Starting IVF in Dec/Jan/Feb on NHS (UK)?

That's good Wallie. I'll give you a wave tomorrow on my way from Edinburgh to Aberdeen! Just hope I don't get stuck there in the snow so I'm taking waay too many drugs for a weekend.
Morning lovelies !!

Samba well done on 6 eggs hun thats more then alot of women get and its quality not quantity it only takes 1 !! good luck with fert report this morning i hope all 6 fertilise for u i only got 5 fert and still have all 5 i feel lucky really.

hello to everyone else hope your all well.
warning long post !!
well i ended up losing my rag yesterday and having a breakdown !! i spoke to my lovely nurse bridget who is so lovely trask samba have u had the pleasure of seeing her ? she told me i would get to tx 2 as nearly 38 and 2 bfn cycles and 1 of them bieng a set 5 day blast tx then the embryologist rang me and set me off again saying basically it depends on the day the quality blah blah i said ultimately it should be my decision i no the risks its my final cycle we dont no the quality of my eggs and there is no guarentee it will work anyway !! she spoke down to me was abrupt would not let me get a word in and was damn right insensitive i was fuming !! i said im not discussing this with u anymore your rude and hung up, i then rang bridgette who rang me back and told me i would be getting 2 that she had just spoke to karen turner the lab manager and she looked at my file and said donna will get 2 !! so all that and me stressing and getting myself upset was totally unneccesary!! bridgette told me i was right with everything i said and that enda mcviegh will be doing my tx and he would put 2 back if of course i still have 2 by tomorrow ?? i so hope i dont have caroline or danielle at my transfer both of them are so arrogant in my job i meet alot of rude arrogant people but never has anyone ever got to me how they did yest !! im a peoples person and i treat people with respect if im in the worng i will put my hands up and apologise but i will not back down on this 1 this is my life my body and should be my decision !! them 2 dont like to put your mind at rest at all they just want to get off the phone and give u the least amount of info they can !! i understand they are busy but ffs have a bit of compassion is all im asking, if this works for me i doubt i will ever go back there for follow up scans etc i will go private i feel very upset about yesterday there was no need for any of it caroline rang me back to say the same as what danielle had said yest morn after bridgette had spoke to them about me bieng upset she spoke to me like i was a kid !! i said to her im probably older then u are i have a 19 year old son dont talk to me like im an idiot !! i cant tolerate rude people and and i feel they are my embies i have the right to no how they are doing how many cells etc last year and year before they told me everything i needed to no and it helped alot sorry girls i just need to vent this is my third and final cycle im anxious u would think they,d of just said we will see you sunday and talk to u then its not up for discussion as far as im concerned i was pressured into tx 1 the first time i dont want to do that again they said it only gives u a 2% chance of it working with having 2 put back well fine at least its 2% more of a chance then !! its unlikely id get twins with having a negative single blast cycle the 1st time i just want the best chance so at least ive tried my best im actually dreading going in tomorrow after yest i feel awkward and thats not fair for me to feel this way samba trask i hope u dont have this issue with them i fit the criteria for 2 also but they were basically saying if i have a good quality blast they would only want to put 1 back if not so good then yes it would be 2 i said no i want 2 watever they grade !! arghhhhh:growlmad: its so frustrating i no im gonna get pressured again tomorrow thats what they do and they shouldnt do it i no the risks i accept them i will update u all tomorrow when home from transfer sorry for the essay just needed to get it out i hope u all understand just feel i should be excited right now about having my embies put back and instead im feeling upset and awkward about tomorrow so nervous so glad my best friend is coming with me she was here yest when they rang and saw the state i was in and how i was spoken to and was totally disgusted ! ricky would end up agreeing with everything they say he isnt like me wont fight our corner !! useless man lol !!! he wont say nothing at the moment tho he no,s better then that !! never mess with a woman who,s full of hormones and the progesterone is just vile !! i forgot to take one thurs night was beside myself yest but bridget said to just take an extra 1 in the day i so hope i havent upset my womb lining ?? stressing about that as well ive had such a bad time lately recently lost my dear old nan and i really miss her i hope shes looking down on me tomorrow !! and gives me the strength i will need if this turns out to be a bfn again hoping its third time lucky ??? everything else seems to have gone great really im so thankful i got to 5 day lets see what tomorrow brings as i no only to well things can change its day by day welcome to the world of ivf !! anyway
take care all and have a great weekend.
AARGH just typed a massive post and the computer ate it like PG's!! :growlmad:

PG tell me about the wind. This morning we were woken up by the 'bum alarm' again- usually it's the DH (dirty b******) but today it was me :blush: so embarrassing, obviously I blame the drugs, hahaha:haha:
Sorry all for lowering the tone, blame PG she started it :kiss:

Anyway, AFM: just back from the scan and thought I would update. This is my 8th day of stims and it looks like I have 10 follies all between 10 and 15 mm in size. They said I will need to go back for a further scan on Monday morning and they are hoping that they will all be about 17 mm but they would get a doc to look at the report and if my dose needs increasing they will give me a ring. That also means that I will get a blood test before 8.30 as well as a scan on Monday.
They said that if they are happy with quantity and size on Monday I might be looking at collection on Wednesday.

Does anybody know, is 10 between 10 and 15 mm any good? I was really hoping for a bit more at this stage but the nurse seemed quite positive.

Re: telling bosses, I have had to tell mine and keep him up to date with what is happening because I changed my job at the beginning of October and where I work now they are strict with sickness and taking time off for doc's and hospital appointments. Basically of course you can attend them but in your own time and I have to clock out and make up the time later! :nope:
My old (female single mother) boss was a lot more sympathetic but this boss is ok really, I think he can be a little awkward because he is a man, he had his kid as an accident when he was 17 or 18, but really when I said that it might not work he told me 'don't worry it WILL work' which is nice.
I haven't told anybody else the exact dates of what is going on and when except for here of course, I just don't want to have to explain if it doesn't work.

Donna, I read your post, don't worry about it being long, you are allowed to rant as much as you want on here :hugs: I too write long posts, so I also enjoy reading long ones.
I think you are also PERFECTLY within your right to be :growlmad: about the silly moo's and if I were you I would definitely make a complaint to PALS. That is no way to treat someone who is going through a time so stressful and emotional those people can't even comprehend it. Most people will never even have to deal with this much stress in their whole lives! I had to complain to PALS a few years ago when I was first referred to a gynae after failing at getting pregnant, when this all started. The hospital cancelled my appointment 6 times, 5 of which they gave me no reason for whatsoever. When I eventually got to see a consultant she was very aloof and brushed me off without even examining me, saying that they would not do anything without doing a :spermy:analysis on the DH first. That's all very well, but why on Earth did I have to wait 4 months to be told that? I eventually ended up with depression about for about 2 years whilst being shifted from pillar to post and with having to wait month after month for being referred to a consultant that then turned out to be the wrong one... ](*,)
Anyway my point is: the NHS is great, yes but the system is by no means flawless, in fact far from it. My complaint resulted in the hospital CHANGING THEIR REFERRAL PROCEDURE which made me feel very very good, like I contributed to making it better for future patients in my situation. I work in the public sector and see a lot of public sector workers treat people like they are a nuisance, when actually those are the very people who pay their taxes and keep us in our jobs and having to provide them a GOOD service is part of the parcel. Nurses or embryologists don't have to do that job, no one is making them do it so if they don't like it they can go and work in Subway.
I think you should calm down, because writing a complaint whilst angry is never good, then write to PALS at your clinic and get them to sort it out. If they don't respond in a timely manner (like a month or 2) just write again giving them a week before you go to the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman (like I did after 3 months) and I promise you they will JUMP!:haha: This is coming from someone who is currently dealing with 4 formal complaints about home care providers including an Ombudsman one and they are a mega pain, nobody wants to do them plus it almost always ends with financial compo for the customer!
Good luck honey, don't get too stressed about them remember all that counts now is making a good home for those embies and giving yourself the best chance for a BFP. I know people sometimes don't help but neither does allowing them to stress you out. Good luck with your transfer on Sunday and fingers crossed for you! :hugs:

Samba, good luck with the fert report, can't wait to hear some good news.
Trask FX for tomorrow morning hope you get lots and lots of good ones, you sure seem to have lots of fertilised ones so far, if I get 9 eggies at all I will be a very happy :bunny: indeed :winkwink:

Everybody else :hi::hugs: and a very good week-end to all xx
Morning hippiehappy and thanku for taking the time to read my post and respond i really appreciated that thanku !!
10 follies sounds great hun !! i had 11 ish i think and ansering your question
Does anybody know, is 10 between 10 and 15 mm any good? I was really hoping for a bit more at this stage but the nurse seemed quite positive.
i had a few at 10 and 9 couple of 17 16 15 on day 9 by day of egg collection i got 11 eggs all mature so hope that helps so at day 8 u are doing just great and my bet is u will get 10 eggs !! good luck :thumbup:

getting back to my dispute with the ofu i am seriously considering complaining but will see how tomorrow goes first and if i am made to feel under pressure or uncomfatable i will deffo go ahead with a complaint, as u say these people just dont understand what we are going through and how stressful it is without them adding unneccasary stress to the list !! no bloody need for it !! im so het up and thats not good for my body. they have spoilt my transfer totally im dreading going now i dont want it to be awkward i feel like they will all of been discussing me and when u said about bieng made to feel like a nuisance u hit the nail on the head !! thats exactly how im made to feel when i call them or dare to question them about anything to do with MY EMBIES !! i keep thinking they will do something to make sure i only get 1 embie tomorrow how bad is that !! im a wreck now !! caroline was really abrupt and so rude to me i just burst into tears !! what a wimp !! if id stayed on that phone i would of said something i later regretted !! and the worst part is i wanted a fag !! i gave up a long time ago but thats how she got me !! had it not of been for my friend i would of smoked 1 as well she said don no u will regret it and feel terrible after !! so glad i didnt now all cos of some nasty insensitive woman who had no regard for my feelings at all im absolutely disgusted by it and i will be complaining to the clinic tomorrow, and yes i think pals ad the ombudsman is a good idea id hate somebody else to be in the state i was yesterday allthough im certain i wasnt the first and sure wont be the last !! im sure many have just taken it on the chin i will not !! i will fight my corner on this 1, i almost cancelled the transfer said to bridget maybe we should just freeze them untill i contacted the eofe in regards to how many i would have transferred she said no u will not donna your getting 2 !! they are just looking out for your best interests !! REALLY !! well they sure as hell have a funny way of showing it and made me cry my eyes out my son didnt no what to do bless him is that right !! to do that is just cruel if u ask me i no that 1 of them is in her 20,s a young woman with alot of attitude another patient told me to watch out for danielle she may be good at looking after embies but she is absolutely crap at dealing with the public and sensitive hormonal emotional women !! spoke to me like i was 10 !! i dont want to deal with the monkeys anymore i want to talk directly with the alban grinder ie mcviegh !! even after 2 failed cycles they have never had me in for a chat about what could of gone wrong different protocol more tests etc nada just ring in when u have your period !! i do feel those on the nhs are treated differently to private patients i really do maybe im wrong but i wish now id never gone to oxford hand on heart i wish id gone to bourne hall which was where i was going to go my friend is pregnant for the third time in a row has had 2 blasts each time and got pregnant with 1 plus she said they are amazing there all so nice and u can ask them whatever u want u are not made to feel like u are wasting they,re precious time !! im going to sit and do a letter to the lab manager at ofu tomorrow as well these 2 need to be spoken to about the way they talk to patients ffs give us a break its hard enough !! anyway sorry ranting again i need to calm down u are so right im going to go and have a cup of tea and a biccy and catch up on my recorded programmes also going to see my doctor monday and tell him about all this i need some time off because i feel i will just breakdown if anyone else talks to me like im shit !!! :cry:
Hippie - FANTASTIC! :happydance: 10 follies sounds like a great number at this stage and I'm sure they'll get growing. How exciting that you might have collection on Wednesday! :hugs:

Donna, so sorry to hear about the clinic being so difficult - it's the last thing you need. Hope that it gets better for you - I agree with Hippie, you should log a complaint with PALS as they have to follow up on everything that goes to them.

Samba - keeping my fingers crossed for your report today.

PG - sorry to hear about work woes. I'm going through something similar at work as my boss and everyone at his level (middle management) are going through a consultation process with the likely outcome being half of them for the chop. I don't have a particularly easy relationship with him at the best of times, but he has completely withdrawn from work now and is leaving me to carry the load. I can understand his lack of motivation, but it is difficult. Mind you, it does mean that he's being super chilled out about me taking time off here and there, because he doesn't give a sh*t any more if you get whay I mean. So not all bad for me. Have no idea who I'll be working with or what I'll be doing from March onwards, but with a bit of luck I'll have a pregnancy to distract me anyway :thumbup:

Hope everyone else is well - I'm off for my haircut now, but will check in later for news from Samba :hugs:
Anyway, AFM: just back from the scan and thought I would update. This is my 8th day of stims and it looks like I have 10 follies all between 10 and 15 mm in size. They said I will need to go back for a further scan on Monday morning and they are hoping that they will all be about 17 mm but they would get a doc to look at the report and if my dose needs increasing they will give me a ring. That also means that I will get a blood test before 8.30 as well as a scan on Monday.

also hippiehappy ( what is your real name btw ) just realised this is your first cycle with icsi if today your smallest follice was a 10 by monday they will be around 14 15 maybe 1 point above or below and by egg collection lovely and big and juicy with a lovely eggie in each hopefully !! so im betting 10 as i said or 9 cant wait to hear how many now !!

also wanted to add im sorry uve had such a crap time with the system and having to deal with your own disputes its really not on especially when u are doing ivf as well !! u sound like a lovely person and strongwilled i love that im the same usually but at the moment im really down in the dumps and people can sense that and take advantage of it !! im no fool and certainly wont be treated like one ive been ttc for a long time and been through alot of heartache to get here i am not going to let them scupper my chances this final time !! the gloves are off !! jeeze the amount of money they are making out of it regardless of whether its funded or not u would think they,d just do as they should and let me be on my merry way !! anyway enjoy your weekend my lovely and i will update u tomorrow

Oh Donna, you sound super stressed :( I am so sorry that you had an awful experience yesterday again on the phones. You now know that you ARE going to have two and that's what you'll tell them tomorrow. It's been agreed by the lab manager and so there is no argument to have.

I can't say whether they treat their nhs patients any differently to their private. We lost our funding because my husband has a son with a previous partner, due to a rule change last year by the EofE.

I really do hope it isn't an awful experience for you tomorrow. Get home and watch something funny on the tv. There is evidence that laughing on day of embryo transfer increases your chances and it all helps!

Hippie, sorry about the wind, I find the progesterone does that to me! 10 follies around that size sounds good to me :) They can grow up to 3mm in a day.

Sophie, enjoy your haircut! Had mine done today too :)

Wallie, glad that the headaches are easing off a bit with the acupuncture.
Hello all

Just a quick check in on our transfer ladies.

Donna - I hope it goes really well today and that you have a lovely stress-free transfer of your best TWO embies :hugs: Let us know how it went...

Traskey - any update from you? Was it today or are you hanging on until Tuesday?

:dust: to you both

Samba - hope those embies of yours are doing well :dust:

Hope everyone is having a nice weekend. I'm feeling quite optimistically bloated and my jeans are definitely tighter than usual, which can't ALL be cake-related can it? :haha:
For the first time EVER I am wishing that Monday morning would hurry up and get here already :haha: Very difficult not to get hopes up...

Catch you all later :hugs:
Morning Ladies

No phone calls for me today :hissy: I want to know how the four are doing!! Feeling sore today... I think I defo over did it yesterday and I think its the cyclogest that is giving me the runs!!! Oh the GLAMOUR!!!

Boobs are still tender and tummy is still sore on the left side.

Trask has an update in her journo :thumbup:

Hope all goes well for you Donna :dust: :dust:

Sophie - The bloatedness has got to be a good sign!! :thumbup: xxx
Sophie, yay for bloating. It's a good sign I think.

AFM, had my call this morning and we have 8 still growing strong so we are going to blastocyst :dance: Transfer is 1pm on Tuesday.

Samba, sorry about the Cyclogest reaction. I get it too :( Hope you get lots of rest today and feel less sore :hugs:
Hey ladies,

samba they wont ring u untill day 3 hun its so frustrating !! im sure u will have 4 lovely embies growing !!! fingers x,d

trask !! well done on 8 !! thats fantastico !!! so lucky to have that many still going on day 3 good luck for tues hun.

hi everyone else hope uve all had a great weekend well afm im officially pupo !!
i had transfer this morning there was no discussion i was just told i got 2 1 blast at this stage they dont like to grade as he said that could of changed by 5 pm today the other 1 was a bit behind but wasnt a morula as past that stage so they couldnt grade it probs not a bad thing but an early blast so im happy to be honest lining was at 10.2 the best so far !! the other 3 embies were behind so im not hopeful they will ring me tomorrow, embyrologist was a guy and ever so nice had a lovely nurse and consultant did tx it was the worst one yet but i had a nice full bladder n very clear uterus and he gave me a scan pic of the embies in utero bless him, he said its 50/50 so were see ive read many success stories with these embies so fingers x,d at least i got to today and got 2 that are still developing so no point bieng negative i no that i have as much chance of this working as the next person ive seen alot of forums n so many excellent grade blasts become a bfn and the not so good quality become twins !! so its down to luck i think and wether the embie is normal etc i will keep u all updated good luck everyone heres hoping we all get our :bfp:s!! and take home babies.

bye for now

Really pleased you got your 2 transfer! BEST OF LUCK!!! IMPLANT EMBIES IMPLANT!!!
Yay for transferring 2 and a pic! I've never seen mine but I did watch them go in on screen :dance:

When is your official test date?
Yay for transferring 2 and a pic! I've never seen mine but I did watch them go in on screen :dance:

When is your official test date?

otd is 9th of feb traskey and im gonna do my best not to test untill then
:happydance: Donna's pupo with twins! :happydance: Big up congrats - hope 9th Feb arrives super quickly for you!
Wow Donna you're the thread's first PUPO! Many congrats :happydance: the 9th will come round quickly enough. Sophie fx for u tomorrow! What time is your scan? Mine is at 8.50. Will go into work after as I have too much on but feeling really ropey today so I wish I could take some time off.

Samba and Traskey, lots of embie growing :dust: for you. Another exciting week ahead for quite a few of us! I'm praying the follies will have grown so that I can go for ER on Wednesday. Like I said, the sooner I can stop the stabbing the better as I'm feeling dead dizzy and sick now.

:hi: to everybody else hope you have all had a top week-end :hugs:
Good luck Hippie!! Hope all goes well for a Weds EC xxx
Hi hippie :hi:

Mine is at 9:30, best of luck for yours too - I shall be thinking of you on my train ride to the clinic :hugs:

I'm toying with the idea of taking the day off anyway, even if the news isn't bad - I'm also feeling quite ropey and feel like it might be nice to have another chilled out day. I really hope that this discomfort is not just my brain making stuff up and there's something going on. I've had to swap the jeans for trackie bottoms - I know I can't have eaten my way out of my jeans in a week, can I? :haha:

Anyway, I'm really hoping that your follies are nice and fat and that you get Wednesday confirmed as ER day :dust:

Hope everyone else is well :hugs:

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