Sticky Bean Dream Team Lounge

Loves- i know i know i keep.telling myself i Will wait until Sunday but Friday Will much sooner than that! I am.hoping the disappointment of getting a bfn Will stop me from testing Friday?!?!

Mooker sorry about your bfn.but is was so so early i nearly.doesnt even.count! :) you are so so still in the game!

Ash well done with the charting.this month......i tried at the start of my cycle but i am a really bad sleeper and i kept waking up way before my then i didnt know.whether just to take my temp then at like 4am or wait until 6.15 ? Sometimes.i really didnt.go.back to sleep properly so thought my temps would be way off? Want to try again but not sure how best to

Well i am 8dpo today and i really really had to persuade myself not to test this morning! Doesnt give much faith in myself to hold out until Sunday :-/ xx
Whenwilli- welcome back!! My goodness you are.holding out so so well!! I am only 7dpo and i am.itching to test!! All your signs temps etc looking really positive!! Fingers and toes crossed for you! X

Thank you Twinkle. I couldn't hold any longer and tested this morning... got a BFN. Well, I have my beta on Friday, so I decided not to test till then. FX for all of us.
ash- temping is both a good thing and a bad thing I think.. It can get obsessive. and trying to hard to ttc makes it harder in the long run.. probably another reason I've been MIA.. we haven't been stressing about ttc. Which is nice.. he thinks i'm a goober that I blog about it on here.. lol but hes happy I have people to talk to :) LOVE YOU GIRLS!!

Mooker and WhenwillI- Boo for BFN's :( I hope this is it for you guys!!! It's about time for a BFP from one of us!!!

AFM- i'm about 2 dpo.. temp was 98.0 on 2 dpo- (unheard of for me)!!!! FX'D THIS IS IT FOR ME TOO!!

also- Sadie is doing good on her potty training. And it looks like I might be having to look for a new job between december and August. My grandmothers medical review is coming up and she's doing so great and doing things independantly since I started working with her that her hours might get dropped.. which means I need to move on so I can keep a good check coming in :( boo- my job is so awesome.. In the past 7 years it's the 2nd job I've had so i'm kind of sad to have to start hunting :( :( :( idk what I want to do next. Start working my way up the nursing ladder is what I'd like to do.. but we'll see :shrug:
Lol i know! I just have no idea when i o so i hope this helps me pinpoint when i do!
Ash, you should see a good spike and you will know when you see it! :)

Loves, so glad you are back!!
Twink, did you decide what to make on Saturday? I also love to cook! We had a pretty big garden this year so I also got into canning and perserving.

My friends and I have a dinner club. We call it Grub Club. We meet once a week at one of five couples houses. If it's your turn, you provide all the beverages, apps, entree and dessert. When dinner is done, everyone else cleans your kitchen. I hosted last week and made Chicken Saltimbocca.

Sorry about the BFN's ladies. Hopefully you just tested too early.

Loves, I've also been trying to relax more and not obsess. I didn't use opk's and I've never temped. I'm also trying not to worry about having a glass of wine or two (which is hard not to do because I'm a wine rep. It's part of my job to drink haha). I'm in a better place now so even if it's not this month, I'm thinking it will happen soon! I really wanted to already be knocked up over the holidays so I could tell my family. Oh well.

FX for all!
Loves, good to hear your puppy potty training is going well! Good luck with the job hunting!!
Sbmack, you have an awesome job!!! Jealous! :)
Sbmack, you have an awesome job!!! Jealous! :)

Thanks! It's going to be really hard to keep it a secret once I finally do concieve. I am also kind of a blabber and have told too many ppl we are trying. It's been on my mind so much it's hard not to talk about it
hey everyone,
ive also bee mia but ive just been really really tired lately and have been having some bad morning sickness!. today i had to go to the ER as i notices a tiny bit of spotting today so i had to go make sure everything was ok, 1st she did a pelvic exam-said everything looks good down there she only seen very little blood nothing to worry about especailly since im not having no pains or cramping 2nd they did blood work to make sure my beta hcg levels were going up they also came back very good 5716:) i had my levels tested 11.1 and it was 509!! 3rd and LAST they did a ultrasound- im still pretty early they measure baby at 5w3d you could barely see anything but i feel alot better that doctor told me everything looks good. however just to be on the safe side she wants me to get my levels check in 48hours!! and well i have a doctors appointent tomorow my first prenatal appointment so im going to be sure to let my doctor know what happen so we can make sure all is well and she can send me for a scan which im going to make next friday if she does send me because then ill be almost 7w i should be 6w 5d next friday so wish me luck ladies!!!!
im sorry to hear about ur BFN:-( ugh i hated getting BFN matter of fact i keep on picking up test to watch the 2lines finally come up because after seeing nothing but BFN for 2 whole years god it just feels nice to know that god has finally answered my prays and i know he going to answer ech and everyone of yours! well ladies im off to bed i was trying to wait till DH got off but he on call this whole week so he might not come home till 4am and i gotta rest up goodnight ladies ill be praying for each and everyone of you!! :dust: :dust::dust:
hey everyone,
ive also bee mia but ive just been really really tired lately and have been having some bad morning sickness!. today i had to go to the ER as i notices a tiny bit of spotting today so i had to go make sure everything was ok, 1st she did a pelvic exam-said everything looks good down there she only seen very little blood nothing to worry about especailly since im not having no pains or cramping 2nd they did blood work to make sure my beta hcg levels were going up they also came back very good 5716:) i had my levels tested 11.1 and it was 509!! 3rd and LAST they did a ultrasound- im still pretty early they measure baby at 5w3d you could barely see anything but i feel alot better that doctor told me everything looks good. however just to be on the safe side she wants me to get my levels check in 48hours!! and well i have a doctors appointent tomorow my first prenatal appointment so im going to be sure to let my doctor know what happen so we can make sure all is well and she can send me for a scan which im going to make next friday if she does send me because then ill be almost 7w i should be 6w 5d next friday so wish me luck ladies!!!!
im sorry to hear about ur BFN:-( ugh i hated getting BFN matter of fact i keep on picking up test to watch the 2lines finally come up because after seeing nothing but BFN for 2 whole years god it just feels nice to know that god has finally answered my prays and i know he going to answer ech and everyone of yours! well ladies im off to bed i was trying to wait till DH got off but he on call this whole week so he might not come home till 4am and i gotta rest up goodnight ladies ill be praying for each and everyone of you!! :dust: :dust::dust:

It's nice to see that one of our preggo members keeps us updated. Makes me feel good. Our others have dropped off since thier :bfp:s I'm going to keep my fingers crossed for you, on your journey through a happy healthy nine months.
Hey girlies well I didn't even last to Friday never mind Sunday!! I am such a twit! Tested this morning (9dpo) and BFN :-( just hoping too early but didn't hold much hope out this month anyway with our lack of bd'ing at the fertile time!

Come on girlies we GOTTA get some BFPs this months I am totally convinced that we will have some lucky ladies this month!

Sbmack - Grub club sounds like so so much fun! Great idea, although out of my friends they always come to my house as most of them hate cooking! But they do clean up and bring the vino so I guess I feel like I get the better end of the deal anyway as I love the cooking part! No Idea what I am cooking yet, am thinking Spanish maybe something with chicken, chorizo and beans with patatas bravas?! I tend just to make things up as I go along :-/ Ps . I am sooo jealous of your job too! I love going to wine tastings etc. I love learning all about the different grapes and regions in the world!

Loves - sorry about the job hunt but it is so good that your grandmother is doing so well thanks to all your care and hard work!

Ilovehim - WELCOME BACK! It is so so nice to hear from one of our preggers ladies! So happy for you.......sorry about your scare but it sounds like everything is just fine and it is good that your doctor is being so caring. FX the sickness goes soon! Keep us up to date it is nice to hear a story different to what we are talking about for a wee change. x

Well my lovely ladies I am DETERMINED not to test again until Sunday, really is no fun seeing that BFN, I should just really wait for AF and not test but I may cave Sunday ( i know i know or tomorrow!)

Well I am off to court this morning to the scariest judge in Ireland :-/ so wish me luck x
Ilovehim happy to hear everything is okay!
Well I am on CD15 today! My FF calendar says that I am most likely fertile. DH and I bd'd yesterday in the am and today in the am.... come on November!!! I have sone much better with not obsessing as much. So hope it helps!
Good morning ladies! I couldnt get it out of my head that there was a reason that AF never showed, so I tested again this morning and another BFN. Im so hoping that there are no hormonal issues. I've read that the progesterone is a test to rule out things such as no estrogen, or not ovulating at all.. so fingers crossed AF comes soon! This seems like the longest cycle ever! CD 69 holy hell! Im so bummed because I wanted to be all pregnant and cozy this winter :/ The plus side is that the twins will have already started school after summer break if it happens in the next few months. Sorry for the ramble
Good luck with the appts., Ilovehim!

Sorry for the long cycle, Jeslyn.

Twinks, good luck in court! I may have missed this in a previous post, but are you a lawyer?
Twinkle : 9DPO is too early.. FX crossed for us. And Good Luck with the Scariest Judge!

Ilovehim: Welcome Back... and good luck and wishing a H&H 9 months.

Loves: Sorry about the job hunt... something better is out there for ya sweetie!

Jeslyn: CD69... sorry about that... I know how bad it is when your cycle just keeps going on with a BFN. I was diagnosed with PCOS when I went to the doctor about my weird long cycles. Sometimes AF won't show up for an year.. and sometimes its doesn't end for 90 days... Did you go to the doctor?
Hello my lady loves....

Hope all is well with everyone.

I see some ppl are testing early. When is everyone actually due to test?
hey ladies,
thank you all so much for your thoughts!!!!!!! and you know i wanna try to help your ladies and i wanna see u all get ur BFP too i didnt forget where i came from, i dont think i would of never got my bfp if it wasnt for all of you ladies help and support, so you know now ive got to be there for you LADIES:) you know it took me 2+yrs to get pregnant with this baby and i just can't believe after 3months of joining this website that it happen for me i wanna just thank you ladies so much and im going to be ROOTING for each and everyone of you all the way. you know one of the things that i really think help me was taken prenatals is anyone else taken them? you know they are so great for your body your hair your nails your skin i mean my hair has never been so long my skin never so clear and i just feel well felt like i had more engry before i got pregnant and was taken them lol lil bean is kinda sucking everything i got out of me right now! im glad that im gonna be pregnant in the winter this time and especailly because thanksgiving is coming and christmas MMMMM alls i keep thinking about is i have a reason to EAT AND GET FAT YAY anyways ladies i think the main thing is to keep busy try not to think about TTC(i kno it hard) but i really think that was another trick for me is i just kept real busy stayed relax so just try to keep that in mind!! sorry to hear about the BFN:-( they suck so bad im going to keep stalking the thread and praying for all of u to get ur bfp i know u all can do it! oh i had my first prenatal appointment today she said bleeding dont look bad no clotting or nothing like that and my crevixs are closed up so she dont think its a m/c or nothing tomorrow or monday my blood should be back and she going to give me a call and let me know she said i just need to relax she sure everythings ok its normal to spot alil in the first trim which now that i think of it i had this when i was preggers with my son and he 5now well its nap time ladies goodluck to each and everyone of u
Hi ladies! Just wanted to check in and see how everyone is doing even though I'm way out of sync with everyone! AF finally came after 22 days of raised temps and was so frustrating! I'm glad to be on cycle day 4 today and yesterday my Maca came so I started taking that! Who else was trying Maca this cycle and has anyone noticed a difference? I feel like my energy levels are higher especially since I'm still on heavy flow.

Twinkle- I'm so sorry about your BFN! However, its probably too early to test so don't lose hope!

Jes- I feel so bad for you having this horrible long cycle! Mine was almost 50 days and I felt like I was going to lose it if AF didn't come soon. And I know what you mean about being all cozy and preggo for the winter, when we first started trying in July I thought for sure I would be 5 months pregnant on Christmas...maybe we still will be, just not as far along :)

Ilove him- I had spotting at least once a week for the first 13 weeks with my daughter and she was fine so try not to worry! She was born premature, but she was 6lbs 12oz and healthy as can be!

Good luck to everyone in the TWW! :dust:
Hey are we all tonight?!

Jes-so sorry about the long cycle that is so so annoying maybe.the doc Will be able to give you some answers........totally understand why you keep testing really hope you know.whats happening soon hopefully Will get back to normal next cycle Fx!
Dont be silly its not a rant us girlies gotta chat/rant together!

Sbmack and Whenwilli- yes i
am lawyer and he was horrible but i think i handled him :)

Glamstar-my AF due next thurs so i not really sure when to test (again) as i think i ovulated early this month with starting the b6 so expecting AF to come early for some reason....i am not not testing again early...what about you??

Ilovehim- it is just so so nice to hear your story and you are so encouraging......really nice to have you sticking around mamma! :)

Ash- Fx the no stressing pays off!! Good luck getting busy!

Brit- really glad you are back on track! Maca seems to work a dream for people and already seems to be doing you good so Fx that Will do the business for you!

well girlies i am just glad the weekend starts tomorrow and i Will be able to.distract myself from testing and concentrate on getting this house sorted and cooking for all the parental sat testing for me!!

Anybody got any plans for weekend?! X

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