* Sticking together * Waiting for our turn * * sticky BFP's needed *

So sorry to hear of your loss Florida. Thank you jelly tots.
Florida I'm so very sorry, huge hugs

Wbee just ignore them, I'm having the same problem with mine. I've had 5 days of positive opk and finally got my negative yesterday (well i hope i did as was a weak coloured sample) so know I ov'd over the weekend but the apps keep changing it (although that's likely because of my weekend temps being a bit higher than usual due to a lie in. No way on gods earth I'm waking up at 5:40 on a Saturday just to take my temp.
Hey Jelly, sorry your body is also playing tricks on you!! X
Florida, I'm so sorry to hear of your loss. My heart goes out to you.

I am (drumroll) NOT pregnant. Negative blood test confirmed it yesterday. I stopped the progesterone and will get AF in a few days.

We started the process of getting $ for IVF. I'm so frustrated though because even with a loan we will probably only be able to do one IVF. Doesn't seem enough when you hear of so many people getting their baby on the second, third, or more try.
Oh finding, sorry this cycle didn't work out for you, that unbelievably sucks!!!

Allow yourself to be pissed off!! Your entitled to it.

Sending you cyber cuddles!!!
I saw hb twice and finally let myself get excited, I finally stpped crying but am pissed because the new ob I was supposed to see thinks itm ay be a simple as a progesterone issue and im just like are you serious? I lost 3 babies because you guys wouldn't give me a fucking blood test. ill probably be mia for a couple days. everything is still happening I havent actually lost the baby yet and the pain is getting pretty extreme now and they want me to put the tissue in a container. im just so hurt yes ill put my 9 week old fetus in a fucking Tupperware container and bring it in like leftovers
Oh my god Florida, that's terrible!! It does make you wonder why you have to go through 3 before they'll do something as easy and cheap as a blood test.
So so so sorry you're going through this, it all just seams so unfair. X
Didn't ovulate yesterday, still having dull, aching pressure so I'm assuming it will happen today/tonight. That seems to be my trend, ovulation the day after a LH surge. What's strange is it's all on my left side, which hardly happens. I don't know if I always ovulate from the right, but that's where I always feel is except a couple times. Either way, I'm hoping for a super healthy egg and super strong sperm! I'm not sure we'll be able to BD tonight, unfortunately. Has me a bit stressed out, as today would be a good day as well (though, I know the actual ovulation day isn't important.. but if I don't ovulate until tomorrow it'll stress me out). Tomorrow we'll be able to no problem at least. What's strange is there is hardly any CM at all and my cervix is between firm and soft. It was HSO the other day, but seems to firm up just before ovulation. Don't get that.

Jelly, I wake up at 6am every morning, no matter what. I missed a few this month, but normally I don't. I'm nuts, I know :laugh2: .
I saw hb twice and finally let myself get excited, I finally stpped crying but am pissed because the new ob I was supposed to see thinks itm ay be a simple as a progesterone issue and im just like are you serious? I lost 3 babies because you guys wouldn't give me a fucking blood test. ill probably be mia for a couple days. everything is still happening I havent actually lost the baby yet and the pain is getting pretty extreme now and they want me to put the tissue in a container. im just so hurt yes ill put my 9 week old fetus in a fucking Tupperware container and bring it in like leftovers

Florida, I am surrounding you with love. I wish you didn't have to go through this.
Florida, I was so shocked and saddened to hear of your loss. I'm just not finding the right words...there probably are none. I just want you to know I'm praying for you as you have to go through this heartbreaking time.
Oh my Florida that's shocking, do take care of yourself and hope you are not in too much pain x

Wbee fingers crossed this is a good one this month if from the other side, I've noticed I tend to get it more on the right too.

Finding I'm totally gutted for you, I had really hoped it would it this month. Everything was looking so good.

My temps have started going up today so hoping that's a good sign. I'm ignoring the weekend temps as they are masking how high they should really be if at all but still getting -ve opk so officially in tww now (I blimmin hope)
Florida so sorry. I went I. Today due to cramping, backache, and chest pain. Only find out I didn't ovulate on right side and had a cyst rupture on left side. Drew progesterone levels. They think I may have PCOS. Felt sad earlier. But I will continue to have faith in God and pray. I may have been knocked down, but I am not out!
Sorry for typos was eating while typing. I am believing not PCOS. So waiting for my phone call from dr.
I went to my new ob today they ended up having to pull the remainder of the fetal tissue out of my cervix which was 1 cm dilated. this was the mosr painful expirence I have ever had in my life. im not sure if they are sending it off for testing but I think so. I was given cytotech which I wont have until tmrrow and then a pain pill and abt because she said my cervix is extremely tender which could indicate infection and would hurt future fertility. I am really dwn and everyone is like well take time off and try again god will make it happen. I am sad to say that with this being the worst mc yet I want testing to ensure im healthy but am doubting if I want to attempt to become pregnant again. I just think my husband my family and his will hate me
Hate you?! Absolutely not...why would anyone hate you for something you have no control over? You are a strong woman Florida. You can tell that through your posts. You will make the best decision for you and your DH when it's time to move in that direction. And that may take some time as you are in the throws of, likely, one of the worst experiences of your life. I'm sure there will be brighter days ahead, but it's not something you can see yet within the black clouds of pain you are experiencing now. I continue to pray for your healing!
I went to my new ob today they ended up having to pull the remainder of the fetal tissue out of my cervix which was 1 cm dilated. this was the mosr painful expirence I have ever had in my life. im not sure if they are sending it off for testing but I think so. I was given cytotech which I wont have until tmrrow and then a pain pill and abt because she said my cervix is extremely tender which could indicate infection and would hurt future fertility. I am really dwn and everyone is like well take time off and try again god will make it happen. I am sad to say that with this being the worst mc yet I want testing to ensure im healthy but am doubting if I want to attempt to become pregnant again. I just think my husband my family and his will hate me

Be gentle and loving to yourself right now. Take all the time you need to process what has happened and to heal physically and emotionally. When the time comes, it's a very personal decision whether or not to try to get pregnant ... one that really only involves you, your husband and your doctor. I understand the family pressure, believe me! You can't please everyone. But in the end you can have peace in choosing what is right for you and your body, spirit, marriage, and life. Maybe you're done trying. Or maybe you'll realize you want to try again. Or maybe your doctor will be able to tell you more information that helps you decide. No matter what you do, you'll be loved.
Today is Day 1 of a new cycle. We decided to do IVF next cycle so we can do one more last-ditch effort at IUI first. Then if it works, we won't need the expensive IVF loan! But we can't put off IVF any longer than that due to my age.

My Dr doesn't recommend the third IUI, but she understands our decision is based on finances. If I could, I would have done as many IVFs as it took from the beginning and I'd probably be pregnant by now!

Anyway, I'm excited that we have a plan. I just don't know what we will do if the third IUI and first IVF don't work. Or if they work but I miscarry. Guess all I can do is put one foot in front of the other. As they say, you can cross that bridge when you get to it.
Kismet, I'm excited for you <3

I don't think I ovulated this cycle. Or I did actually ovulate 6 days ago, which wouldn't match up with everything else. I think my body tried to ovulate, had the CM, pos OPK, cramps, etc but didn't actually succeed? I've never had an anovulatory cycle before, but with all the stuff I've thrown at my body, stress included, it wouldn't be unusual if I did. I'm not upset by it except for the fact that I'm not sure when my period will be due. I am very clearly past ovulation if it did occur, but my temps are what is throwing me off. It doesn't look like my normal post ovulation rise, etc. Oh well. Just hope my period arrives around the 23rd like scheduled.
Finding that's great you anew so positive and have everything planned out. You never know could be third time lucky.

Wbee hope it all figures itself out

Florida do take care of yourself. Unfortunately I know how horrendous that was for you having experienced an examination during mc myself. Huge hugs and take all the time you need to recover

I'm not sure what's going on. Cm had seemed to have kinda gone from Monday but appeared back yesterday to the degree there was a lot when I wiped. Did an opk to see if maybe I didn't ov over the weekend and was trying again but was a very definite negative. Had some crampy af type feelings yesterday for about half an hour which made me go on knicker watch for the rest of the day but nothing still. I'm currently ignoring my temps as they are messed up with the last few nights of broken/little sleep. My temps are always lower when that happens. Going to hold out til next Wednesday to test again and make sure it is a defo negative for the doctor as she said to test again after two weeks.
I kinda just want af to show up now.
:wave: everyone

Sorry I've been away, hubs and dd have had 'man flu' so had to play nurse :( surprised I didn't get it though!!

Florida I am so so sorry to hear what happened. Thinking of you and sending :hugs: :cry:

Finding, so frustrating :( love the new plan, really hope the last ditch effort is successful and you don't need the loan :)

Mumto, how are you doing?

Jelly, it's frustrating not knowing isn't it, :( it's so odd.

Wbee, I hate those cycles where you have no idea what's going on! And especially the thought that you missed your chance. It's gutting knowing you have to wait. Hope o is just late. No you get a chance :)

Hope everyone else is doing ok.

Nothing much from me, af did come, and now I'm waiting to o sometime next week, hope I get some strong pains this time so I can quickly get to dtd lol

Sending lots of :hugs: to those who need them and :dust: to you all for this cycle xx

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