Sticking together until we all get prego!

That's a good article. I miss the constant bd..... just to give encouragement it took me 10 cycles with dd. I'm sure there will be good news in this group soon. Baby dust to all
Jwc- I am almost 14 weeks (on Wednesday). At this point in my pregnancy it's time to wean off the progesterone cream. I'm kind of nervous about it as I firmly believe taking it helped me make it through this trimester. But I know that by this point the placenta should be producing all of the progesterone baby needs and my midwife also suggested weaning off by week 14. So I have lowered my dosages and today I will completely skip taking it and only use it every other day until I run out by the end of week 14.

I am really torn on finding out the gender. I only have girls (3) and know that my husband will be especially dissapointed if we don't have a boy. But once baby is born there really is no room for dissapointment, only love. So I am leaning towards not finding out this time.

On a really positive note I'll share a tremendous blessing with you! My husband and I currently live in a very small 2 bedroom house. I had been house hunting since March (we're renting) and gave up in July when I suffered a cp and on the same day received a phone call that the 4 bedroom house we were approved to rent was now being rented to another family due to a miscommunication on the landlords end. I was pretty devasted. But my husband wanted to ttc (I wanted to but after 2 cps in 4 months I was pretty nervous) and we did at the end of July. At any rate, I was resigned to stay in this small house until we are ready to buy (another year or two) but by the grace of God we quite unexpectedly found a beautiful 5 bedroom house in our price range and signed the lease last Saturday! We move in after Thanksgiving! If baby is a boy I can decorate a nursery for him and if baby is a girl our oldest daughter can have her own room. And the house is plenty spacious enough for my homebirth and birth pool! It really is such a blessing and a surprise!
Oh yay! How wonderful, Artsy. That is fantastic news, and well timed too given the new baby (last think you want to do is be moving when you're hugely pregnant).

Good luck coming off the cream, I'm sure if your midwife recommends it will be all good!
That's so amazing, Artsy! I love when things unexpectedly work out like that, makes them all the sweeter!
Thank you Alli and Jwc! I'll be 20 weeks once we move in and that gives me another 20 to settle in and make the house a home. It was so unexpected and honestly a really needed move. My widowed dad can move in with us too so we really do need the big house. That makes us a family of 7 coming April. We will definitely fill it out.

I love reading your updates. Really hopeful for both of you <3 It's neat to see the changing dynamic on this thread with different people coming and going. We've been through these last few months together which I think is really awesome. Sending some big virtual hugs your way!

I'm looking forward to getting to know all of you who have recently joined too :)
I so agree Artsy - this place is like a funny little family. I tell my DH I’m talking to my pregnancy message board friends. At first he was like ‘huh?’ But now he just smiles and says ‘okay!’ I love it!
I so agree Artsy - this place is like a funny little family. I tell my DH I’m talking to my pregnancy message board friends. At first he was like ‘huh?’ But now he just smiles and says ‘okay!’ I love it!

Hahaha! I do the same thing, I think he is really happy I have a supportive group of gals to turn to! It's been keeping me calm and helping make this a fun adventure instead of being stressed and anxious <3
I totally agree - keeps me calm and sane as well, and I don't have to go to google for all my TTC questions.
How is everyone doing? Where are y'all in your cycles?
Surprisingly I think I am 1dpo!! Pretty sure I O’d yesterday, 2 days before I thought I would. I think it probably happened overnight or in the evening, I had O pain at night on the couch watching TV! Yesterday was cd13, I thought for sure I would O cd15 again!! But I had a big temp rise today, over half a degree. We will see what the next few days temps bring.
Congrats for making it to the second trimester artsy. It's always scary to give up something that's been good to you...I hope you have a great rest of your pregnancy.
Alli congrats on o day that's good and a few days difference is normal.
Afm the witch came one day early. I'm not too surprised because I've read that since I'm still breast feeding 8-10 times a day I could have high levels of prolactin (hormone that makes milk) which could interfere with fertility and implantation. I'm hoping with dd turning 2 next month we won't have to wait too long though we did try for 10 months with her. In other news we painted a pumpkin and dd is running around talking about ghosts except it comes out goat. So stinking cute. Good luck to everyone still waiting and here's hoping we get a few thanksgiving and Christmas bfps.
Artsy- I can't believe you are already 14 weeks, the time went by so quickly. One of my best friends is also 14 weeks and they just found out they are having a little girl. They dealt with fertility issues for about a year and a half and the cycle before she was going to start clomid she got her BFP. I'm so beyond happy for them as I've seen how difficult the last year or so has been for them ttc. I'm hoping we get our BFP soon so our babies will be close in age and we can experience the big milestones together.

Alli- yay for being in the tww! Now the countdown begins to poas!

babybum- the good thing is that with AF coming early it means you are one more day closer to ovulating and hopefully getting that BFP!

AFM I'm on cd14 and usually O on cd20 so I have about a week to go. DH and I are going to start bding tomorrow in preparation. Just ready for O to get here so I can drive myself crazy in the tww :)
I’m expecting crosshairs tomorrow as my temp stayed high today. Bodies are so funny, O’ing 2 days sooner than expected. But I won’t complain! I feel really good about it and confident and a lot more relaxed this time around. I feel peaceful and not anxious (yet lol).

I also got my blood tested to see why I was getting those faint positives months after my Mc and as of Wednesday my levels were below 1! So I know any new positive I have is real. Yay
How is everyone doing? Any updates?

Today is cd18 and I usually always get my first positive OPK on cd19 so hopefully that still happens tomorrow! DH and I have been BDing every other day with plans to BD the day I get my first positive OPK as well as the day after (I always get 2 days of positive OPKs and usually O on the second day). I'm super anxious to be in the TWW already.

Last night I had the most vivid dream that I got super dark lines on a HPT and it was such an amazing feeling. Hopefully the dream was foreshadowing what will happen in the next couple of weeks :)
OOohh JWC amazing dream! I love that.

I am 6dpo...!! Crazy. Getting antsy to test. Creamy CM with some yellow'ish/beige spotting around 4-5dpo. Also felt really stabby pains at 4-5dpo. Lower left pelvis. Similar to O pains but wrong spot, felt more like AF cramps in terms of location (but not the ache of AF cramps. I hope I'm making sense). No breast tenderness yet which I had last cycle around 4dpo...not sure if that's good or bad, just noting it down.

I feel really positive and almost certain about this cycle. Just a really good feeling about it. I also feel a lot more calm than last time around too.
Alli- I love that positive attitude! I hope that it means that you get your BFP this cycle. I'm definitely much calmer this cycle and less stressed. I can't say that I necessarily feel positive that this will be my cycle, but I'm not allowing myself to get upset if it isn't. Previously, I've been so focused on getting pregnant before Christmas and needing it to happen by a certain date and instead I'm realizing that it will happen for us when the time is right.

It's so easy to get stuck in this TTC craziness. I keep trying to remember that women get pregnant all the time, and at some point I will be one of those women. I'll still be disappointed if this isn't our cycle, but I'll be ok too :)
I think I feel similar to you JWC. I wanted desperately to be pregnant at Christmas, and then pregnant by the time our due date (Feb 26) rolls around. That's just healing for me to think about, and I think it will be really tough to not be pregnant on that day. the same you say, it will happen when the time is right and I'm doing everything right. Nothing we do/don't do will speed this up.

I can't explain why I feel so positive. I felt like I was kinda faking being positive the last cycle, like I was talking myself into it. This cycle it's like I'm talking myself into being negative, preparing myself just in case because I feel really sure we caught the egg.
I think I feel similar to you JWC. I wanted desperately to be pregnant at Christmas, and then pregnant by the time our due date (Feb 26) rolls around. That's just healing for me to think about, and I think it will be really tough to not be pregnant on that day. the same you say, it will happen when the time is right and I'm doing everything right. Nothing we do/don't do will speed this up.

I can't explain why I feel so positive. I felt like I was kinda faking being positive the last cycle, like I was talking myself into it. This cycle it's like I'm talking myself into being negative, preparing myself just in case because I feel really sure we caught the egg.
Ali that's awesome you feel so sure. I think even just calming down and being in a better mental health place helps a lot. I hope you all get your sticky bfp soon. It's defiantly an adventure...
Hello ladies! May I join you in TTC? It is always nice to have someone to talk to about the TTC struggles. DH and I have been trying for #1 since September of last year and if at first it felt like a breeze, like it will happen very soon, we didn't feel any pressure, but it became very stressful after about 7 months of trying. Tracking temp, ovulation testing, counting the days till I could POAS really got to me. So I stopped, took some much needed time off of actively monitoring my cycles and we just lived our lives for several months. Yesterday I made an appointment with my Dr, I am ready for the next step in TTC and possibly looking into IUI and IVF. And I would really love it if I could join a group of ladies to go through TTC together. Hoping everyone in this thread will get bfps soon!

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