Sticking together until we all get prego!

JWC13- not going to lie I used an ic today knowing full well what I was going to see.
:bfn: duh.
what about you? crack today? 10dpo is more likely than 9dpo just saying.

haha of course I cracked- right before lunch I tested (I wanted to wait til tonight of course) and BFN. I haven't had any more spotting today...yet (but I have had some very light cramping all day). So I'm going to try to wait to test again tomorrow after work but again, who am I kidding, I'll still test tonight too.
Pinkee - nothing really. Just temps staying low and no stain since the other day. Just a feeling that my cycle restarted itself and im just waiting to O.
aaaand bright red spotting has now started. Thinking I'm out as this is always how AF starts...
.... I'm so sorry Jwc. Was really hoping this would be your cycle. Have you considered meeting with a fertility specialist and having your hormone levels tested? It really does sound like low progesterone and a couple cycles using the cream may still help, but it might be nice to have a specialist weigh in. *Big hugs* and I hope you get this figured out soon.
.... I'm so sorry Jwc. Was really hoping this would be your cycle. Have you considered meeting with a fertility specialist and having your hormone levels tested? It really does sound like low progesterone and a couple cycles using the cream may still help, but it might be nice to have a specialist weigh in. *Big hugs* and I hope you get this figured out soon.

Thanks Artsy! The spotting hasn't turned into a AF yet. The red spotting only lasted a couple of hours but who knows what today brings. What confuses me about the short LP is that my temps are high during LP which would tell me that it might not be a progesterone issue, right? Unfortunately where I live, they tell us to try to conceive for a year before they will explore fertility issues. I think though that if I have another couple of months of early spotting I'll insist that I get checked because I can't wait a year for that. We will see.
I'm sorry JWC :( How frustrating for you...I'm right there with you. AF arrived for me this morning. CD1 - crappy day. Maybe we'll be cycle buddies?! A small silver lining.

I think it's a good idea to get it checked out if you're having early spotting and things that are unusual for you. Better safe than sorry. I'm going to head to my doctor to ask about my super faint tests, while still getting my period. I want to make sure my levels are all good after the MC and there isn't anything left in there that could impede pregnancy. The good news is my cycle went back to it's usual length this time around and my LP was 13 days, one day longer than last time.

Where do you live? It's the same where I live, you have to wait a year (unless you're over 35 then I think it's 6 months). This is going to sound awful but can you just...lie? And say it's been a year? Maybe that's horrendous of me but if it's been multiple months I would just fudge the truth a little bit.
Negative tests and spotting for me :coffee:. Hopefully catch next month :dust:
I'm sorry JWC :( How frustrating for you...I'm right there with you. AF arrived for me this morning. CD1 - crappy day. Maybe we'll be cycle buddies?! A small silver lining.

I think it's a good idea to get it checked out if you're having early spotting and things that are unusual for you. Better safe than sorry. I'm going to head to my doctor to ask about my super faint tests, while still getting my period. I want to make sure my levels are all good after the MC and there isn't anything left in there that could impede pregnancy. The good news is my cycle went back to it's usual length this time around and my LP was 13 days, one day longer than last time.

Where do you live? It's the same where I live, you have to wait a year (unless you're over 35 then I think it's 6 months). This is going to sound awful but can you just...lie? And say it's been a year? Maybe that's horrendous of me but if it's been multiple months I would just fudge the truth a little bit.

So sorry Alli- I really thought this would be our month, but like you said, we can be cycle buddies next month and maybe it will work out that month! :)
I live in North Carolina. I had my annual exam a few weeks ago but my normal Dr. was out so I saw someone I had never seen before. She said that she didn't believe an LP defect was a thing and didn't seem concerned at all about progesterone. I don't trust this lady and left feeling pretty annoyed that she just brushed everything off like no big deal. I know my normal Dr. wouldn't have done that.

The issue with saying that we started trying earlier is that I went to the Dr. in April to have the pre-conception blood work done (can't remember the actual name but it looked for anything that might be cause for concern if I got pregnant, like to see if I was a CF carrier,etc.). So they have notes that I wasn't TTC as of that date. While we didn't technically start trying until May, I could say we started in April but that only buys me a month.

On a separate note I took another IC today and it was a glaring BFN. It was so white it was blinding lol. Not really much spotting today but the BFN on 11dpo makes me really feel like I'm out for good.
Ah yes JWC that would put a wrinkle in things I'm sure if they have that on file. I'm sorry. Maybe visit your usual GP to ask about the LP length? I feel like that other doctor was clearly misinformed... I will pray for us both this cycle <3

We've also started trying in May, so maybe this will bring good things for us both!
After 4 days of spotting, AF got me today. On to the next cycle!
So sorry, JWC. At least now you know and there’s no more limbo. I hope we both get pregnant this next cycle!! We are only a day apart.. cycle buddies.
Aww, so sorry to hear about af Alli and Jwc! Good luck to you also Unique! I hope that you all get those bfps this month! On the plus side if you do, July is a great month for birthday parties if you conceive this cycle!
Unique- any update?

AFM I'm 4dpo. I'm feeling really down this cycle. This is cycle #5 so obviously I feel petty and selfish for feeling this way given that so many on these boards have been trying for so much longer. I think it's really just that I had this idea in my head that I would definitely be pregnant by the end of the year. I had all of these visions of being pregnant at Christmas and having a spring or summer baby.

Now that it is October and I won't be able to test again until first week of November, that means that I only have 2 chances left to get pregnant in 2017.

One of my best friends just got engaged and asked me to be a bridesmaid in her wedding which is 9/1 next year. When thinking of that date, I wonder if I'll already have a newborn, be pregnant, or still TTC. It's weird to think about.

Sorry for the sad post but I knew that all of you would understand and I love having you ladies as a source of support. I really appreciate it :)
JWC I totally understand. It's crappy. We also started trying in May and I am supposed to be 20 weeks pregnant right now, but we miscarried in July/August. It's not fair. I was supposed to be big and pregnant at Christmas (I was due February 26). I had all these fun ideas planned and now, if I'm lucky, we'll just be finishing up the first trimester. I am SO HOPEFUL that will be the case for both of us, but it's hard not to think it just won't happen again. Hugs.
I know Alli- it just doesn't seem fair. I learned this weekend that one of my best friends sisters is 20 weeks and got pregnant accidentally. All I could think was, seriously? Here I am trying my hardest, doing literally everything possible to get pregnant and nothing, yet someone else accidentally gets pregnant without trying.

Anyway, I'm done with my pity party :) There are so many out there going through so much worse and I need to put things into perspective. At the end of the day I have a great life and feel positive that we will have children one day. I just need to be patient.
OMG pregnant accidentally! Isn't that just the dream.... one of my best friends got pregnant accidentally 7 years ago. Literally, she had no idea until she was 6 months along. She was on the pill and (she says) continued to get her period monthly. And here we are tracking every little thing. It seems so unfair sometimes. I think it's fair to have pity parties sometimes...we need to, or we'll go crazy from despair. The key is to not unpack and live there, which I think you're doing a great job of trying to be positive! Being patient is so hard...I'm happy we have each other and the other ladies here to commiserate with.
Hi ladies
I'm wondering if I can join??? I'm currently almost 33 borderline TTC #2 also in cycle 5. JCW I read some of your posts and spotting mid cycle totally sucks. With dd I did have implantation bleeding but it was just a few spots of pink blood every so often over the course of 4 days starting at 6 dpo...
Unique before baby I also had spotting 4-5 days before period and was the same. Always knew if it started I wasn't preggers. Funny thing though I retained some placenta after delivering dd and had a d&c and have only recently had spotting again before period. I wonder if something like that would help you????
Also it took me 10 cycles to get dd with only a couple breaks so please don't give up yet and I hope we can be buddies

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