Sticking together until we all get prego!

Hi tablefortwo! I'm sorry this has been such a struggle for you. I can only imagine the frustration and good for you for taking some time away. I think that's so helpful! Good luck to you!
Thanks Alligator! Thats awesome you are feeling so positive! I am sure positive thoughts do miracles. I will be waiting excitedly for your POAS day and will keep my fingers crossed for you!
Aw you're so kind..thank you so much! I will take all the finger crossing I can get.
I think I feel similar to you JWC. I wanted desperately to be pregnant at Christmas, and then pregnant by the time our due date (Feb 26) rolls around. That's just healing for me to think about, and I think it will be really tough to not be pregnant on that day. the same you say, it will happen when the time is right and I'm doing everything right. Nothing we do/don't do will speed this up.

I can't explain why I feel so positive. I felt like I was kinda faking being positive the last cycle, like I was talking myself into it. This cycle it's like I'm talking myself into being negative, preparing myself just in case because I feel really sure we caught the egg.

I feel the same way, It's funny, because even when we weren't trying I would get so caught up in whether I would get pregnant anyway, getting anxious about af every month. This is the first month in a long time I just feel very calm about all of it. Looking forward to seeing whether we caught the egg or not, but def not worked up at all like I used to feel. I don't know I just feel really good about it, like we did all we could and now only time will tell!
I totally feel the same bebe. I, of course, will be a bit sad if we didn't catch the egg, but I know we will soon, and we just have to keep trying.
That's great that you feel so calm ladies! I definitely cant say the same about myself. I was calm for last 4 months since I wasn't tracking anything, I wasn't even sure when my next period would start lol. it was a surprise every month. But now since I am starting to pay attention and track again I cant wait for Nov 20th and I am only on day 2 of my cycle!
tablefortwo I feel you! Now that my testing date nears I'm getting a bit more anxious. Still more calm than last cycle, which is good since last cycle I was a total wreck!

Cramps on/off all morning. Feels like AF cramps but a bit more mild. Also creamy CM.
Table for two I feel calm about the general vibe of the cycle but I seem to be making up for it in spades with the emotional roller coaster I seem to be on lol. Idk what it is but my emotions in general have been such a wreck since around 3-4DPO
Loving the positive vibe. Its good to just be okay with whatever happens. Its not easy TTC especially when it doesn't happen immediately and no one understands why you have to try.
AFM I am waiting to ovulate but not tracking just gonna DTD when the moment strikes. Dd is getting big quick. She's starting to talk a lot more and its really fun to see her personality. Its rough thinking about her being 2 in a month and it just flies by so quick. Lots of luck
Thank you JWC! How are you doing? Where are you in your cycle? Sorry I have been so absent, life is awfully busy right now :)

Alli- When do you plan on testing? My fingers are crossed for you!

Bebe, Babybum and Table42, welcome! :D
Artsy I think I'll test tomorrow...9dpo. Don't think I can wait longer than that. Have felt cramping (exactly like AF was going to arrive) most of the day yesterday and a little bit this am. I hope that's a good sign but I don't know I don't feel super positive anymore. Maybe trying to prep myself just in case.
Hi, can I join? We just decided to take the leap to ttc a second child. We are hoping for another girl.

I haven't done any charting. We only bd I think 5 days before I think I ovulated, so I'm just waiting for next cycle to start!
Welcome starlight. That sounds like me. These boards have gotten quiet lately but I'm hoping this thread stays active
Hey ladies, sorry i've been awol in this thread. Was so caught up in october/november testers thread. Will try to keep up here as well.. :wave: Ali...

I know the owner of this thread. She and i were part of the group she was telling about... hope to increase that circle of friends til we all get a :bfp:

5 dpo - heavy sore tender boobs.... feels like i just had a boob surgery... it hurst real bad... blaming it on progesterone for now.
Im loving your chart, Ali.. FX it keeps on rising.....

Thanks md...

It's interesting I did a chart overlay and the last two cycles I tracked I had a slight drop at 9dpo...down for a few days then up a bit and back down before AF. But it went up slightly this am...interesting.
I agree Ali... I have been checking out your charts all the time and the others of course :haha: and looking at the other 2 charts you have, its really doing different. I got all my fingers crossed your temps keep on rising.....
Thank you! Nothing to do but wait and see and cross my fingers :)
Hi everyone! Can I join in!? :D I'm TTC #1, first cycle. DH and I are both hoping to get a BFP quickly! I keep promising myself I'm not going to obsess, but I somehow find myself back on this forum almost every day!!

A little about me: :)

I'm Sheri. DH and I are both 30 years old, and this is my first full cycle TTC since IUD removal at the end of September. TTC is a whole new world for me, so I've been googling a TON of questions as they come up, and I seem to find a lot of answers in these forums. This community seems AWESOME for TTC and mamas to be, so here I am! Hello everyone!!
Hi Sherii! Welcome. This is a wonderful community! good luck <3

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