Hey guys...pretty sure Bebe and I are in the same boat....
I was 3 days late and told myself I would not test again until Sunday (yesterday), but I woke up Saturday and felt like my period was starting (TMI alert), ran to the bathroom and about doubled over in cramping pain and bleed SO much bright red blood and what looked like clotting/tissue. Most of Saturday I bled so much I had to change tampons every 2 hours and wore a panty liner for backup. It was that bad and the few waves of cramping came on very suddenly and sharply. Quite painful. Sunday, the bright red blood and clotting continued, although lessened in quantity. I woke up this morning to just a tiny bit of blood. I will watch it throughout the day, but if I had to guess I had an early miscarriage/CP this weekend Side note: I don't ever clot, at least nothing like this
Thoughts anyone?
Hi lulu. I'm sorry that sucks. Do you know for sure when you ovulate??? I've had late periods that seem heavier but it could just be an extra build up of lining...years ago I had a 6 week long cycle not preggo and my next cycle was super heavy so it could be just about everything unless you testee..
Alligator I
Thanks for the reply. I would tend to agree about hormones if it was months not years later. I know my d&c was different in that it was post partum and I am breastfeeding which can stop ovulation or at least interfere but if that was the case I would not expect such regular cycles. I would expect to have more anovulary cycles but like I say earlier this year I took a couple cycles of tests and had my usual results with a 13 day leutal phase and af has stayed consistent. I don't know what's going on this cycle. Here's hoping I get some answers in a week or so. On top of it all I have a cold and just feel like crap