They're £19.99 to buy on their own, but Argos have them in a 2 for £30 deal.
£2.99 for the secret bag, £9.99 for 5 pack and £12.99 for 12 pack. In one shop we get a free secret bag every time we buy a Shopkin related toy.
DD1 has 54 now I think. She went from 1 to 47 in the space of a week. I'm very strict with toys, and they have to be together in tubs. I freak out when something gets lost. Only has the shopping trolley atm but has the mall and fashion boutique for birthday, OH want to get her the fridge and ice cream truck too. Then save the rest for Christmas.
EDIT - Wow. Just currency converted Canadian $ to £. $19.99 = £9.82. £19.99 = $40.68 WTF!?!