Still looking for our May Flowers...

Hi can I join please :witch: is due 23rd next Friday and I'm currently 8dpo feeling a but crampy!

We have had lots of fertility tests all came back okay and we are currently on our 2nd cycle of clomid and this will be month 21 of trying for us! So really trying to be hopeful but finding it difficult if I'm honest!

:dust: and :hugs: to all x x x

Welcome bluebearmummy! Hoping you get a bfp this cycle!
Savvy - I'm sure you're just o'ing late. I go through that agony every cycle when I'm not o'ing early, wondering if it's an annovulatory cycle. It's almost like I don't want to o early because I know the egg quality isn't good, but then when I don't o at my normal CD13 I start to wonder if I am going to have an annovulatory cycle.

Hopefully you'll have perfect timing for your RE's appointment!!

Floridasian, thanks. I think I wonder every cycle too since I O so late and then all of a sudden a blazing positive. I guess I am a bit more concerned with the extra stress and now being CD19 with no positive opk. I guess it really doesn't matter if I actually O this cycle since at least I will be seeing the RE in a week and a half. I just get tired of waiting! :)

Sorry you got a bfn today but it is still early...hopefully that progesterone is making a nice, comfy lining for your sticky bean to attach to for 9 months!
I just looked at my calendar, & if this cycle is a bust, I won't be able to do the IUI next cycle. I will be out of town on CD 12 which is when I did the IUI this cycle. I hope I have a positive this cycle, but maybe if I don't, I will do a monitored with timed intercourse. My insurance will pay a big chunk of that anyways. The only issue is being able to time it. We will be with family in PA & traveling to a Yankee game in NY. Ugh! I also have no idea how long a cycle would be if this one didn't work since I had an earlier O & on so many meds. So next cycle is just up in the air until I get a final result from this cycle.
I just looked at my calendar, & if this cycle is a bust, I won't be able to do the IUI next cycle. I will be out of town on CD 12 which is when I did the IUI this cycle. I hope I have a positive this cycle, but maybe if I don't, I will do a monitored with timed intercourse. My insurance will pay a big chunk of that anyways. The only issue is being able to time it. We will be with family in PA & traveling to a Yankee game in NY. Ugh! I also have no idea how long a cycle would be if this one didn't work since I had an earlier O & on so many meds. So next cycle is just up in the air until I get a final result from this cycle.

I am starting to get nervous too about the summer. My husband travels a lot and we go to the lake house with my parents and family friends almost every weekend. I am going to be making quite a few excuses. I was going to look at booking a trip but now I am waiting to see if I need to be monitored and what the plan looks like...I can't really be out of town if I need an ultrasound or labs done. Also I am thinking about taking the summer off, I run my own business so I get to choose when I work, how much I work, etc. I hate to take the summer off but I am nervous if I accept more work it will be on a day that I need a procedure (IUI) or labs, etc. If I lock myself into jobs I am stuck since I don't have employees and I really can't take a "sick" day. I never thought ttc would get this complicated.
Yeh its the main reason I have not been scheduling anything. But this is just a weekend thing. Just bad timing.

I have another weekend at end of June.
I travel for work once every 7 weeks or so. Ever since we started TTC and followed by my m/c and the slow-decreasing beta and the cancer scare I've been reluctant to leave town, because when I do leave town I am gone for a whole week at a time. It makes TTC and doctor's appointments really difficult. Since I have to book plane tickets, hotel rooms, and rental cars I have to book them at least 3-4 weeks ahead of time so I'm always looking at my ovulation calendar to see how it would fit. Luckily DH has lots of vacation time (government employee - low pay but great benefits!) so if I have do I can get DH to travel with me, at least for a few days. I can't bring my doctor with me though so there's nothing I can do about that one!
I talked to my husband at lunch about it...told him we will just have to see what happens. He said ok, but I don't think it is going to matter. He is pretty optimistic about getting a positive this weekend.
I travel for work once every 7 weeks or so. Ever since we started TTC and followed by my m/c and the slow-decreasing beta and the cancer scare I've been reluctant to leave town, because when I do leave town I am gone for a whole week at a time. It makes TTC and doctor's appointments really difficult. Since I have to book plane tickets, hotel rooms, and rental cars I have to book them at least 3-4 weeks ahead of time so I'm always looking at my ovulation calendar to see how it would fit. Luckily DH has lots of vacation time (government employee - low pay but great benefits!) so if I have do I can get DH to travel with me, at least for a few days. I can't bring my doctor with me though so there's nothing I can do about that one!

It would be cool if you could bring the doctor along on the trips! My DH mainly travels for work in the summer months, sometimes he is gone for a week or two and other times it is only for a few days. I know we missed some fertile days last summer and he actually switched positions over the winter so that he wouldn't have to travel as much. We will see how that works out. Unfortunately it is last minute or very short notice for work trips and they just discovered his passport was expired, which he did on purpose...unfortunately they paid to expedite the passport. I am trying hard not to worry and hopefully once we see the RE we will have a plan. I guess he could always tell his senior manager that I am having surgery or something. He has over 40 days of pto so it isn't like he can't take time off, he just can't get fired by missing work or refusing too many work trips! :winkwink:
I talked to my husband at lunch about it...told him we will just have to see what happens. He said ok, but I don't think it is going to matter. He is pretty optimistic about getting a positive this weekend.

I am optimistic about your positive hpt too! :)
I just looked at my calendar, & if this cycle is a bust, I won't be able to do the IUI next cycle. I will be out of town on CD 12 which is when I did the IUI this cycle. I hope I have a positive this cycle, but maybe if I don't, I will do a monitored with timed intercourse. My insurance will pay a big chunk of that anyways. The only issue is being able to time it. We will be with family in PA & traveling to a Yankee game in NY. Ugh! I also have no idea how long a cycle would be if this one didn't work since I had an earlier O & on so many meds. So next cycle is just up in the air until I get a final result from this cycle.

You wont know the timing until AF arrives, if she still might work out. If you have any free time I live pretty close to Yankee Stadium....
I just looked at my calendar, & if this cycle is a bust, I won't be able to do the IUI next cycle. I will be out of town on CD 12 which is when I did the IUI this cycle. I hope I have a positive this cycle, but maybe if I don't, I will do a monitored with timed intercourse. My insurance will pay a big chunk of that anyways. The only issue is being able to time it. We will be with family in PA & traveling to a Yankee game in NY. Ugh! I also have no idea how long a cycle would be if this one didn't work since I had an earlier O & on so many meds. So next cycle is just up in the air until I get a final result from this cycle.

You wont know the timing until AF arrives, if she still might work out. If you have any free time I live pretty close to Yankee Stadium....

I hope it works out. The only problem is I would have to be here on CD 10 for my scan & CD 12 for the IUI...if timing works the same as this last cycle. So if it comes on time (14 day lp) I can do my scan, just no IUI but I can do timed. But if she is more than a day late, I am out for even that...she would have to be almost a week late for it all to work out as planned...long shot.

I am so jealous you are close to Yankee Stadium. We have never been to the new or the old stadium. We have to get in one game this year since the love of my life (Jeter) is retiring. Unfortunately, it is a really short trip. We are headed to PA on the 30th to drop off my dogs & pick up my husband's uncle, then we are going to the game on May is a day game...then driving straight back to PA after...possibly staying in a hotel that night, but hoping to avoid that. Then straight back to NC on Sunday. Almost no time to even breathe! But it will be worth it.

My cramping seems to be more extreme today. No spotting...but the P is probably holding off any spotting. Oh wow...just had a thought...maybe I can keep taking the P to extend out my cycle. What do you guys think????
I hope it works out. The only problem is I would have to be here on CD 10 for my scan & CD 12 for the IUI...if timing works the same as this last cycle. So if it comes on time (14 day lp) I can do my scan, just no IUI but I can do timed. But if she is more than a day late, I am out for even that...she would have to be almost a week late for it all to work out as planned...long shot.

I am so jealous you are close to Yankee Stadium. We have never been to the new or the old stadium. We have to get in one game this year since the love of my life (Jeter) is retiring. Unfortunately, it is a really short trip. We are headed to PA on the 30th to drop off my dogs & pick up my husband's uncle, then we are going to the game on May is a day game...then driving straight back to PA after...possibly staying in a hotel that night, but hoping to avoid that. Then straight back to NC on Sunday. Almost no time to even breathe! But it will be worth it.

My cramping seems to be more extreme today. No spotting...but the P is probably holding off any spotting. Oh wow...just had a thought...maybe I can keep taking the P to extend out my cycle. What do you guys think????

Sounds like a fun trip! I think trying to extend your cycle with P might be a good idea...not sure if it is safe though. Would the RE be able to extend your cycle with femara taken different days, etc? Still hoping a you get a bfp though.
beaglemom, I almost had the same issue with this cycle since DH and I have to go out of town next weekend. I was afraid I'd start full blown AF yesterday or today and day10 would've fallen while we were out of town. Luckily, I didn't. I'm still only spotting, but I would think I'd start tomorrow the way I'm feeling, so my day3 stuff will probably be on Monday. Now i'm still in a bit of a pickle, because day10 will fall on the following Mon, and that's actually the day we are driving back. So when I go in on Monday, I'm going to ask them if it hurts anything to do that day10 u/s on day11 instead. I dont think I'll be an early ovulator on the Femara since last cycle was a false alarm when I got that first pos OPK. So I think even though the follie was ready on day10, it would probably be ok to have the u/s on day 11, which is the day we get back. Then i can trigger that night, and have the IUI on day 13. But I want to ask them on Mon if that's something they can do without screwing things up. She did mention that they can also do the day3 stuff as late as day4 (but no later), although I wont end up needing that. But she just mentioned it. She said in that case, I'd just do the Femara on days 4-8 instead of days 3-7, and that might put O off by one day as well. So it sounds like there's a tiny bit of room for flexibility. But I'm going to talk to her on Monday and mention my circumstances, and I'm hoping she'll say day11 is fine. She may have me take the Femara days 4-8, or she may not feel its necessary. I'll find out, I guess! I'm just glad it'll probably work out either way, because I was really worried that I was going to get AF yesterday or the day before.

Taking the P might be a good option to extend your cycle! I'm hoping you don't need to and that you'll just get a BFP and not have to worry about any of this crap anymore, lol! FXd totally crossed for you! But if not, it would be worth a phone call to your RE to tell them your situation and see if they are okay w/it.
AFM, the spotting is back to being reddish pink now. Here's what definitely weird... it actually seems watery too... it's not just when a wipe now. A little bit comes out on a pantyliner, and it just seems to have this watery thing going on... TMI here, but its like there's a spot of red/pink on the pantyliner, and there's this wet circle around it that is just clear, and the spotting in general just seems more watery. These drugs that I took this cycle def changed the ending of my cycle for sure. I always get that brown spotting anywhere from 2-5 days prior to AF, but it's just brown. This time it was pinkish, and then blood red, and today its red/pink watery. So this Femara/Ovidrel definitely worked different on my body than just the clomid did. If I start AF tomorrow, then I had exactly a 28-day cycle.
Erin I was given a drug to delay my O...I guess if my follicles were not mature. If you wait until CD 11 I would be afraid you may O on your own. So you may want to ask about a med to delay...sorry I can't remember the name. I think your follicles were larger than mine on CD 10.

Oh I mean they ordered the med but I didn't end up taking it. I will go look at the box to see the name.
Erin I was given a drug to delay my O...I guess if my follicles were not mature. If you wait until CD 11 I would be afraid you may O on your own. So you may want to ask about a med to delay...sorry I can't remember the name. I think your follicles were larger than mine on CD 10.

Oh I mean they ordered the med but I didn't end up taking it. I will go look at the box to see the name.

Ok, so I could ask about that then, just to be on the safe side. I didn't have a pos opk the morning of day10 (before triggering that night), but that doesn't mean that this cycle would be the same. On clomid, i always O'd on day 13-14, but there was one weird cycle my temp rose on day11 and FF showed O on day10, and although my temps were super weird that whole cycle, I wouldn't want to risk if it happened on the Femara. Thanks for that tip! Let me know what it's called.
Oh I just saw you posted the name of the med. we must've been posting those last comments at the same time. Thanks! My RE may end up suggesting it, but if not, I will ask about it and remind her that my body does tend to O early sometimes. I was taking clomid on days 5-9 and still O'd on day 13 usually, so you'd think taking the Femara days 3-7 would've made me O earlier! I think that's why I was so paranoid last cycle when I got that false pos opk!
Hello ladies...I hope everyone is having a good weekend so far. I had another neg this morning at 13 dpo...but I have not lost hope. Just had a lady get a pos beta today at 15 dpo.

I may be tempting the gods...but I spent my day at a car dealership. I had a 2008 prius. I just traded it in for the prius is the larger one. I wanted a bigger car for a baby but did not want to give up the compact driving or the mpg of my the prius v was perfect. I only meant to look at one but it was an amazing is a 2012. So I am happy but also nervous. I didn't have a car payment & now we do. And with possible IVF coming, it just makes me nervous...but we just went for it!

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