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* Sticking together * Waiting for our turn * * sticky BFP's needed *

Kdubbs, those sound like promising signs! When are you planning to test?
I have been let down months before and I started testing super early around 8 9 dpo I'm gonna try and wait till 11 dpo but we will see how about you
Oh wait I'm sry u are waited to ovulate what cycle day do u normally ovulate and how long are ur cycles?
Findingkismet - you should always have a bit of hope until AF starts, easier said than done I know. With you saying you only BD'd once, last month when I had my BFP I think I ovulated late, if this is the case, I wasn't expecting it and was working away, I only BD'd once in 6 days over that time, and I still got my BFP! Shame it wasn't a sticky bean. It only takes one little spermy!!! You'll be one of the first to test on the thread, I hope you set off a BFP trend!!!

wbee - I got my second BFP with a late ovulation! I know what you mean about getting sick of sex, as awful as it sounds! Last month we decided we weren't going to 'baby make' we were going to have 'sex for fun'. As awful as it sounds we had stuck to 2 positions (missionary and doggy) to ttc. Last month we decided just to be normal, TMI ALERT added in all the usual stuff we would do before ttc, oral, me on top, reverse etc etc.. what do you know, sex was fun, didn't get bored of it and we got our BFP!! We still had a bit of a slow down after ovulation though!! haha, turns out you can still have too much of a good thing.

kdubbs - you've got a lot of symptoms there!! All pointing in the right direction for you, I hope you get your BFP!!
Morning ladies.

Florida I guess you will just have to see how it pans out. I would think it would just follow the same pattern. After my chemicals it's pretty much been the same.

Mumto, good plan ;)

Wbee :wave:

Findingk don't give up. We only did it once last month and it worked lol

:wave: to everyone

Ok so like mumto said, got to be worth it.... Yes but WOW I feel rough :( yesterday woke up feeling like I was going to turn inside out throwing up and this morning every time I move the room spins crazy :/ that and a toddler..... Not a good mix when she wants to show me things in her room constantly. It had better work quick because its an emetaphobes worst nightmare!!!

Sooo this week is o week :) (and already bd twice!!!)

Hope you are all having a good Monday!!!

:dust: :dust: :dust:
To you all x
Bubbles - poor you, do any of the morning sickness things work? Ginger biscuits, or nibbling on food all day?

Happy BDing everyone!!! :sex: don't forget to throw in the reverse cowgirl, works a treat hahaha :blush:
Happy BDing everyone!!! :sex: don't forget to throw in the reverse cowgirl, works a treat hahaha :blush:


Hey Mumtodogs, your signature says you are together 8 years, married 2. So are we! We met in November 2004 and we married in May 2011.
Oh freaky!!! Yeah it's our 2 year anniversary in a couple of weeks! We met when I found his dog that he'd lost! I nearly ran the dog over! Put it in my car and drove home (next to the beach) and when I got outside my flat there was a smoking hot, worried looking lifeguard with a dog lead in his hand.... I asked him if he wanted a dog for his lead, and the rest is history! :)
Ugh CD 16 and my temp dropped lower. I don't know what's going on. Usually I have pretty significant ovulation pain and pressure but I've had almost nothing this cycle. Little pains here and there but nothing I'd even notice if I weren't paying such close attention. I was taking a b-50 complex so I don't know if that's messing things up? I used to take a regular b complex regularly without any known problems. I stopped the b-50 a couple days ago tho so if that was it maybe stopping will help? I have never ovulated late (except that one time I mentioned) in the two years I've been tracking. This is frustrating.

Plus Tom couldn't get in the mood last night so we didn't really dtd :( . Frustrating when that happens.
Ugh CD 16 and my temp dropped lower. I don't know what's going on. Usually I have pretty significant ovulation pain and pressure but I've had almost nothing this cycle. Little pains here and there but nothing I'd even notice if I weren't paying such close attention. I was taking a b-50 complex so I don't know if that's messing things up? I used to take a regular b complex regularly without any known problems. I stopped the b-50 a couple days ago tho so if that was it maybe stopping will help? I have never ovulated late (except that one time I mentioned) in the two years I've been tracking. This is frustrating.

Plus Tom couldn't get in the mood last night so we didn't really dtd :( . Frustrating when that happens.

Hi wbee, have you ever considered using OPK/LH tests? You just dunk them in your pee like HPTs, and they tell you when you are 24-48 hours away from ovulating.

I find it really reassuring to have that information to supplement my charting of BBT and CM. I use the digital and when I see that smiley face, we know to get busy.
People in the 2WW keep talking about high cervix as a pregnancy symptom.

I just happen to know mine has been low because my progesterone applicator hits my cervix not far in when I take my meds. So I figured this was another sign that I am not pregnant.

Then I read up on it and learned that the high cervix can happen much later after the BFP. So I felt a little better.

TMI warning ...
Then today when I put in my 2:00 dose, wowza the applicator went way in there. My cervix had definitely raised up.

I don't know if it means anything, but it gave me some hope.

Anyone know anything about this or have a story?

Next day update: Cervix seems to be back to normal. Maybe it was just the position I was standing in let the applicator slip right past the cervix. Guess I over-reacted.
Kismet, I used opks a while back but my ovulation pain correlated perfectly so I stopped. This is the first month with out ovulation pain. I actually started the opks this month but they have been negative. Though, I haven't been diligent in testing and they are slightly expired.

I feel like this cycle will be annovulatory, unfortunately. Which is crazy rare and only happened after the MC, so maybe cuz it was a chemical pregnancy last month? Still hoping though.
Mumto and kismet, ok that's weird, we are the same, married two years and together 8, just had our second anniversary!!

Lol to the reverse cowgirl lol

Kismet I never understand the cervix stuff, wish I did lol I'm too scared to check though!!!

Ok I have some weird things going on. All psyched up for o day today or tomorrow,
Go to the toilet, and I'm spotting brown! :saywhat: :dohh: :shrug:

No idea what this metformin is doing to me this time round but its weird. I've been extremely tired, felt sick and headachey and so far no ovulation??? Wish I hadn't started it now as I had a regular cycle before. Can't wait to see the doc tomorrow!!

wbee - hope you ovulate this month, what a pain to miss one! Fingers crossed, maybe you'll just be late? Do you have any other symptoms? CM etc? Maybe the timing of your OH isn't so bad if you haven't ovulated yet!

Findingkismet - Sorry I don't know anything about cervix checking, the whole thought of it freaks me out completely!! I'm cycle 14-15 and I think that is the one thing I haven't tried yet!

Bubble - Freaky that we all have that in common!! I met a girl on another thread and she lives in the same city as me (York, UK) which is only a small city, also freaky!! That's weird about your spotting? is that a side effect of the tablet do you think? Do people ever get spotting when releasing an egg? Just thinking they might, as it has to come out of somewhere? just a thought...

Well, for a girl that was just going to NTNP this month, I've started temping for the first time, back to using opk (although these have only worked once for me in the past) I have also changed my prenatal vitamin and changed my diet to include more oranges, strawberry and avocados. I've filled various bottles of water and am I going to try and drink 2.5 litres a day. I'm wondering if last month my lining wasn't thick enough?

Does anybody know ways to increase it through diet alone? Not keen on the baby asprin unless totally needed, don't really want to pop pills and I'm vegetarian too, so no meat suggestions for me! (Totally healthy vegi, lots of beans, pulses, lentils, veg and tofu)
Mumto I'm not sure. I know the way I feel is a side effect but don't know about spotting :( hope it doesn't put off ovulation :(

I would be interested to know about thickening it too as this seems to be my problem, 3 pregnancies in 6 months and not one has stuck longer than 2 weeks past af.

Will see what the doc says xx
bubbles check this out -

and for thickening the lining -


not much diet stuff on there though...

I think you can just get baby asprin from the chemist, like calpol or something, some places call it low dose asprin, you don't want to go over 81mg.. there is some research on it, and some people swear by it.
I've had all signs of ovulation from CD10-CD15 and now my cm has turned more creamy but I had no O pain or temperature fluctuations to signal that O happened. I am so frustrated and really quite depressed by this.

Having one of those hopeless, want to hide under a blanket and scowl at the world type days. Ugh.

As for lining, I read that flaxseed oil is beneficial for that.

ETA: I'm stopping all supplements except for my prenatal. Until I added them I've never had a problem with delayed/missed ovulation. I was taking EPO and flax seed and b-50 (b-50 I stopped a few days ago). I hate that my body is so freaking sensitive to everything.

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