVD we picked our own song for it to :)
That's great your baby bump is coming on already, I'm dying to see someone's face if they ask how long left and I ask what they are talking about lol.
Yup, no first it was because of the bleeding but then some idiot who works with dh told him a bad experience he had after sex when his missus was pregnant so that completely put dh off! It's going to be strange to say the least lol. X

Pcct your are almost half way there! It's so strange, I bet your bump is coming on nicely now! I still need to take some, baby will be here before I do. We went out on sat night so I took a couple with dd and dh then but no bare bump pics yet.
I know what you mean about work, I'm so so fed up now! Still waiting for my maternity allowance to come through, hope its gone ok. I think I will try and finish next fri, all being well ;) x

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