Stay at home Moms!

Woah we had a rough day around here. I flooded our bathroom on accident and spent over 2hrs with our carpet cleaner trying to suck it out of the carpet from outside the bathroom door. It's still not completely dry so we have our AC way down to keep it cool, pull the moisture out and also give it longer to dry before it gets hot and mildews :| Then the boys were going nuts all day, way it wasn't fun around here today lol, very stressful

Mark is off tomorrow and we are having our first date and years...seriously. My sister is coming over to watch the boys for us. I'm really excited!!

Hope everyone has a great weekend!!
how was your date momof3co?? Fun I hope-Id love to do the same!

We've had a really good few days, Brooke and I went to Buggyfit on Friday (Mummy was sooooooo tired!!) and met her little friend for a playdate afters, at the weekend we fed the Ducks and went for lots of walks with Daddy, went to Grandma's for lunch, and today Brooke and I went to a baby group with my old boss and her children :cloud9:

Brooke and I have spent this afternoon dancing happily round the living room to the music channels. . . its sooooooooooooo much fun! I used to LOVE LOVE LOVE going out clubbing and dancing my socks off and really miss it-this is the best of both worlds. :dance:

We're rocking out to Avril Lavigne as we speak. . .:thumbup:
Hope you're all this week too ladies?xx
Haha that's cute! We dance around the living room with the boys all the time too, they LOVE music it's so fun

Our date was awesome! We just went to dinner then to the Cheesecake Factory for dessert but it was so nice having some time just us to talk. We want to start doing it 1-2 times a month now, I think we deserve it lol. He was unemployed for 7mo..just started working last we have been under so much stress trying to make ends meet, it's been pretty bad with the stress. Plus in the almost 7yrs we've been together I think since having Landon over 6yrs ago we have gone out together a handful of times...maybe 5x. So we've always been home with them, I think 1-2 nights a month for dinner or a movie is ok right? I hate leaving them but I need a break sometimes too lol

Hope everyone had a great weekend!
Hi, everyone, I'm Emma, 26 and mummy to 4. Lewis (8), Brad (6), Amber-Elise (5) and baby Theo (8 weeks), I'm a SAHM, my big ones are all in full-time school, OH works 11am til 9pm, so it's just me and LO during the day. We don't have a set routine, just do whatever whenever, mainly feeding Theo or making him smile. Then we go for a walk to fetch the biggens' from school....then the nightmare begins :rofl:
:hi: emsy26

mummyof3co ~ i know what you mean, you need your time together as a couple but that means leaving the kids, but as you say - you both deserve it and it's important that you get that special time together now and again away from the kids.

We had a great weekend, it was Dave's 2nd father's day - 1st with lucas - and he loved every minute of "daddy's day off", so i did all the housework and cooking and childcare to give him some time to put his feet up which i think he enjoyed :)
Hello ladies.. How is everyone??
I am having a boring day today.... it is rainng outside and i have loads of washing to do :( Grrrrr so not sure what else to do.. might write some letters.... might just chill and watch tv lol...

What is everyone else doing today?
Hey all
Im a SAHM to my 3, Anais goes to school and Dylan goes to pre-school 3x afternoons a week. I also look after my niece 2 days a week while my sister works and she is 6 weeks younger than Dyaln and they go to pre-school together :)
Our days are spent doing the housework, playing, and eneraly keeping busy.
Im also studying towards a degree with the Open University so when Harry has his nap i spend the hour studying!! :)
Hey ladies! How was your weekend? Any plans for this week?
Hey ladies! This week should be fun for us....we're going grocery shopping tomorrow morning (for some reason, Valerie and I love grocery shopping, hehe!), we'll be hanging out in the pool tuesday and wednesday, and thursday we are going to the zoo/aquarium. The zoo close to us has a baby elephant right now and I really want Valerie to see it!! Should be a fun week...what are you all up to?
That sounds fun!!!!

We took the boys to the lake yesterday, today we did grocery shopping. Mark will be working all week so most likely won't see the boys :( If so it won't be for long. I'm still trying to get our pool key, as soon as I get that we will be going to the pool....hopefully this week! Other than that no real plans, just hanging around the house. I found a recipe for homemade finger paints so as long as I have everything we are going to try that
Hey ladies, I'm going to be a stay at home starting in September. I went back to work when Connor was 12 weeks and I can remembering thinking there was no way I could leave him but I had to. Now I'm so used to working (3 days a week) I'm not sure what to expect. What do you do for daily activities to keep your LO busy? Any special tips on how you save money? I've always wanted to be a stay at home and now I finally get to be but I must admit, I'm a little nervous, I'm going to miss the social interaction I get from work.
Hi everyone :wave: can I join please

I have just come across this thread and thought Id write as Im a SAHM aswell, I have 3 children, after the summer holidays I will only have Jayden at home with me as Rhianna starts at the same school as Ellis

I already know Donna from here, we live quite close and have met up before :thumbup:

I gave up work 18 months ago after working in a nursery for 13 years, then in the May we started trying for Jayden, it happened straight away and it now feels like hes been here forever, hes super scrummy, I love all 3 of them

I did have a routine for Jayden but with the summer holidays now he tends to sleep in longer in the mornings so that has changed the whole days routine but its all good, I meet up with a couple of friends and in the holidays there is my sis-in-law with her 2 children, my kiddies are quite independent and I like it like that, at the mo they are painting outside and before that they were playing on the trampoline, I gotta get dinner on the go now, tuna pasta bake I think, yummy :happydance:
Hello everyone!

I am a stay at home mum too and love it.
I do have a routine because the elder ones go to school and have other activities, so we have to do a lot of planning! But I love to be home for the children, it is busy enough as it is without to worry about another job!!!

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