* Sticking together * Waiting for our turn * * sticky BFP's needed *

Finding, fingers crossed this cycle is a great one!! It sounds like she will have put them in the right place, if she took so much effort to find it.

Bubbles!! Oooohhh! That would be awesome! I've got everything crossed for you. X
Finding, fingers crossed this cycle is a great one!! It sounds like she will have put them in the right place, if she took so much effort to find it.

Bubbles!! Oooohhh! That would be awesome! I've got everything crossed for you. X
Morning, I woke up to red spotting dark red so closer to brown but been having proper brown/tan all week so think this is af in its way. Got some cramping on the right hand side and backache so think af is getting ready to appear any day now.
Lol thanks mum, it would be interesting wouldn't it. Tbh I'm trying to remember the day we Dtd as I didn't even put in on my chart because it was too far out!!! Could have been the weds/thurs before!!! I won't be testing or anything as I get all obsessed so just going to again assume we are waiting for af ;) xx

How is everyone this morning xx
Sounds promising finding, hope this is the cycle

Hope everyone else is well

This last week has totally messed my head up, the spotting stopped, then only came back briefly after I had been to the loo. Obviously the pressure around there made it, but it was a much lighter pink than the darkish red this morning.
Not done another test as cant get any til I do the next food shop later this week. Af is due on Thursday so if isn't here properly by then ill do another test.
Morning, I woke up to red spotting dark red so closer to brown but been having proper brown/tan all week so think this is af in its way. Got some cramping on the right hand side and backache so think af is getting ready to appear any day now.

I will be praying for you, honey :hugs:
Did a frer today, bfn. Af cramps have ramped up, will likely be here by tomorrow. That's good though as on time cycle wise and fx will all go better next time now it all seems to have settle and running right. Got some ov strips coming to help me pinpoint as thinking maybe I didn't ov this month just had the cramps etc pretending I had. No idea what all this spotting was but after a major google search it's quite common first cycle after mc.
Hope you are all well.x
Morning everyone!!

Jelly that's crap, I was so certain you had the start of a BFP! Hugs!

Bubbles, when is AF due? You're so self deciplined!

Hello finding, your waiting waiting now too!

Morning everyone else! Well it's Wednesday today and my long awaited scan is on Friday for me to find out what's going on. I bought a home Doppler and can hear lots of placenta but no baby heartbeat. I'm not going to get worked u about it, as I'm still really early, and I'm going to stick to my plan of viewing scan day as test day.
Oh jelly :/

How are we all this week?

If I had dtd this month I would have so thought I was waiting on a bfp now, I literally have everything! Even the stretching and pulling, when I move it feels like something twangs, it's so weird how our body plays tricks! I'm more hungry, tired etc. just goes to show doesn't it!


Edit- hi mum :wave: don't worry, you would be very unlikely to hear a hb on a Doppler until about 12-14 weeks. I have a medical one and found it at 11 but that was chance lol xx
Good morning everyone!

Oh Jelly I'm so sorry. I hate it when my body fools me.
How is everyone doing?

Mum, can't wait to hear about your scan Friday!

Thanks for all the well wishes.

My BBT rise was confusing. Didn't go up the day after IUI, but went up the second day and Fertility Friend decided I Oed the day before IUI? I wrote my Dr and she said not to worry about it. They know from experience that everyone Os 36-40 hours after trigger, and on occasion 34. So I'm just letting it go.

The nurse told me to start progesterone the morning of the 3rd day after trigger even though I triggered at night (that would be 2.5 days). But I don't trust her. My Dr told me last cycle to start it 3.5 days after trigger because if you take it too soon it prevents pregnancy. And when I was still trying naturally she told me to start 3dpo using my BBT, which would normally be the equivalent of 4.5 days after trigger. But yesterday I only had one really high temp. So I'm just starting today, which is 4.5 days after trigger or 3 days past ovulation according to my Dr (not Fertility Friend or plain BBT).

I know, confusing!! You can't get a straight answer about anything. It's all this guess work.

So now I can settle in to the 2WW. I'll count today as 3dpo. I'm not going to listen when my body tells me I'm pregnant because I know from experience that it doesn't mean anything until you get that BFP. So truly just waiting. Ho hum. La dee da. Is it two weeks yet?
im not feeling anything last couple days. nausea here and there no real appetite and occasional boob pain. I wont lie im starting to get nervous
Florida, have you lost any symptoms you had previously?

Jelly, I'm so sorry.

I know I said I wasn't going to post in this thread anymore.. but you ladies are a great bunch and I can't help myself.

Just came from my new fertility doc and she's wonderful. Drew up my blood for testing and I go back in an hour for a starting point anatomy ultrasound. She's so excited to help me get pregnant and I'm so grateful to be a patient of hers. Finally something will happen.
I had mild nausea occasionally and breast pain, now I don't really get both at all. maybe once a day for nausea and every now and then for breast pain. the gas pain is gone too and it stopped after we had sex. I have been in pain sort of like af for a few days. im just getting really nervous
Is there any way to talk to your doctor? I don't want to scare you, but when all my symptoms stopped is when I found out that things weren't progressing. I'll keep you in my prayers.

Well, just had an ultrasound and doctor is thinking I have PCOS. Fasting bloods tomorrow to confirm. I want to throw a fit. I am fit and thin and have regular ovulation.. this makes no sense.
wbee im so sorry do they have a plan for you?
I don't have a ob yet my first apt isn't until oct 16
Plan is to confirm what the doc saw with blood work tomorrow. After that she had talked about using clomid, which I'm very against but will do anything for a baby. It hasn't been 6 months since my molar pregnancy, so I'm kind of in limbo land (6 month will be end of October).

Could you call the clinic you have scheduled at and let them know your symptoms seem to be decreasing? When I told that to my doc they booked me as soon as they could.
im not feeling anything last couple days. nausea here and there no real appetite and occasional boob pain. I wont lie im starting to get nervous
I had mild nausea occasionally and breast pain, now I don't really get both at all. maybe once a day for nausea and every now and then for breast pain. the gas pain is gone too and it stopped after we had sex. I have been in pain sort of like af for a few days. im just getting really nervous

Massive :hugs: really hope it's just because the placenta is forming and hcg is dropping. When is your next scan Hun? :hugs: I know it's hard but try not to worry, symptoms don't mean anything, I and loads of my friends have had none and still been perfectly fine.

I know I said I wasn't going to post in this thread anymore.. but you ladies are a great bunch and I can't help myself.

Just came from my new fertility doc and she's wonderful. Drew up my blood for testing and I go back in an hour for a starting point anatomy ultrasound. She's so excited to help me get pregnant and I'm so grateful to be a patient of hers. Finally something will happen.

Well, just had an ultrasound and doctor is thinking I have PCOS. Fasting bloods tomorrow to confirm. I want to throw a fit. I am fit and thin and have regular ovulation.. this makes no sense.

Plan is to confirm what the doc saw with blood work tomorrow. After that she had talked about using clomid, which I'm very against but will do anything for a baby. It hasn't been 6 months since my molar pregnancy, so I'm kind of in limbo land (6 month will be end of October).

So glad you are back wbee. :happydance:

Glad they have checked you, I have pcos, pretty bad though :( and was basically told it would never happen. Then I got my ds two years later :cloud9:

Can I ask why you are against chlomid? I've never had it as they give metformin this way.

Hope everyone else is ok?

Seriuosly weird things going on for me considering I'm 'out' for not dtd for almost a week before o. Even had nausea the last few days :/ (my ticker is out though as I'm about 8dpo) :wacko: been on the sofa for an hr as I felt like I was going to pass out!

I feel that weird I just took a test, of course it was bfn, really interesting to see the tricks our body plays in the tww though, it's such a weird experiment :winkwink:

bubbles, I'm just a person against everything medical :laugh2: . I'm not against it in and of itself, I'm just against it for myself. I pride myself on not taking meds unless I absolutely have to and clomid is a "heavy duty" med in my opinion. I'm glad i'm back too.. I'm sorry I had made such a stink. Maybe getting PCOS diagnosed and treated will help with my extreme mood swings (poor hubs)? I don't know if they'd do metformin on me as I don't think I have insulin issues (though, after the fasting labs tomorrow I'll know for sure).

I'm trying SO HARD to look on the bright side. 1. no trying this month! Per me. I can't start "trying" medically until Oct 22nd (6 months past molar pregnancy), so I may as well take a cycle off.. since the likely hood of pregnancy is small right now I won't feel bad or feel I missed it. 2. Possibility of multiples! I have never wanted multiples, but after everything I've been through I'd love nothing more than a beautiful set of twins. In fact, I'm going to be praying for them. I only want 2 kids (maybe 3) so twins would be ideal.

I'm sorry your body is playing such tricks on you. It sucks so much to have so many symptoms, even when there is nil chance.

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