While Rio was at nursery I quickly got his presents out to see where I'm at. Sorry for the terrible quality photo, I tried to space them out so that all of the presents are visible but it was hard!
Not in the photo is his main present (kitchen) which will be put up ready before the big day! Along with the accessories and wooden food etc. His superhero outfits, jcb ride on, muddy puddles peppa and George teddies which haven't arrived yet and switch n go dino which is at my mums house.
What I have left to get is a hot wheels car garage, some packs of hot wheels cars to go with it, peppa pig wobbly car, and some pots of play doh.
Does this look ok? Any obvious things missing that a 2.5 year old might like? I feel like his stash will be so small when piled up this year compared to other years but I know family members are getting lots too and I already have no room!