Sticking Together Until We Are In Diapers Ourselves!

Omg jyllian I always base my progress on yours.. Like I'll be there soon after you? Anyway, I can't believe you're 35 weeks... Uh... I'm not ready!! I have a merjillion things to do beforehand!
35 weeks today!


Honestly, I think is full of sh*t. A coconut? Come on, really?! I beg to differ... it feels like there's a Tonka truck in there. 35 more days to go... I'm excited, anxious, nervous and stressing out!

I didn't hear back from the volunteer ultrasound lady so didn't go this morning and no idea if I'll be offered another day/time but it's whatever. I do have a doctor appointment this afternoon in a little over 5 hours. I'm anxious to see what he has to say, if anything to report. If nothing's going on I'm totally fine with that, as I need to clean my house top to bottom still. My mom said she would wash baby clothes for me today while I'm at work :thumbup:

OH, the kiddos and I went shopping for out maternity photo shoot clothing yesterday evening. We had no idea what we were going for but ended up with this:


L-R is a knee length dress for me, longer dress for DD, plaid button up for OH and polo for DS. I was hoping for a long length dress but couldn't find one I liked, however, did see one in a similar color online and ordered two different sizes hoping it'll arrive by next Wednesday evening but if not it's not a big deal.

Had the worst sleep last night. Tossed and turned a lot, could not get comfortable, got up to pee as usual at about 2am, OH's phone went off with an Amber Alert at around 3am, tossed and turned some more then his alarm went off at about 5:30. I usually get up with him in the morning but didn't budge today until I really had to get out of bed to get ready for work. Having some mild, yet sharp and semi-painful zaps of discomfort in my lower belly near my pubic area but off to the right mostly and a bit to the left. Not sure if it's the pants I'm wearing or just my body stretching some more :shrug: I swear I'm dropping EVERYTHING I touch today which is super annoying as I haaate bending down to pick stuff up. Once I got to work and dropped a pen on the floor in the lab, I said "F it" and left it there. I tried to shave my lady bits as best I could this morning and omigawwwd it's such a chore! I loathe feeling as I need to do this once a week now. I tried sitting on the floor with a mirror and that DEF wasn't gonna work. I'm more of a blind groomer I suppose, just go for it and hope for the best :laugh2:
A coconut? They're not fooling anybody. :haha:

Love the outfits you all picked out. I've given up buying clothes now and wear a lot of my husband's while at home.

It's funny you should mention shaving because I had the same plan for tonight. Not so tempting now :rofl:
A girl due a week before me was given the "any day now" and I freaked out! DH is traveling this weekend and next....stay in there baby!!
Kirsty omigawwwd I was not enjoying trying on dresses... or anything for that matter. I had some cuuuute stuff - cute on the hanger - but then I pulled it over my head and HOLY CRAP that's A LOT of fabric! It made me look SUPER wide from the side view. The only way I somewhat liked anything was if I held my arms under my belly to contour the shape, otherwise I looked like a ginormous parachute :rofl: That's kind of why I like longer length dresses, they hang nicer and seem much more flattering. Form fitted short dresses are nice as well, but loose flowy ones NO WAY not for me :nope:

Ahhhh Dani don't say that!!! I'm not ready! I'm super stressed today and feel like I need to clean the entire house and finish EVERYTHING right now. OH has Friday-Sunday off work so I will have him help me do just that and be done with it :thumbup:
For those that don't follow my journal:

I have a midwife appointment this afternoon.

Just weighed Luca on the scales at work and he's nearing 20lbs if they're correct!!

Wow he is getting so big :hugs: Hope the appointment at the midwife went well!

Welcome to the thread, Jump! Hope your pregnancy is going well. I love seeing your updates!

Hope everyone is doing well! Though I've been quiet as I've been waiting to go on a medicated cycle and get a BFP again, I've been reading every day to keep up!

Glad to see your still around :hugs:
Um holy throwback! Was looking all the way down through the start of my Google photos saved online and found this from July 4th, 2013 :laugh2:

I have this bikini... I should squeeze into it and recreate the photo :rofl:

definitely over here waiting for the pregnant version!:winkwink:
(and stalking this thread now for baby news!:ninja:)

Hi Jump!

For those that don't follow my journal:

I have a midwife appointment this afternoon.

Just weighed Luca on the scales at work and he's nearing 20lbs if they're correct!!

How did your appointment go?

Welcome to the thread, Jump! Hope your pregnancy is going well. I love seeing your updates!

Hope everyone is doing well! Though I've been quiet as I've been waiting to go on a medicated cycle and get a BFP again, I've been reading every day to keep up!

Lovely to see you pop up - I have my fingers crossed for your next cycle

A girl due a week before me was given the "any day now" and I freaked out! DH is traveling this weekend and next....stay in there baby!!

It is a bit crazy watching people due near you start giving birth. Making me get organised! My husband travels a lot for work too (generally 2-3 nights per fortnight) and his last trip is around the 34 week mark too. After that I told him he needs to be within a 2ish hour drive away (as opposed to a 3 hour flight!).

Kirsty omigawwwd I was not enjoying trying on dresses... or anything for that matter. I had some cuuuute stuff - cute on the hanger - but then I pulled it over my head and HOLY CRAP that's A LOT of fabric! It made me look SUPER wide from the side view. The only way I somewhat liked anything was if I held my arms under my belly to contour the shape, otherwise I looked like a ginormous parachute :rofl: That's kind of why I like longer length dresses, they hang nicer and seem much more flattering. Form fitted short dresses are nice as well, but loose flowy ones NO WAY not for me :nope:

Ahhhh Dani don't say that!!! I'm not ready! I'm super stressed today and feel like I need to clean the entire house and finish EVERYTHING right now. OH has Friday-Sunday off work so I will have him help me do just that and be done with it :thumbup:

Jyllian, you look great. Enjoy the photo shoot. Breathe - you've done such a lot already, and you're getting very close. If you get things too clean now, they'll need another clean by the time the baby arrives!

Pam, how are things going?
Happy 35 weeks, Jyllian! :)

And I can't believe your already 32 weeks, Cheryl! Time is seriously flying!

Shoot, I can't believe today makes 14 weeks for me! The baby in my ticker moved to the next box! lol. I wish I could post a pic on here for everyone who doesn't have FB. Maybe one of the ladies can repost for me after I post a new bump pic on FB this by the end of the week. My belly is definitely popping out now!
Oh my gosh Daphne! Adam is WAY too cute! You have a ladies man on your hands! Lol. I absolutely adore him! <3
I can't wait to see your pictures Jyllian! And seriously the bump has no idea what they're talking about. I found the biggest coconut at the tienda and it was only big enough for like 18 weeks! And then a few weeks ago they tried to tell me he was the size of scallions or something I was like mk

Mary happy 14 weeks! I can still remember your like 9 dpo tests and obsessively checking after our babymoon :)

I ordered a TON of nursery stuff today and yesterday and it's gonna be worse than Christmas with all the Amazon boxes over the next few days. I think I'll feel so much more relaxed once we really finish the nursery. We're getting so close! So much work left to do for my clients though. Blah. But once I finish shooting everything I will be so relaxed hopefully! :thumbup: shooting is getting harder and harder but luckily we're moving into fall shots and not as many outdoors.. How many times I've been squatting down as low as I can get in the grass in 100° heat trying to get a shot in the last couple weeks.. Not cool
Mary, I can't believe you're 14 weeks now

Cheryl, my house has been a bit the same with deliveries today. Good luck getting all your work done.

I'm feeling a bit calmer work-wise, as I've made it through all the major things I wanted done before going on leave. I've started setting up the nursery, and am looking forward to the sheets etc arriving. I just had an OB appointment, and the little man has wriggled his head right down into my pelvis now. Very cool to watch him drinking and practicing his breathing. Big feet and getting chubby cheeks. I'm happy for him to keep growing in there, but I can't wait to meet him!
Happy 29 weeks, Fi.... :wohoo: Goodluck with the nursery and your appointment was fab.... Glad he is doing real great in there..... :dance:
Happy 14 weeks!! Time is really flying by :flower:

Cheryl & Fi
Setting up the nursery is so much fun so I hope you ladies enjoy it :hugs:

Matthew has had crying spells every night for the past week or so and it was emotionally so draining. It seemed like nothing we did would help him calm down and he wouldn't nurse while he was crying etc. Once he calmed down (8 to 11pm) he would nurse again and fall asleep.

Jyllian sent me a link of an article about cluster feeding and fussy times which probably saved me. Hoping that I'm not speaking too soon. Last night at 7pm dh and I gave Matthew a warm bath with bedtime calming wash and I had him latched and nursing before 8pm. He fussed for like 10 mins but then spent the rest of the night nursing in bursts and napping on my chest.

I'm going to try and do this every night now to see if it helps. I wasn't planning on bathing him every night this early but if it helps him then why not.

I am currently 8kg lighter than my pre pregnancy weight and my bleeding has pretty much stopped too. Just light spots every now and again so pre pregnancy vagine is almost back too :D

FX Matthew allows it - I want to cook DH a nice dinner tonight to say thanks for everything. He has been my rock since labor and has been taking such good care of us. The 1st week at home he insisted on checking how my nether regions was healing and also looked at the maternity pads to monitor my bleeding, he cooks, cleans and brings me snacks and tea. I am really soooooo blessed. Plus he is sooooo funny when changing Matthew's poop diapers and not to mention when Matthew pee's on the wall or daddy's shoes :rofl:
Pam I'm so glad that you had better luck with Matthew with the cluster feeding! I hope it stays that way. I'm So glad Jyllian sent you that article :thumbup: and dh sounds amazing! youre lucky to have him :)

Fi sounds like a great position for the LO! I'm jealous you had an u/s.. I haven't had one since 19 weeks! I miss seeing his little face and feet and ugh!
Pam I'm so glad that article was of some help to you :hugs: If it really is the cluster feeding, it'll only last temporarily. Perhaps Matthew is experiencing a growth spurt right now :shrug: It's very normal, from what I've read, and a good sign he's growing and doing well! That's so awesome of DH to be such a huge help to you and be so attentive. Hope you can get the special dinner prepared for him without much interruption!

AFM, doctor appointment yesterday went well. I've gained 3lbs since my last appointment two weeks ago and am now at a 43lb gain :wacko: My doctor seemed pleased and said that usually at this point he has women gaining like 7-8lbs! I don't know if he was trying to be nice or what... I don't think so he's a doctor h doesn't have to do that. I joked with him that I'm just about to my goal gain of 50lbs :winkwink: (Remember, 30 with DS1, 40 with DD and I assumed 50 with this guy) It took him a moment to find Cameron's heartbeat but doc said that he was tucked in there line a linebacker, on my right side. Belly measured spot on at 35 :thumbup: Had my Group B test, which was nothing and kinda tickled a bit :laugh2: Then he did the internal exam. He was feeling around then all of a sudden says "annnd THERE'S the head. Right. There. Wow." :rofl: I was like HUH :saywhat: He said I am not dilated and no effacement, but his head is down there and that is unusual for a third baby. Not sure if he meant the head location, the fact that I'm not dilated or anything or a combo of both :shrug: He said the outer end of my cervix is flared open but the inner ring (the important part that will dilate and allow Cameron to exit) is still closed. I'm happy with that, as I don't want anything starting up just quite yet. My doctor said I always have "textbook pregnancies" so he isn't worried about me :blush: Got all of Cameron's clothing, blankets, etc. washed yesterday and am starting to put everything away in a proper place. Hoping to clean the house well over the weekend and clean out our vehicles by the end of next week and install the car seat bases. We have a breastfeeding class to attend this Saturday, as well as OH's family reunion on his mom's side. I actually got a decent night's sleep so am feeling pretty good today :happydance:
Having a tonne of watery discharge today. I pretty much begged my midwife to do an internal yesterday because of the heavy pressure I've been feeling, so putting it down to that.

If this baby could hang on at least another 10 weeks, that'd be fab :haha:
At my next appointment OH will get to join me. He's anxious and said he will have a lot of questions for the doctor. I got in bed last night and he was pawing at me, which was odd because he hasn't been very playful or initiative of fooling around as of late but made me feel good he was interested. Then he told me I'd feel really good... and start contracting more to help the baby come sooner :growlmad: :dohh: Ugh! So that's his motive! Men, I swear... :rofl:
Finally got a pic of Adam smiling (about to smile :haha:) as i always miss it.

But then it immediately turned into his poop face. :rofl:
I share Adan's sentiments :rofl: such a sweet, sweet face!
Kirsty, hoping baby stays longer this time around too.

Jyllian... our OH makes me giggle :haha:

Matthew has continued to nurse a lot today... my boobs are so deflated and they look like to folds of skin :rofl:

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