Starting egg share buddy wanted.

I think when u hear horror story's about sex and preganncy it really is enough to put u off for a while!!

Yeah bump is grown everyday!! Ever since I hit 16 weeks :shock: u wil
Have to share a bump pic with us :D

I will be leaving work at 29 weeks no way will I stay on any more!!
I don't blame you! The sooner the better to finish work I say ;) gives you time to really enjoy your pregnancy too, and lets be honest, we have waited long enough ;)
As soon as I take a pic I promise I will post. X
Yeah exactly! My work just don't care and making me do tough jobs!! When I have said already am struggling :( so am not going in tomorrow each time I finish work my back is killing and find it hard to walk and get of sofa at home and my feet hurt so bad too so taken a rest day , they won't be happy but am putting my self first Pfft ... Can't wait for ur n
Bump pic :)
How's everyone doing? It's gone very quiet on here. I just keep hoping for some kind of signs that labour is getting nearer, don't want her to come out yet but the excitement is getting to much lol.
Started my maternity today, I'm loving it already, keep going for walks with dh hoping to get baby to drop now. Got another scan tomorrow to check on her size, not really sure why tbh but I have app with dr afterwards, probably the last time I will see her before she arrives x
Well iv had my scan today and still got polyhydramnios! So they have decided to book my induction for my EDD!!! Hopefully they will just break my waters but we shall see. I am getting a sweep done next thurs by mw, dr said if I was 37 weeks today she would have done it there and then! Bit gutted but its maybe still a bit early.
Baby is now weighing in at 6lb13oz!!! She stuck her tongue out and kept trying to put her fists in her mouth! (So cute)
I have been given the go ahead from dr to start trying to get things moving do iv been and got my raspberry leaf tea capsules and clary sage oil. We shall see if they work or not.
Oh yeah, apparently baby has a full head of hair too :) iv suffered with TERRIBLE acid/heartburn for months now.
So the end is in sight now, I still just can't believe I get to meet this little baby really!!!.........just can't picture her lol x
Omg how exciting!!!!! ur little girl sounds sooooo cute anspd won't be long until we all meet her!!! Am so excited eeek!! Actually love ur update
I know it feels dead wierd planning for the end now, iv got to say it has absolutely flown!!! How are you and lo doing? X
It really has flown so glad u can see the end now and soon have ur little baby in your arms :)

Doing in thanks getting lots of kicks now I love it !! And mrs u ain't getting away without sending us ur bump pic hehe
I know lol, I really have no excuse now I'm on mat leave, I will get on it tomorrow I promise, best do it before baby is here lol.
That's brill your feeling loads of kicks! Sounds like you have a nice happy baby then :) it really is an amazing feeling isn't it x
Yes no excuses lol 10 weeks till my leave!! Can't wait- yeah the kicks r amazing some times they catch me off guard tho lol
Hello :flower:

Wow bumski your so close now!! So exciting!!:happydance: you all ready for her arrival??

Pcct be amazing now you can feel baby kicking :cloud9: I so can't wait for that!!

How's everyone else??

Haven't had much time to come on here crazy busy with moving house :happydance: and finding it sooooooo tiring and I'm not doing that much! Just packing and ordering people around :haha:
I'm soooo close to 12 weeks and was so excited until silly midwife (not going to be my usual thank god!) came to do my booking in and was so negative about everything!! Like so you have 2 children with disabilities are you sure you want another?? We been flipping trying for 4 years yes I am sure!! And then basically really stressing they will be looking more closely for abnormalities with this one and saying she hopes they can get me passed 32 weeks (coz of my early labour with ds) she had nothing nice to say at all well about baby she I'd manage to say she liked my house!
Anyway waiting for scan appointment in the post any day now!
And I won't let her get me down! Sickness stopped on Monday so I'm happy with that :thumbup:
OMG the heartless cow! Why do drs and mws feel they can just blurt this stuff out. Your kids and new baby are extremely lucky to have such a loving mum like you and vice versa, your kids sound great, why wouldn't you want more of them? :)
Can't believe your nearly in 2nd tri! Will be lovely to see your next scan. How early was your little boy born then? X

I'm nearly ready, I'm one of those that always likes to keep things until last minute for some reason lol, got to sort out what to cover her in when she's in her Moses basket, a stand for it and still have to pack my Hosp bag but I can just throw that stuff in if needed. X
Hi Girls!!!
Bumski- Being induced on EDD if baby has not already made an appearance. I am jealous!!! hope my consultant agrees to the same when I see him next week after my scan (fri 28th). Your baby is a really good size. I want my little one to be nice and healthy but not TOO BIG!!! I like babys small and cute when born nice 6lb-7lb would be good for me but after my 32wk scan saying he was already 4lb 8oz I might be dreaming!!!
gmz3- Midwife sounds awful!!! Why do they think they can just say what they are thinking. Your pregnant and she is asking are you sure you want the baby? Its like my Oh he keeps saying can we not just wait for grandkids? HELLO I'm 8+ months pregnant what do you want me to do with him? Coz they can't 'see' them they don't exist. Plus going on about your childrens disabilities- obviously if you have a choice you want a healthy baby and her going on the way she is is only going to make you worry and be anxious- not healthy for you or the baby- dumb woman!!! Glad MS has stopped mine did and migraines at about 13wks.
pcct- Your pregnancy is still flying by. It's like bumping into other people who have kids your age you get a shock they have gotton older!!! If you get me. Sounds like work is still not getting the big hint- hope things improve.
Well from 13wks till 34wk I was just enjoying being pregnant and showing off my bump. Now I'm struggling- hate not being able to run up the stairs and being the one trailing behind when walking- I'm used to being the one further ahead. My mam usually tells me off saying she can't keep up she has little legs (she's only 5ft) now I know how she feels!!! Plus my bad ankle is not helping- consultant believes I have bust all my ligaments too like I thought so may need an MRI. With heat and pregnancy my feet/ankles can swell but that one soooo bad. I'm used to being so independent and doing EVERYTHING round house and running round after everyone etc still doing it but boy do I feel sorry for myself. Feeling uncared for and unloved :( Things still up and down with Oh it has me fed up and I'm sick of the rollercoaster. He is fine about it one min then hissy fitting the next. Not sure whether to see how he reacts when baby is here or bail now.
Hope everyone else is well. x
I made oh go to a couple of antenatal classes the other week because although he 'is' looking forward to baby coming he didn't really seem to understand my decisions about some stuff I.e breast feeding. He seemed quite bored but iv noticed he took a lot in and believed stuff hearing it from someone else.
Suppose it's quite different as its dhs first kid but since mw told him how much babies thrive by talking to bump etc he has started doing it more without feeling daft.
He also told his Aunty that bf is the most natural thing in the world (all his family are formula all the way) bf is strange round here, I'm originally from Cumbria and all my family are bf babies, I don't personally know anyone round here (stoke) who has bf so I get a lot of funny looks when I tell people.
I think once your little boy is here it will be a big wake up call for your oh, if not at least you know you stuck it out and gave him every chance to come round.
I hope drs agree a date with you for Los arrival so you can focus on the end, it's really helped me as I'm just in so much pain all the time. I hope this last stretch goes in quickly for you, will you be trying the rlt or anything? Don't know how much I believe this stuff helps but iv got to try lol x
Hi bumski- its pretty much mixed between breast feeding and bottle feeding here. Wish it was Oh's first! He might not be being such an arse if it was- been there done that, HATE you for MAKING ME do it again- sick of him saying I'VE RUINED HIS LIFE!!! Then when I have had enough of his constant negativity or nasty comments and tell him its over he rings saying he's sorry!!! Problem is the circle starts ALL OVER AGAIN!!! Plus think he hates me for not wanting to see his daughter- well she drinks, takes drugs, dresses and acts like a whore and her boyfriend is basically a black raper who is covered in tattoos and has a major attitude!!! Oh and things have got so bad with her not going to school LEA had big meeting with head etc last week as she NEVER goesl!!! Her alcoholic mother is seriously pissing me off too- since she knows I'm pregnant she is never off phone to Oh :( Sorry rant over. Have avoided posting past few weeks as did not want to off load on you all!!!!!!
I'm getting down with all that and the fact I'm struggling to do the house work, get around etc at pace I usually do- get out of breath easy and get lots of pain low down and in my back.
Hope, don't worry about ranting, that's what we are here for. You can let it all out without offending or upsetting any of us. All he is doing is making u ultimately stronger in whatever you decide. At least lo has you and your girls, he will be spoilt rotten!! X

Well iv had a really sad day, my mum and dad had to have their lovely dog put to sleep, she was 15. Picked her up as a puppy and my mum spotted my first tattoo! It didn't go down well lol. I went with them to the vets and it was absolutely heartbreaking but she is now at peace, just feel so sad and deflated, I'm such a dog lover! My two are being spoilt rotten, they better not get used to it lol.
Hope baby will cheer my mum up as I'm sure she will, love and kisses to you Tilly!! Xxx
Hope unload on us all you want! It helps to let it all out no good to keep things bottled up! I agree with bumski hopefully when baby arrives it will be a wake up call for oh only time will tell but I do hope it works out for you!!

Bumski I'm hoping to Breast feed at least for a few months anyway I managed 3 months with ds but was so tired and was draining me but I'm glad I gave it a good go, dd had chicken pox and he didn't get it and health visitor said it was probably as he was being breast fed!
With my boys I went in to labour at 31+3 that's when they discovered 1 had died they managed to stop labour but I was then on strict hospital bed rest with hourly monitoring until they decided to deliver by csection at 32+5, this time I will need to have another csection date will be booked when I see consultant she said it will be sometime between Xmas and new year!

Still busy moving! Never been so tired :sleep:
Aww bumski really do feel for you! :hugs: Dogs are part of the family can imagine how upsetting it must be!
I love our 2 and as much as they drive me crazy sometimes I wouldn't be without them! I have some friends iv fallen out with in the past coz they get dogs when they are puppies then sell them a few months later, next thing they have another one! I could never do that I love my babies! Dogs are for life x
Ah Bumski I'm sorry sorry- big hugs <3 xxx <3. Must be so hard for you. Glad your mam does not have to wait long for lo to come and she has something nice to look forward too.
I got a kitten abbout 5years ago to try and help my broodiness, he was the baby I could not have. He became ill (being sick and swaying) when he was nearly 2year old and I knew there was something wrong instantly- took him to vets that night and they thought I was a crazy cat woman!!! They did tests on the fri came back fine, took him again on the sat (thought I was even crazier!) then when I took him on the sun they felt awful as they re did tests and his kidneys were severely failing- they think he was poisoned. He had to be put down on my daughters birthday :( I can honestly say losing him was as bad as losing my dad. I said never again would I have a cat/dog but Oh pushed me- I now have 2cats I pander too like kids. Everyone keeps asking if I have gone off them yet (coz I'm pregnant!) and think I should get rid of them when baby comes!!! Have you's had anyone ask that???
gmz3- You were pregnant with twins before so there are more chances of early labour and complications. Must have been hard losing your sons twin. Just keep positive no matter what the daft midwife says though- new pregnancy- new beginnings!!! How's things with oh daughter???
How is everyone doing? :flower:

Nothing new with oh daughter ATM hope but it turns out he didn't really tell her a lot it was more like Gemma's pregnant now let's not get upset or talk about it! Which has backfired on him really as he now has to have another chat with her as he thinks she's taken the if I don't have to be part of it it isn't really happening attitude! It would have been so much easier if he had taken the time to get everything out in the open with her! I knew that she would presume she will just continue to see him on Saturdays and nothing would change for her!
She doesn't even know when baby is due! Or that she's going to have to apologise to me or that me and the baby will be joining them on Saturdays! So by the time he tells her that he will have payed for her school trip and she's more likely to go crazy!
So we are finally all moved in our new home :happydance: 5 days have been so tiring but it doesn't stop now we still have to unpack! But I love it here! Had my scan appointment it's for Thursday :happydance: looking forward to seeing how much baby has grown!!

Hope everyone is ok? X

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