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* Sticking together * Waiting for our turn * * sticky BFP's needed *

My usual cycle puts me due yesterday. I'm having no cramping, spotting, Im trading one tonight if no af.
Fingers crossed for you Florida!

Well I think my BFP is turning into a chemical, I'm 9 days late for AF and tested again this morning, my line is sooooooo much fainter than the one 3 days ago. Still no AF tho. Looks like I'll be keeping the appointment regarding fertility tomorrow!!!
Don't give up yet mum. It could be just the time of day you took the test.

Just wondering does anyone think smu is better than fmu
Thanks Florida, I tried both tho, and both really light. I've got the 'grumblings' too... Any news at your end?
I was going to do fmu but I'm going to try smu this morning, so i don't know yet
I did fmu got a bfn. Maybe i o'd late. Well I'll have to just wait it out. I'm on vacation so I'm not angry about it lol
Fingers crossed Florida. In the past I've always found smu better as long as you don't drink a lot between.

How's everyone else doing?

Just waiting for the :witch: to bugger off and then can start thinking about O day :)

Should really start my metformin this cycle :) xx
Going to change the name of the thread for the new cycle (click thanks when you've seen this, didn't want anyone to get a thread notification and think wtf lol)

I got a bfn yesterday morning. I haven't tested since,i don't know what's going on. No sign of af. Everyone i think i feel a cramp is gas or bowels (tmi). I've been having headaches, nausea, exhaustion, i wake I'll tired and am tired all day long. I don't feel pregnant so I'm but rely hopeful just wondering what's going on. And I'm having a lot of cm. I think I'm going to hold off testing until at last after the weekend.
Florida, don't forget you're not out until AF arrives, let us know how your next test goes!

Well despite my lovely BFP, AF arrived today, 11 days late and after various Bfp's. So, it looks like a chemical pregnancy for me. Gutted.
Mum, I'm so sorry i havent admitted to myself yet that we gaff a chemical in may. We got multiple bfp and then af got me. It was so hard but I'm still trying and you can too. Hugs honey. Don't be afraid to cry and let it hurt. I'm here if you need me.
That's very sweet, thank you. I've just got back from Doctor who has ordered a scan for me given my dates, he's saying it's a mc not a chemical due to dates, but it's all the same to me. I'm going for the scan in 3 days.

Are you testing again in the morning? I've got everything crossed for you! Hope you've had a nice holiday too. X
Florida, don't forget you're not out until AF arrives, let us know how your next test goes!

Well despite my lovely BFP, AF arrived today, 11 days late and after various Bfp's. So, it looks like a chemical pregnancy for me. Gutted.

Oh so sorry mumto :hugs:

At least we are all here to support each other. Isn't that crappy, 3 chemical son one thread :growlmad:

Lets hope this is our cycle for sticky bfps

Hope your scan goes ok x

Mum, I'm so sorry i havent admitted to myself yet that we gaff a chemical in may. We got multiple bfp and then af got me. It was so hard but I'm still trying and you can too. Hugs honey. Don't be afraid to cry and let it hurt. I'm here if you need me.

:( this is my third chemical, :shrug: it's gutting.

Testing later today if we can get to the store.

Fingers crossed for you :thumbup:
mum and florida, I'm so sorry.

Seems like this group was meant to be :friends:
Well today is CD 9 and my cervix is already high, medium soft, and open. Plus my cm is watery so I'm assuming I'm entering my fertile time already. I don't usually ovulate until CD 15 but maybe the epo moved things up. Started BD'ing on CD 8 just so I don't miss anything.
Hi guys! I'm back for another cycle. I missed you! And can't wait to catch up on everyone.

At the moment I am freaking out. I don't usually drink much, but my sister-in-law had an amazing girls weekend and we all got caught up in the moment and drank too much Saturday night. I got very drunk and was hung over Sunday.

Well it turns out my LH surge started Sunday! I waited until Monday to DTD (this morning). My LH was still positive, and then turned negative this afternoon, so I should ovulate tonight. We will DTD again tonight, to try to squeeze in one more try. But now I'm afraid I ruined this cycle. I'm wondering if getting that drunk would make my cervical fluid poisonous to sperm for awhile. Does anyone know?

Update: It is now Tuesday morning, and I did indeed ovulate last night. I'm hoping my cervix was still open when we DTD late at night. I actually lit candles and put on lingerie for a little ambiance ... you know how the romance can go out the window when you're TTC. So this cycle we only got one, maybe two, BD sessions in.

So now officially in the two-week wait. The progesterone postponed my period but not my ovulation! So in relation to my period, I ovulated really early. It caught me a little off guard, though I could tell I was going to be early by my cervical fluid.

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