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Starting egg share buddy wanted.

Ahhhh so glad to hear from hope and look and ur gawjus little boy - he is perfect :) so lush!!
Aww hope he is just too cute!!! So lovely to see pics of him. How is he doing? Is he sleeping well? X

Betty that's positive news! I hope those follies keep growing strong for you! When's your next scan? X

G3mz I really hope dhs dd comes round, my dd is nearly 14 and can be a stubborn little madam but I wouldn't let her be rude to anyone. I really hope she grows up for your sake. Wow 17 1/2 weeks!!! How's your bump coming on? X

Pcct I had a peep in at your bump pic! Wow it's coming along lovely, not long until mat leave now yay! X

Baby is now a healthy 8lb and has grown 5cm since birth. She has put on 10oz in a week, very proud of my little boobie monster x
Thanks bumski :) wasn't a very clear pic with having a dark top on :dohh:

Wow ur baby girl is doing fab! She's gawjus plzz share more pics :D
Hi Girls here's my birth story-
On monday 24th June my mucous plug came away at around 1145pm. I was in panic as I was not even 36wks at that point, thought I was about to have a baby, could not get in touch with anyone- Oh not answering his phone or my sisters and all I kept telling myself was I could not have a baby this week as both my daughters had their proms!!! In end I rang the hospital for advice- Labour ward told me my mucous plug could regenerate itself and not to worry as I was not having any pain. Tues- my eldest had her prom, everything went without a hitch. Wed- preperations for my youngests prom- waxing, plucking, filing, spray tan etc etc. Thurs- BIG prom day- started off great- nails etc done in morning then off for make up to be done at benefit counter in debenhams. Daughter says she feels sick- make up finished and she runs to toilet to be sick!!! To cut a long story short 3hrs she is being sick in public toilets- it was just hearbreaking did not think she was ever going to make her prom :( Tablets I got from pharmacist finally stop sickness and she got on the coach with the school minus photos at her friends house etc etc but she made it and feeling loads better :) This was 7pm. Not long home- 8pm my eldest asked me to get a present out the loft for her friends 18th Went in loft bent over, picked box up and my waters broke!!! Questioned it a few times as it was drips, then trickles. We were stood in loft laughing for a good 5-10mins and Oh took a while to get off his bum and answer our cries. Then went into panic mode- babys bag packed- I think? My bag- not everything packed!!! Rang hospital and told to go in as only 36+2.
I was put in labour room and got examined by doctor around 10pm- It was confirmed my waters had broke but I had not dilated and was not having any pain. swabs were taken to check for infection (standard procedure) I was given antibiotics. I was kept in over night- taken to maternity ward and told consultant would see me in the morning. Did not sleep well- noise of ward and had some niggly pains through night. After breakfast about 8am I was hooked up to monitor to check babys heart rate etc. His heart rate was high and monitor kept bleeping- Midwife said trace was perfect except for his high heart rate (she was not concerned) At this point I was hoping and plan was for me to have my 36wk scan to check babys growth etc (already booked for 10am) Consultant came to see me approx 945am, midwife examined me and I was 3cm dilated consultant told them to take me back to delivery and start me off. At delivery midwife decided to use my scan to check babys position was def head down- Sent to ante natal. By ths time I was late for scan 1030am- very quick scan confirmed baby head down and saw his little face and he had his hand clutched to his head. Back to delivery- drip started off slowly at around 11am. Told the dosage is doubled every hour till contractions established. Was slightly gutted I could not have my birth plan- pool labour as I know heat and water help me with pain. Plus with being on drip I'm hooked upto monitor my whole labour :( but I believe you have to be flexible with your birth plan as anything can happen. So at 12pm- dosaged doubled as no pain. 1pm- doubled again as no real pain. 2pm- dosaged doubled again- contractions start quick and fast every 2-3 mins. Midwife kept asking if I wanted some pain relief and was really trying to get me to try gas and air. Stuck to my guns- wanted no pain relief so asked for a heat pack for my back and then about 230pm one for my stomach. Pain was bad and intense. Tried the birthing ball- did not like it. Spent a lot of time bent over the bed and on the bed. While I was being quiet Oh was playing on his ipod- no use and annoying me. Going on about me getting a job etc midwife even asked if I wanted some darts!!! Midwife was in and out of room but said she would examine me at 3pm. 3pm came and she started to examine me- She said I was 7cm but then could not take her hand away as I was having a contraction and it would no go or die down!!! BOY WAS THIS POINT PAINFUL!!! I was gripping the bed in soooo much pain. She then said your now 8cm.... 9cm!!! She then took her hand away and I wanted to push. At this point Oh got a shock, jumped up and started to care- caterpillar turned to butterfly!!! Putting cold cloth on my head and then watching me give birth at the ACTIVE END something he said he would never do. Midwife said he had loads of hair and asked if I wanted to feel but I was in too much pain and wanted him out!!! His head was delivered with his right fist on his face... he was born at 316pm weighing 6lb 7 1/2oz.
After delivery placenta came away and went into shock shaking from head to foot, drip had to stay up for hour plus due to PPH with second daughter- which meant contractions carried on and injection I was given for same reason caused me to feel soooo sick- sick bucket in hand. So I could not have my skin to skin straight after- was sooo ill for hour and half could not even hold him. On positive note Oh stepped upto the mark and instantly adored him- tears in his eyes and first thing he said was 'i'm not letting you go... your for keeps' melted my heart and made me realise what heartbreak he had been through with his daughter.

Will explain why it's so late and update more later ie to be continued!!!
Wow amazing birth story u done great!! I can't wait to meet this little dude won't be long to go mine is creeping in so quick :shock: I had tears reading ur story and what dh said to u :) can't wait to hear the rest x
How is everyone getting on?
Betty how is your cycle going?
Am good
Are you okay how's your little girl bumski ???

Currently on day 3 after EC I collected 16 eggs14 mature 13 fertlized and got phone call yesturday too say 10 are top grade and 3 are average will be phone me back today , and most likely will be transfer on Monday :) !!! Hoping to have some too freeze this time !

Am also on fragmin(blood thinner) this time :/ x
Wow Betty that's brilliant news! You have so many there! :)
I got 16 eggs for me, only 8 fertilised and only 2 to freeze! But luckily our little baby was one of those, with that many your sure to get your little angel!
So looking forward to you getting your bfp! X
I'm really good thanks, enjoying every minute, even the sleepless nights lol. Can't believe she's 1 month old, it's flying by now. X
Hey ladies!!

So good to read everyone's doing well!

Bumski and hope I'm so jealous I can't wait until our little one is here now!! :)

Pcct how are you Hun?

Betty congrats on so many eggs! And good luck for transfer! Do you have any plans for the tww?

Afm not much news been busy with the kids as we are now half way through the 6weeks holidays! And trying to avoid coming on here as I've been so positive about this pregnancy even got nearly everything now so we can concentrate on getting the kids Xmas presents then but I read on here about a woman who like me had in the past had a late loss and she just lost again at 20 weeks brought me back down to earth that these things can happen more than once and really got me down and scared me! But I'm ok now I could worry forever but it won't change anything what's ment to be is ment to be! And every time baby moves it gives me the reassurance I need :) 19weeks 4days today! And everyone keeps telling me I'm huge! Will try upload a pick later! I have my 20wk scan Friday! Nervous and excited cant wait to see our little boy again :)
Hey girls am doing great thanks we had our 26 week 3d scan on Saturday it was amazing and baby looked so cute! This is my last week at work as well :wohoo: not long till your scan too eeek

Glad ur almost done with baby shopping g3 I still have so much to get :0 can't wait to see your bump pic too ... I just uploaded a braw bare bump yesterday on my journal :haha:
Goin to pop over to your journal and have a look at your bump pcct, do you have pics of your last scan? Bet it was brill! Yay for finishing work! You must be so excited, I'm loving being off :) x

G3mz would love to see your bump pic! Wow you almost have everything, that's great! I spent my whole pregnancy worrying about one thing or another and went to Hosp 4 times with reduced movement, it would have been a lot more if I'd gone every time I worried too, but here we are with a gorgeous baby. I kept telling myself I was worrying over nothing but couldn't help it as I just couldn't accept we were going to be lucky enough to have a baby.
Try not to read the sad threads, I had to stay away as I'd panick. X

Will upload a pic of our little beauty, she's given a couple of little smiles the last few days, I caught her first on this next pic, not the best quality x


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And here's our little spuddy this morning :) x


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Thanks :)

Aww bumski she's adorable !!! Lil cutie :) !

Well I had transfer today !! Am rather confuzed !!

On my 3day report all 13 fertlized eggs were embyros graded 1 in the main and lovely cell ranges yesturday they were all perfect any how today she said she transferred 2 perfect early blasts ! But didn't give them a grade and said she will phone me tmro too see how many can freeze does this sound bad ?

I wanna know why she didn't grade them :/ I feel really deflated :|

G3mz - your pregnancy is flying by neatly halfway there omg lol xxz
Hey Betty congratulations on being pupo with twins!!! :)
Try not to worry about the grading, my clinic also told me they don't grade them when I went in for transfer (after they had already told me the grade before freezing :/ )
I asked her to just give me an idea and she looked at them on screen and made a guess at their grade there and then, so maybe it's not that unusual. Keep in mind you will have the two best looking ones at that point put back in.
They can only freeze really good ones too so that's why they push them that extra mile, so they know they will survive, so any you get to freeze will also be great quality.

Have they called you yet to let you know?
This is so exciting! Please keep us up to date on how your tww is going :)
I'm keeping everything crossed for you Hun, when will you be testing? X
Hey bumski thanks for the info !!

I'll be testing from Friday !!! 4dp5dt !!!

They phoned me this morning too say they couldn't freeze any coz they wasny top quality !! The 2 best ones got put back in me she said that that had dvloped very well tho and that it was positive they were still growing fine so am happy with that I know they only freeze the best ones too make sure they survive !!

Am going mad already !! I have felt no cramping or Anythng blahh lol x
Il go take a peek at ur journel now pcct bet your glad its your last week in work!

Bumski your daughter is beautiful!! :)

Congrats on being pupo Betty!! Hope time doesn't drag to much for you! Such an exciting time!!! I have everything crossed for you!!

This pic of my bump was taken on Sunday so was 19weeks 3 days!


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Awwwww bumski your baby girl is just far to cute!!! :) she is simply Beauitful...

G3 yeah am so glad this is my last week :wohoo: is it wrong for me to Saynthat am actually feeling fantastic within my self :haha:

Your bump is fantastic g3 I loveeeeeeeee it!! :dance:
Wow g3mz what a bump you have! Don't forget to post a pic of baby after your scan, I hope you have a great time! X

Pcct not long until you finish work now, do you have anything planned to pass the time? X

Betty how's it going? Have you fought off the temptation to test yet? So looking forward to your bfp :) x

Had the hv round today and baby is now a massive 9lb15oz!
Still got little things that need to keep an eye on tho, she may have a small hernia as her belly button protrudes a lot and her legs look misaligned!
Poor love, she already has 3 Hosp appointments booked for her spine, kidneys and skin tags on her face :(
She's still so perfect though, just don't want her to have to go through anything that may hurt or cause her distress x
Aw sorry to hear about your baby girl :hugs: :hugs: seeing them so young going thru what they have to u just wish u was feeling the pain ... I hope everything goes ok

Not much planned we have oh 2 kids still 2 weeks left so have lots of fun activitys all planned , then when they go home I will write I list of all the baby stuff I still need and hopefully get all the house finished before baby comes :)
Hey ladies!

Betty have you tested?? I have everything crossed for you!!

Good to hear baby is growing well bumski! They don't stay small for long! And bless her with all her appointments such a lot for such a little baby to have to go through! She's so beautiful!

How are you pcct?

Wonder how hope and her little one are doing?

I had my scan today! And I must say I have never been so scared I was crying as she was scanning me! He was being really stubborn and wouldn't. Move for her to get all the measurements so we had to go for a walk and go back! I must say the woman scanning me was lovely very patient and explained everything she was looking at! All was good with baby but my placenta is low lying covering the exit! Lol so placenta previa she told me to go see the midwife straight after the scan so she could explain it to me, I went there and all the midwife said was oh right well hope it grows upwards a bit with your uterus and we will scan again at 32 weeks to check I felt really fobbed off as if she didn't have time for me!! :growlmad: I have the consultant in 2 weeks so hoping he explains more as I made the mistake of googleing it! But the scan woman seen I'm in a lot of pain with my hips nd back its making me walk funny! So she suggest I book in with my midwife but I prob won't get an appointment before I see the consultant anyway! Was lovely to see our little boy again! And the scan woman gave us 7 pictures and told us to put them in my bag and go pay for just one at the desk! Saved myself a bit! It's £3 a photo! :) x

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