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* Sticking together * Waiting for our turn * * sticky BFP's needed *

I'm sad this thread is so quiet! Then again I know we don't have a lot going on until ovulation lol.

I'm on CD 10 and having watery cm and now this evening I can feel something going on on the right side (ovary area, only ever feel it on the right) so I'm assuming I'm only days away from ovulation. Ugh I can't wait! I'm purposely going to get my biweekly hcg test done a week late so that I'll be able to have it drawn the week before my period is due. Hoping that it'll come back positive and then I won't have to test.

How's everyone doing?
Findingkismet - I'm sure you don't have anything to worry about with the drinking, it's so early days. I don't think it effects your CM like that anyway, but could be wrong. I allow myself a couple of drinks now and then, except in the final week. You have to keep life normal or you'd go insane!!

Wbee - yes all is quiet on the western front!! (just realized that's a British saying! Now sure where everyone is!!) guess you guys are waitin for ovulation so everyone will be back in 2ww soon enough!

My doctor told me to wait a cycle after last month, my dates put me at 5w+5, but because I ovulated late I'm convinced this was an early chemical, and think I should be able to crack straight back on....? What do other people think?
I'm so sorry bubbles, wbee, florida and
Mumtodogs, got all my fingers and toes crossed for this next one for you guys.

Mum - if you think you are ready then go for it, the cycle before I fell pregnant with monkey I did have a chemical a week after my bfp. Think my body needed that to kick start it as had no problems the following months and was then textbook on ov dates etc rather than random. I even had ov/implantation bleeds too. Although this time for some reason I haven't but did last cycle.
My doctor told me to wait a cycle after last month, my dates put me at 5w+5, but because I ovulated late I'm convinced this was an early chemical, and think I should be able to crack straight back on....? What do other people think?

You probably know your body best, and if it was an early chemical you're good to go right away.
I feel ready, to me a month without trying is a wasted month... I just don't want to risk anything. But if people have chemicals and don't even know about it then they would try again and think nothing of it.

The other problem is my hubby, he follows Doctors advice to the letter!! The Doctor said it in front of him so I've got to convince him now!!
Hello everyone,

I have been following this post from the start but first time I have commented. I believe I ovulated yesterday so have been doing the BD however my partner is now away to work and this will be the last time he is home during ovulation (if I was on time) until after new year :growlmad: thinking positive thoughts but likely to be unsuccessful.

I love reading the posts and want to wish everyone the best of luck and hope to see lots of BFP's this month!

Good luck everyone and hope the TWW passes fast

Hi Rach! Welcome to the group! You never know, it only takes one little sperm! Fingers crossed!
Mum, if you feel ready I see no harm. I was told to wait 6 months to try, but I did no such thing. I still should be waiting another 4 months (since I had a partial molar) but I know my body and all my innards are back to normal. You have to do what you feel is best for you.

Welcome Rach :) . Good luck to you and your timing!

Today my cervix is more open and very very high (really hard to reach) but still medium-firm. Though, I'm happy because I've noticed and my cervix has been low during a couple of cycles, which I never understood (low during ovulation).

My temps are finally starting to settle as well. As you can see, they've been pretty erratic and I'm not sure why (this is the first month of temping).

Used an OPK last night and there was a medium-dark line, but not a true positive.. but that tells me that the LH surge is going to happen soon. I'll do another OPK this afternoon to see. Been BDing every day just to make sure all bases are covered, though :) .
Hi Bubble, Mumtodogs, wbee, everyone!

Welcome Rach, I'm glad you joined in the conversation.

Where are you Florida? What happened with you?

Jelly, I hope your pregnancy is going alright. Did I miss any other BFPs?

I wish I knew what happened with everyone on the thread. A lot of people disappeared ... ah well, c'est la vie!

I'm in the 2WW again and I'm trying to be more sane this time. So glad you guys are still around.
Hello all! I'm back for cycle #2. I'm temping and using cheapie opk's this time (which have all been clearly negative with faint lines ) thus far. I'm guessing I will O this weekend based on typical cycle charts. BEST of luck to everyone! I'm feeling this to be a lucky thread!
I'm on 3dpo, and started my progesterone today. I have to say I do not feel pregnant this time at all.

Pessimistic, but still dying to get to 12dpo when I can start testing. I thought I was being more patient this cycle until last night when I started going nuts again. LOL I can't believe I have to wait 9 more days! So far away.

I don't know what's worse during the 2WW ... thinking you're pregnant or thinking you're not. Either way the wait is difficult.

I am scared of doing IUI next cycle for the first time, especially because the progesterone changes the timing of my ovulation in relation to my period ... so I have to explain that to the Dr and hope they modify the timing of everything to fit my body.

Also I want to share that I am stressed out about my medical bills from the fertility testing ... I have to sort through them and pay or handle somehow. One is $1800.

Also have to re-fill my prenatal vitamins today. Down to the last couple, so hope the pharmacy has them in stock. They don't have everything I'd like in a vitamin, but my Dr prescribed them so guess I'll go with it until I actually get a BFP.

Anyone else stressing out like I am?
Hey sorry I've been crazy busy since coming back from vacation. Got af 8 days late but my periodis back to normal so I'm happy about that. I don't know how much of a chance we have this cycle. I only have 2 out of the next 36 off from work. Starting today through the end of month hopefully we can bd every other day
findingkismet - 3dpo is still so early, I wouldn't be surprised if you couldn't feel anything.. I've still got my fingers crossed for you! Can't believe it about the medical bills, what an added stress! It may fall down sometimes but it makes me grateful for the NHS!

Florida - hope you get lucky this month!

Bubbles - where are you? hope you are ok, think you will be ovulating soon won't you? fingers crossed for this month!

Well, we've decided that as the Doctor recommend that we wait a month we aren't going to try this month, but we're not going to prevent either, as we have read so much online that says Doctors just say this to make it easier to date any possible pregnancy. As months are going by without anything I'm not holding out much hope, but I'd rather give it a go, then wonder if this month would have been my month if only I'd tried. We'll not be keeping track of anything (she says) but just BDing every other day. To be fair, I think we always did that anyway, before any of this baby making lark!!

Fingers crossed!
Hey guys, I miss this thread being lively. I am at 6dpo. I can't believe I have to get through an ENTIRE work week before I can test.

The only symptoms I have seem to be from the progesterone supplementation ... a little nausea, irritability, breast tenderness.

I don't have the full feeling in my uterus that I associate with being pregnant. And my boobs are not super sore/swollen.

I am almost positive I don't have a fertilized egg. Guess we'll see if I get any implantation signs Wed/Thurs. I'm not feeling too hopeful.
Ladies!!! :wave:

I'm so so so sorry I abandoned you!!

Lets get this thread up and running again lol

Just been crazy busy with things and feeling so ill with the metformin which I started on cd1.

Started Dtd this week in prep of o day!!!

Glad to see you are all doing well.

So sorry you didn't get your bfp Florida :(

And findingk, this has to be our turn right?

Mumto thanks for asking, I'm here now lol. I think waiting is a strange idea from the docs. I had my chemical in may and lost at 5+5 and got pregnant again in the June cycle. My issue is the lining isn't sufficient enough so hoping the metformin helps. I totally agree though, just go with the flow and if it happens then great, but like you say, would be hard on you wondering if you didn't xx

Lots of :dust: to you all xx

Anyone know how jelly is doing?? xx
Does anyone know if my cycles will be back to normal if af was late last month or will it throw it off
Findingkismet - don't be despondent about no pregnancy symptoms, you're still in early days. I didn't have any symptoms with my first pregnancy in December.

Florida - I have no idea about your AF, sorry. I know you can have freak months though, so maybe it will just slot back in.

bubble - Sorry the metformin is making you feel ill, its got to be worth it if it works though, yeah? I totally agree re waiting, I'm just going to go for it and leave it to my body to decide. I'm stepping up the BDing too, hubby is happy! haha.

Well I never really get EWCM, except that weird bit last month at CD21-22... this morning I had watery CM, so I'm wondering if its starting up? I've started drinking lots of water again in the hopes it helps. I'm gonna to OPK and temp this month too.

Fingers crossed everybody!!
Findingkismet - don't be despondent about no pregnancy symptoms, you're still in early days. I didn't have any symptoms with my first pregnancy in December.

You're right. I get so caught up in the idea that I know my body. But the truth is I thought I was pregnant last month and I wasn't. The month before that I got pregnant, but it was also my first month on progesterone and I had just had an HSG. So everything was muddled together at the same time.

And even though we only BDed one day this cycle, it was one of the top two most important days.

You're reminding me to have some hope. Thanks.
Glad to see ya, bubbles!

I'm on CD 15 and still waiting to ovulate. I was definitely wrong in thinking it was coming early! I have a sharp dip in my temp so I'm thinking today or tomorrow I'll ovulate? Soon I hope! I didn't ovulate until CD 21 (highly unusual, first time ever to my knowledge) when I conceived, maybe this is lucky. i dont typically ovulate later than CD 16 and I have a very dull ache there (usually I have O pain 1-2 days) so hopefully it's today. I'm sick of sex at the moment!
Hey ladies I just wanted to pop in... Ttc cycle 2 and I'm 5dpo.. Almost 6dpo
I have had crazy Breast tenderness almost feel swollen and they hurt when touched my nipples are super sensitive and I have this one dark vein that appeared one both nipples it's weird also last month when I swore I had all the preg symptoms the one thing I kept saying was I didn't have boob pain and I normally get it before af but not ten days before its due. I have also had the cramping and pulling in uterus I am bloated once again but this cycle sry tmi I have had the worse gas the last two days and my cm has been heavy and strange...
I have been nausea and not much of an appetite but when I do i have been eating a lot
And just today heartburn started.. Also I big strange symptom that's different this month then last is the abundance amount of saliva and the weird taste in my mouth and I feel like my mouths dry buts its not I think I'm just super thristy
Well idk I just wanted to share some of the things that's been going on I'm keeping my fingers crossed for all of you holding out long as possible to test

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