So Melody's night time is not getting any better, and she's still fairly fussy during the day. How long does teething last?!

The only real plus side is that today I've been waiting a little longer between naps (closer to 3 hours) and today both her naps have been 2 hours long instead of 45 minutes. This second one she woke up prematurely because the dogs barked but I was able to get her back to sleep. That's the only sanity I've had today.

Thank God it's the weekend and DH is home. He took her when she was screaming and refusing to sleep at 4:45am, and kept her happy and then put her down for a morning nap and I was able to sleep from 5 - 8.

Best 3 hours ever.
Flueky - I really get annoyed when anyone, especially a LC, makes someone feel bad for giving formula. My doctor (who was my OB and is also my pediatrician - she has multiple specialties and loves working wiht the whole family!) encourages her patients to do whatever works for the family and as long as baby is fed, loved, and cared for, you do what you gotta do. If she's not content from BF, then chances are you aren't producing enough and you have to make sure baby gets fed. Mothers Milk tea seems to be really good at helping (I think it has fenugreek in it, but not sure). And my grandmother said she took brewers yeast tablets when she was younger to create milk production when she wasn't producing.
Sounds like she's a really good baby though, that's awesome.
Yeah, teething sucks. I hate that she's in pain and irritible and fussy and cranky all the time. And neither of us are getting any sleep. Completely frustrating because we just had a good sleep routine down.
Oh I guess that makes sense. I forgot she was early. If Melody had come right around 34 weeks then it would have been during my last week before I went on Christmas holiday. Is there a big concern that because she was early, a future baby would also be early?
Honestly, I've read in several places that waiting a year is recommended so that your uterus and body can fully heal. I read somewhere that it can take the uterus up to a year to return to it's pre-pregnancy size. I want Melody to be over a year before TTC again, in fact I'm thinking I want her to be closer to 2, but our concern is my age. I was already considered high risk first Tri with M, and I'll be 32 this month. 35 is the high risk age.
I had to do the progesterone pills through all of first tri. It sucked at first, but eventually I adjusted. By 2nd Tri they had me quit, but I guess it would make sense they would put you on progesterone to help prevent PTL.
Yay for V gaining weight!