* Sticking together * Waiting for our turn * * sticky BFP's needed *

ive just auto enhanced the pics on my phone, didnt think to earlier and the pic shows it truer to how it does irl
That's amazing news?!!!!!! I can't believe it, I couldn't believe it when I saw it and wondered what was going on! Oh, I hope it gets darker and darker and sticks about! You gonna test again in the morning or wait a couple of days? You going to post a new pic of enhanced photo x
Gonna defo have to test again in the morning with fmu as supposed to be going out on the lash in Aberdeen tomorrow night.
This is the enhanced one...


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Def a line!!! Congrats!!!! Stick little bean! Hold on tight! X
think im going to do the second test of the same tomorrow, as going out tomorrow night with sis in law, want to make sure it isnt just a fluke or anything. then ill make sure i dont have more than 1 or 2. would hate to miss out on a fab night out (first proper one since fell pregnant with monkey, weddings dont count as didnt get drunk cos he was with us).
it should be a little darker tomorrow morning with fmu shouldnt it? this was done with lunchtime after a cup of tea.x
Pretty sure I'm out. Temp dropped this morning, which is how things went at 12 dpo last month. af should be here in about 4 days.

Honestly, I just want to cry and throw a tantrum like a 2 year old. I'm so sick of doing this every month. I won't be posting in this thread again. Good luck to every one of you!
Wbee, I'll miss you. Pop back in if you change your mind. I mourn each time I'm out, so I understand.

Jelly!! OMG are you preggers? Guess the pink a couple of days ago was IB. Yay!

Bubbles, welcome home from vaca. Sorry you didn't get to DTD. The kids acted as birth control LOL.

Mum, I hope the time flies until your scan. Can't wait to hear an update.

Florida, how's it going? I really want to cross over to join you pregnant gals.

I had another scan this morning - one follicle each side, size 20 and 22!! Both sides doubles your chances because half the sperm go each direction. Last time I only had one side.

Tonight I do the ovidrel injection all by my lonesome. DH won't be here because he is teaching late. IUI is Sunday morning, and DH has to run right after contributing his seed to go teach again! So we will be doing the IUI without him. As long as it works, that's all that matters.

We DTD last night, since Dr said he should ejac 2-3 days before IUI. Last month that pre-IUI ejac went to waste (sorry if TMI - I'm really not shy about these things and they are hard to avoid when talking about TTC).

Sooooooo, all in all this cycle is shaping up better. I hope it works!
Wbee, I'll miss you. Pop back in if you change your mind. I mourn each time I'm out, so I understand.

Jelly!! OMG are you preggers? Guess the pink a couple of days ago was IB. Yay!

Bubbles, welcome home from vaca. Sorry you didn't get to DTD. The kids acted as birth control LOL.

Mum, I hope the time flies until your scan. Can't wait to hear an update.

Florida, how's it going? I really want to cross over to join you pregnant gals.

I had another scan this morning - one follicle each side, size 20 and 22!! Both sides doubles your chances because half the sperm go each direction. Last time I only had one side.

Tonight I do the ovidrel injection all by my lonesome. DH won't be here because he is teaching late. IUI is Sunday morning, and DH has to run right after contributing his seed to go teach again! So we will be doing the IUI without him. As long as it works, that's all that matters.

We DTD last night, since Dr said he should ejac 2-3 days before IUI. Last month that pre-IUI ejac went to waste (sorry if TMI - I'm really not shy about these things and they are hard to avoid when talking about TTC).

Sooooooo, all in all this cycle is shaping up better. I hope it works!

im very much hoping i am, not counting my chickens yet though til af due next week.

huge hugs for doing the injection by yourself, imagine we are all there with you. hope you dtd more than just 2-3 days before to cover everything. looking forward to hearing updates x
Jelly that's fab! Fingers crossed. Tesco are about 25miu. I've had my positives on them with ds and dd but none of my chemicals so fingers crossed :)

Mum and kismet, thanks, I'm ok with it so just a case of waiting to start again :coffee:

Wbee, it's a long frustrating path, try not to get disheartened. The more effort you put in with temping etc the harder you find the disappointment. These things have a funny way of happening when you least expect it. Is it just this thread or bnb in general?

(Edit- I obviously know it's awful and hard. Didn't mean it to sound the way it does)
Hope you are all ok this evening. xx
sorry I have been mia I have been staying off the boards to keep my worry down abut the pregnancy. I will be 7 weeks tomorrow and the ms has hit me like a freight train. I feel like crap. headaches and major gas too.
mum- how is everything how are you feeling?
bubbles -im sorry you didn't get to dtd but strangers things have happened then getting pregnant from sperm left a while. fx if not I hope next month is it!
jelly-if you could hear me I would be screaming with joy@ fingers crossed!!
finding-im glad that things are looking good. fx
wbee-i have had to remove myself because it is hard to watch others when you wish you were where they are, but when I felt like that and said that a few days later I got my bfp. I hope its the same for you. you are in my thoughts
Jelly, how did the test go this morning? A wise woman (bubbles!!!) once told me to test with SMU and now I swear by both.

Wbee, I'll miss you my lovely, but I understand you have to protect yourself. We're all here for you anytime you want us. It's really crap you can't seam to catch a break, I hope you get your BFP soon x

Finding so glad the second scan went better! Fingers crossed for Sunday for you, poor hubby not getting to be there! But as long as the result if a BFP it doesn't matter, and he'll be there in spirit, as will all of us!!

Bubbles! :flower: hi! Not long until you can get cracking again x x

Florida, so sorry to hear you're feeling terrible, just picture your bub and it'll all be worth it!

No news here again (I'm boring, I know!!) just keeping an eye on you lovely ladies!! X
This is this mornings test with fmu


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This is without auto enhance. I don't think it's any darker than yesterday's


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But there is a line!!! You're meant to wait 48 hours between testing for darker lines... Dot drink anything and in a few hours do a SMU.... That is a line tho. :)
huge hugs for doing the injection by yourself, imagine we are all there with you. hope you dtd more than just 2-3 days before to cover everything. looking forward to hearing updates x

I stood there with the needle pointed at myself for a few minutes kind of freaking out, and when I finally did it, I couldn't even feel it. After pushing the plunger, I think the meds stung a little. I was worried I didn't get every drop because when I was cleaning up a tiny bit more came out of the syringe (when I pushed harder and smushed the spongy thing inside). Oh well, as DH says perfection is not required to make babies.

We only DTD that one time but generally sperm only survive a few days in there waiting for the egg, so doing it earlier wouldn't really help. The IUI is tomorrow morning, and that's most likely to be what works. We'll follow up with another BD after.

Finding so glad the second scan went better! Fingers crossed for Sunday for you, poor hubby not getting to be there! But as long as the result if a BFP it doesn't matter, and he'll be there in spirit, as will all of us!!

LOL, I'll just picture all your beautiful faces around me cheering on the swimmers. Go go go!!
Thanks for the kind words, everyone :) .
Finding!!! :flower::flower::flower: good luck today, we're all thinking of you!

Jelly, you know how to keep a girl on the edge of her seat!! Hope you had a good night out last night.
IUI #2 accomplished.
DH's sample was vastly improved - higher volume, concentration, and motility! Between his sample and my follicles on both sides I'm hoping this is it. :dust:

The nurse couldn't find the opening to my cervix so I basically DTD with a metal speculum for about 10 minutes. Not fun. I was starting to really worry, then she finally found it. She said it was pointing way to the right. I just pray she put the sperm where they needed to go.
Florida, fingers crossed then I guess lol ;)

Mum, yes, new cycle AGAIN although wondering if i should take a break as a summer pregnancy would be hard lol

Jelly, it's so hard not to look for progression isn't it, I poas so many times and get myself so worked up. Praying its a sticky bean and not a chemical for you

Finding, that's great news,really hope this is it :)

Wbee, hope you are ok :hugs:

Starting to wonder if Florida is right, now I'm not hopeful about this cycle I've noticed I'm starving all the time! And had a breakout! Weird! 5dpo I think!


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