* Sticking together * Waiting for our turn * * sticky BFP's needed *

wbee I don't know anything about clomid I would research it first but I hope it gives you 2 maybe 3 lol
bubble thanks for the encouragement I really appreciate you guys
What on earth has happened to this site? Just on the iPad but it looks awful. I liked the way it was before :(

Well still no af, cramping is still here but not as bad. Had one lot of very dark brown on the pad, literally the size of a 10p piece and nothing since apart from very very light brown tinted cm and lots of it to the extent I thought I'd been caught short as only had a liner on this morning. Bloody confused is not even close. Had a banging headache the last few days too, although that could be due to monkey waking up,at 5am with a hacking cough and not drinking enough today.

Hope everything is okay Florida

Welcome back wbee, lovely to see you posting again. Also fab you have a dr willing to help you. Makes a huge difference to being just another number.

Ooooo exciting finding, hope it all works out okay this tww

Mum all the luck for Friday, hope baba is wriggling around like mad for you
Bubbles, your body!! Hopefully it's not your body playing a joke!!

Finding, it all sounds to confusing! I've got everything crossed for you!

Florida, symptoms can come and go, please try not to be worried. As long as you're not bleeding try to stay positive!

Wbee! Sooo pleased you are still posting here. We're all right behind you. Glad you're happy with your new Doctor, it'll make such a difference!
No. Evaps happen after the urine has dried, after the 10 minute window
Hmmm there is something there, extremely faint but I only took it literally 6 mins ago and is still defo wet. One I took yesterday didn't have this until I pulled it apart 3 hours later
Just written that post then a shed more appeared underneath from you guys!!

Jelly, you're body likes to keep you guessing!!

Wbee, sorry to hear about PCOS, but how amazing that they might have found something. That means it can be sorted and you're closer to getting bubs in your arm.
(more posts again!!! We're either all on here at the same time or my phone is being stupid!!)

Jelly, don't do this to me again! I was sure I saw something on your tests earlier this week!

Thanks for good wishes for scan! 2 sleeps!
Jelly, anyway you could get in for a beta? Given your recent mc, I wouldn't see why they wouldn't oblige. Then you can get some real answers.
mum, we're all on at the same time, ha ha. And very best luck on the scan in two days!
bubbles, I'm just a person against everything medical :laugh2: . I'm not against it in and of itself, I'm just against it for myself. I pride myself on not taking meds unless I absolutely have to and clomid is a "heavy duty" med in my opinion. I'm glad i'm back too.. I'm sorry I had made such a stink. Maybe getting PCOS diagnosed and treated will help with my extreme mood swings (poor hubs)? I don't know if they'd do metformin on me as I don't think I have insulin issues (though, after the fasting labs tomorrow I'll know for sure).

I'm trying SO HARD to look on the bright side. 1. no trying this month! Per me. I can't start "trying" medically until Oct 22nd (6 months past molar pregnancy), so I may as well take a cycle off.. since the likely hood of pregnancy is small right now I won't feel bad or feel I missed it. 2. Possibility of multiples! I have never wanted multiples, but after everything I've been through I'd love nothing more than a beautiful set of twins. In fact, I'm going to be praying for them. I only want 2 kids (maybe 3) so twins would be ideal.

I'm sorry your body is playing such tricks on you. It sucks so much to have so many symptoms, even when there is nil chance.

The metformin isn't for insulin issues, it regulated the hormones and encourages quality ovulation. Pcos tends to be connected to insulin as the sugars are stored as fats (which is why most suffers are carrying weight) this is what hinders ovulation in some cases, with this regulated, and hormones better balance, ovulation occurs. :thumbup:

Good for you feeling positive, that's fab, yes, the waiting sucks, but from experience, you will get your dream :flower:

My nipples have got darker too. Wtf is my body doing. Surely the strong af cramps wouldn't be anything other than af would they? Both times I've been pregnant they were just dull pains, not ones I would use a hot water bottle for. Although it is possible I ov'd later and have dtd since. Think I'm defo gonna have to go to doctors and see if they can do bloods. Two weeks til an appointment unless I call on the day so will have to see if can get one Friday as that's my next early finish. If I rang the epau would they do anything? It's turning out to be one of those days, I left my work laptop at the train station so been going nuts all evening looking for it when should have been baking cakes for Macmillan coffee morning on Friday. Thankfully the list property was still open and they will have it for me in the morning. Then my sister (who I fell out with before my wedding 4 years ago next week ) called me up out of the blue to tell me her cancer has come back and have I had an MRI scan recently on my chest area. She originally had cervical cancer and had to have everything removed.
Hi ladies!

It's been a while since I have been on this thread since I did not subscribe to it but now I made sure I did.

I am 16dpo with sensitive nipples since 12dpo. According to fertilityfriend af was due on Monday, but I am still sticking to the 28th. It would be great if I was pregnant! The only thing I am worried about is that when I conceive will asthma will bother me when the weather changes and I have to keep my blood pressure down. I will continue to make updates daily whether af came or not. I am going to test when I am very late. FX for everyone!!:hugs:
Oh jelly that's awful. So sorry for your sister and really hope you can get a scan. Not sure about your pain :/ are your tests bfn now?

Momwife when I got pregnant with dd my asthma was there but it's fine, meds are still a better prevention and have such little risk.

Ok so did a test this morning, I can see something. After the 3 mins too, wondering if it's just the test though as it's an ic and tbh not even sure why I bothered!!!



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Thanks bubble.

I just got this. What the hell is going on? Spotting stopped since yesterday morning. Noticed that it wasalways after dtd it happened once looked at my chart properly


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Oh jelly that's awful. So sorry for your sister and really hope you can get a scan. Not sure about your pain :/ are your tests bfn now?

Momwife when I got pregnant with dd my asthma was there but it's fine, meds are still a better prevention and have such little risk.

Ok so did a test this morning, I can see something. After the 3 mins too, wondering if it's just the test though as it's an ic and tbh not even sure why I bothered!!!

I can see something but not clearly. If its after time I would be hesitant about it. I've been burned badly by that evap trick few years ago
Jelly, I can definitely see a line and I'd recommend calling your doctor for beta testing.

bubbles, I don't see anything on there. I'd take another test tomorrow or, ideally, in two days. I see what could be a shadow, but nothing definite. Good luck!

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