* Sticking together * Waiting for our turn * * sticky BFP's needed *

Jelly, how frustrating your body is right now!

bubbles, I'm glad you didn't get the flu :)

So looks like I did ovulate. Ovufriend has it set to the 8th now, which I figured once I saw this morning's temp. Which means, except the day of ovulation, we had perfect timing. And bd on ovulation day is the least effective anyway, so this cycle was actually timed perfectly. All 3 days before hand we bd'ed. Yesterday I was feeling horribly nauseated due to two different smells, which just made me laugh. Obviously it's not a pregnancy sign but actually a sign of higher progesterone for me. So note to self: nausea is not a symptom :laugh2:
Did an opk with smu this morning as temp shot up, it was nearly a +ve so maybe I didn't ov last weekend. Had some spotting today aswell, it was light pink. Had watery cm since Thursday after it drying up a bit from last weekend. What do you guys think? I've not dtd since Sunday, should we make sure we do tonight?

Update : I didn't actually have spotting today, turns out I've grazed very close to with some new uncomfortable pants. Also cm is more lotiony than watery but lots of it
florida, I am so sorry that you are going through this. Just take it one day at a time.:hugs::hugs:

I had a job interview on Thursday for a preschool aid and the interview went well, the lady said the job is mines, but I have to wait until HR call me so I can take the background check and drug testing. I know is not the healthcare field, but this is a starting point since I will have some sort of job experience. I have tons of educational experience but not any recent job experience. I will only be working 2 hrs a day which is nothing but it is something I can put on my resume so the employers in the healthcare field se that I have been working. The lady that interviewed me said that if I do very well my pay may go up and my hours or that I can move up to a different position such as an administrative position since I have educational background in administrative.

I am 5dpo today, I still think I missed this month since I O on CD 13 and me and dh did not BD. Well there is always next month!

How are you ladies doing so far?? Any new symptoms? The only symptom I had was I was extremly thirsty yesterday which I think is normal. Good luck ladies!!:flower:
Momwife, looks like you BD the day before ovulation, which is more effective than the day of, so def not out. Awesome news on the job!

This cycle seems to be the healthiest yet. My body does much better without those supplements. My temp is the highest ever and I'm 5 dpo right now. Even if it's a bust, I'm happy to see my cycle looks great
Progesterone levels show I did ovulate. Period suppose to start today. Did not show. But BFN. Maybe will be late due to clomid any advice?
That's fab news momwife, looks like you did dtd in time, fx!

Looking good wbee, fab that your cycle is sorting itself out.

5drops no idea about clomid but I'm sure someone will answer you soon.

Ff & ovufriend both put me as 3dpo today, think I'm out though as was too long ago when we last dtd. We didn't this weekend either as just been drained ( and Husbandface was too drunk after the dining in night on Friday). Bit to be honest getting my cycle back to normal would be a good thing right now
I just wanted to wake up our thread, since it's been a few days since anyone posted.

How is everyone?

I'm waiting for my CD12 scan to see if we'll be doing IUI this cycle. Finished my clomid.

I've started supplements, acupuncture, and healthier choices in prep for IVF. RE also put me on thyroid medication since it's a little higher than ideal.

Yesterday RE told me my FSH has gone up and this could mean I won't have good eggs for IUI/IVF. She said it's time to consider an egg donor.

How do you feel about egg donor vs. adoption?
:wave: everyone.

Thanks wbee :)

Glad things are falling in to place for preparation finding. My friend is considering this too, I think egg donar is nice in the sense you get to experience pregnancy but adoption is rewarding isn't it. Just depends on which you need.

Just eating for o day. Not doing very well with Dtd this month either as I've felt so sick this week. Hoping to try tonight, we'll see :shrug: Xx
Finding my friend who has fertility problems was discovered to have an under active thyroid, once she was on meds she managed to conceive. She was obviously still undergoing treatment of some description (I cannot remember which stage) but it helped so fx it has the same effect. In regards to egg donor and adoption I think they are both good things and is all down to personal preference. If I were in your situation and couldn't afford ivf I would defo consider both.

Bubble hope you manage to catch that eggy

I'm currently on approx 11 dpo, ff and ovufriend has me a few days ahead but that is due to elevated temps over the weekend as got up later that weekend. The weekend just gone was more accurate. Think I'm going to wait until the end of next week for af to be sure. I personally don't think it's happened this time though
Jelly, at least now you can start fresh and hopefully things won't be confusing this time!

I'm on CD 29, 11-12 dpo and got a bfn this morning and i'm pretty sure my cervix is opening for af. I only tested because it was 2 days after a temp dip and if it was implantation, I'd have gotten a positive today. Oh well.
Hello ladies!

I am 12DPO and AF is due between the 24th-28th. I have not had any symptoms as of yet. I am trying my best not to symptom spot since that could be very stressful. Went to see my asthma nurse on Thursday, took breathing tests and she told me that my lungs are inflammed.:growlmad: She wrote me a prescription for advair which I take but it will be more steroid medication in it. She said hopefully in December when I see her again she can put me back on my normal dosage since I am TTC.

I hate having asthma. Last year it started acting up out of the clear blue (didn't have no breathing problems before)since I was walking my daughters to school and picking them up but the school is only across the street. The last time I had an asthma flare up was back in 2006. I think it was because I had to stand out in the cold to wait until my daughters come out since they were letting them out at different times and of course at least 15 minutes late. Hopefully this year I will not have any problems whatsosver. This time I will wait in the school to pick them up. Now the school changed where the students be picked up which is now at the back of the school. I just don't want to be hospitalized for a week again.:growlmad: I apologize if this is tooo long.
FX for you ladies!!:hugs::hugs::flower:
Hi everyone hope everyone is doing well. Went to regular dr since I was having severe headaches since being on cytotech doxycycline and naproxen. Stopped last Wednesday and started getting crippling headaches this weekend. My dr said my thyroid feels a little swollen so in having a CBC cmp and tsh done tomorrow. My thyroid was fine in June so I'm just a little anxious. I had a complete abdominal us done Friday waiting on results. Also am supposed to get a ct scan done due to headaches. I'm a little nervous. Anyone had swollen thyroid and all fine?
wbee looking at your signature it looks like af turned up for you too. heres for the next cycle to bring us good luck.

momwife, hope af stays away for you. sorry to hear your asthma is playing up. i used to suffer terribly from attacks when i was in my late teens. havent had an attack in about 6 years now luckily. been on steriod tablets after a few attacks in a short space of time but never long term, only had the brown preventer low dose steriod inhaler. hope yours eases off, i know how you feel about the winter coldness, surely the school wont have a problem with you waiting inside if you just speak to the headteacher. i found wearing a scarf over my mouth helpful just to take the edge off, not necessarily a big thick winter one but like one of those pretty floaty ones.

hope youre okay florida, i have an underactive thyroid but ive never noticed it being swollen or anything. ive had bad headaches previously and had a ct scan, nothing to be worried about as they are normally the do-nut scanners so not claustrophobic like the mri i had. hope it amounts to nothing and its a treatable cause like you need glasses or something. could well be tablets you are taking, can take a few weeks for it to completely flush out of your system so could be whiy you still have them.
Yeah, af showed up for me. Strangely, this is the shortest LP ever at 11-12 days (I don't know if I started bleeding yesterday or today due to just sticking a tampon in when spotting increased). Unfortunately, my insurance fell through. It doesn't cover anything I need it to, so I cancelled. Oh well.

So this month I'm trying soy isoflavones, since that is very near clomid in effects. I really hope it works. Will be starting 120mg today before bed until CD 6
Hey guys, I'm so sorry I have been AWOL. I had a little wobble with my confidence with everything and went Dr Google mad!

Going to read over all the posts and catch up where everybody is!!!
Hi ladies, AF showed up today. I am glad I did not test! Well on to the next month. jelly tots, I just bought 2 scarfs today so I think that will help. I will make sure I will bundle up at all times. LOL! Keeping my FX that I will have no asthma flare ups. I hope all you ladies are doing ok. FX for BFP in this thread soon!:hugs:
Just seen that you've had another scan mum hope everything is okay.

Looks like the three of us will be testing around the same-ish time, although no idea how long my cycle will be.
The bleeding was quite heavy for the first two days but wasn't like it is usually. I had lots of watery bright red. Not thicker darker red with small clot like before. Is this just because of the mmc clearing everything out?

Wbee hope the soy helps
Hello ladies! How is everyone doing? I think AF will stop tomorrow which is great! I don't want to ever go 7 days again. Jelly, my sister went through the same thing as you with her mmc. How are you doing today? :hugs:
well af lasted the standard 5 days so thats good going so far. feeling rather run down the last few days so might still be a bit iron deficient. think i might take b12 supplement aswell this month to see if that helps. ive had a few ulcers constantly the last few months which can be because of b12 and also seen somewhere it can affect early pregnancy.
just to wait for ov again now so going to keep temping and dtd with hubster now hes back off one course. thinking if we dtd at least every couple days and then every other day closer to af before he goes away we should have it fairly well covered.

hope everyone is having a good weekend

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