Sticking together until we all get prego!

Hey guys...pretty sure Bebe and I are in the same boat....:wacko:

I was 3 days late and told myself I would not test again until Sunday (yesterday), but I woke up Saturday and felt like my period was starting (TMI alert), ran to the bathroom and about doubled over in cramping pain and bleed SO much bright red blood and what looked like clotting/tissue. Most of Saturday I bled so much I had to change tampons every 2 hours and wore a panty liner for backup. It was that bad and the few waves of cramping came on very suddenly and sharply. Quite painful. Sunday, the bright red blood and clotting continued, although lessened in quantity. I woke up this morning to just a tiny bit of blood. I will watch it throughout the day, but if I had to guess I had an early miscarriage/CP this weekend Side note: I don't ever clot, at least nothing like this

Thoughts anyone?

Hi lulu. I'm sorry that sucks. Do you know for sure when you ovulate??? I've had late periods that seem heavier but it could just be an extra build up of lining...years ago I had a 6 week long cycle not preggo and my next cycle was super heavy so it could be just about everything unless you testee..

Alligator I
Thanks for the reply. I would tend to agree about hormones if it was months not years later. I know my d&c was different in that it was post partum and I am breastfeeding which can stop ovulation or at least interfere but if that was the case I would not expect such regular cycles. I would expect to have more anovulary cycles but like I say earlier this year I took a couple cycles of tests and had my usual results with a 13 day leutal phase and af has stayed consistent. I don't know what's going on this cycle. Here's hoping I get some answers in a week or so. On top of it all I have a cold and just feel like crap
BabyBum - I am almost 100% positive I ovulated either the night of Fri, Nov 17th or Sat Nov 18th. I used OPK's and received clear positives on both Thurs the 16th and Friday. If that was the case then this weird "period" started 3 days late (since I normally have a 26 or 27 day cycle) on 15 or 16dpo.

OB had me come in this morning for blood work. Beta testing and Rh factor test. Should know more (or less) tomorrow I guess.
Hey guys...pretty sure Bebe and I are in the same boat....:wacko:

I was 3 days late and told myself I would not test again until Sunday (yesterday), but I woke up Saturday and felt like my period was starting (TMI alert), ran to the bathroom and about doubled over in cramping pain and bleed SO much bright red blood and what looked like clotting/tissue. Most of Saturday I bled so much I had to change tampons every 2 hours and wore a panty liner for backup. It was that bad and the few waves of cramping came on very suddenly and sharply. Quite painful. Sunday, the bright red blood and clotting continued, although lessened in quantity. I woke up this morning to just a tiny bit of blood. I will watch it throughout the day, but if I had to guess I had an early miscarriage/CP this weekend Side note: I don't ever clot, at least nothing like this

Thoughts anyone?

Lulu, that sounds EXACTLY like what I'm going through, felt like labor pains (what I imagine labor to feel like), except my blood was stringy and mucousy and dark red, and it didn't even fill my diva cup half way. Seeing the doctor tomorrow, I'll let you know what she says <3
Lulu I'm so so sorry! Please keep us updated on how things go with your bloodwork.
I'm cd 20 today spotting on and off the last 3-4 days, went to dr today and going for a scan tomoro.
FX it's IB. Goodluck and hopeful for good results.
Hope it's nothing serious and you get answers soon from your doc.
FX it's IB. Goodluck and hopeful for good results.

Thank you I think it's to early for ib and to heavy but my last period was all over the place too so who knows.

I thought my bleeding was too heavy for IB this month, but "af" was only 2 days and I saw my doctor yesterday; she said it very well could be IB (but mine was on 14DPO, maybe 13 if I counted wrong?) Anyway, apparently IB can be on the heavier side for some women....I don't know if Im pg or not right now. She said to wait 2 weeks before testing again amd told me to come back for a blood test.
Can't comment if either of you are pg or not but did want to throw out there I had ib with my dd. Started spotting a few days after my o on and off for a week. People think it can only be a spot for a day but it could happen heavier or longer in some. I never needed any pantiliners or anything but whose to say a super light or weird period wouldn't also happen. Good luck...
Yeah, mine was tons more than spotting. It was a two-day-long, dark red, egg-white cervical mucous on steroids-type bleed, that filled a little less than half a diva cup. That's why I was sure it could NOT be IB. But apparently it's still within the realm of IB...I wouldn't believe that if my doctor didn't tell me. Anywhere you look online says anything heavier than spotting is not IB. Still don't think I'm pregnant but not sure what this was then either.
I see why you would be confused. I think it's still a good idea to test in a few days if it is ib you could see a bfp within a couple days of when it ends. I got mine 2 days after ib stopped. That said I would also say if you just had a cp your hormones might be out of wacky still. I know my periods before pregnancy were double what I experience now in flow and I'm not pregnant given they have been consistent for 2 years now it might just be my new normal. Though last cycle was half as heavy as my new normal but more than spotting so I find that interesting it could be classified as ib. Good luck
Thanks, I think at this point Im mostly just hoping I O normally this cycle and get my BFP around Jan 5th. A girl can dream &#10084;
Thanks, I think at this point Im mostly just hoping I O normally this cycle and get my BFP around Jan 5th. A girl can dream &#10084;

If you had a CP, then your tests should be showing negative by now. I would test again soon to see how they compare with your tests last week. I also had IB bleeding but to be fair I spotted for a few days prior to AF every cycle including the cycle with the CP and the cycle with my BFP. With my CP I bled fairly heavy for 4 or so days all the while getting positive tests (darker each day). Then once the bleeding stopped, my test got lighter then faded to almost totally negative the next day. Then I started bleeding again (actually AF this time) for about 2 days. I'm not sure if this helps at all, all women are different so it's so hard to know one way or another what to expect.

If this is a CP for you, you should still ovulate at your normal time this cycle. It seems that most people's O day stays pretty consistent even after a CP.
Thencomesbebe- Definitely test again in a few days! It only takes 2 or 3 days after implantation for enough hcg to be in your system to show up on a hpt. I had a chemical the cycle before this current pregnancy and O'd on cd 11 (usually O on cd 16), only 4 days after the bleeding stopped. I only took an opk because I was having a lot of ewcm super early for me, and it was almost +. I used another opk the next day and got a definite +, O'd the following day and have my rainbow baby now. So keep a close eye on it. An early cp shouldn't mess up your cycle too much (if that is what happened) or you might even O early like I did.
Please could I join

I had a really close knit group with both of mine and I&#8217;m
Looking to start to ttc again

Well ntnp we think at first as I don&#8217;t want stress myself with it all but I&#8217;m already looking through all the testing pics and i seriously miss peeing on a stick

Hope everyone&#8217;s ok x
Yeah, mine was tons more than spotting. It was a two-day-long, dark red, egg-white cervical mucous on steroids-type bleed, that filled a little less than half a diva cup. That's why I was sure it could NOT be IB. But apparently it's still within the realm of IB...I wouldn't believe that if my doctor didn't tell me. Anywhere you look online says anything heavier than spotting is not IB. Still don't think I'm pregnant but not sure what this was then either.

This is sounds similar to what I'm
Having except that it's been longer then 2 days and each time I put a liner or pad on it stops for like a day ??

Anyways I'm waiting for my scan now...
Thanks ladies! I will keep you updated with what I find out. Just started having a heavy feeling in my uterus and lower back and on and off breast tenderness all morning. WhatEVER it is that happened, my body is super confused right now. I am super curious as to what actually happened. Still guessing CP. But I promise to test again soon and let you know!

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