Danna, that's great that the Dr could tell you were O'ing (or almost) while there! How cool! And now you at least have a time frame for when AF should be arriving. And yay for an almost positive opk! Good luck testing this weekend while away with your friends.
Elizabeth, sorry that AF arrived.

But!...at least you're on to the next cycle now and can start trying again soon! Good luck, I hope this is your month!
Patience, your temps are still looking great! I have my FX that you're wrong and that you are indeed pregnant this cycle...and that it sticks! How long is your lp usually? You're still in this tww, don't count yourself out yet!
I'm 9dpo now and my temps are still looking good! I probably shouldn't be getting my hopes up so much but for some reason I'm really hopeful this month. The spotting has stopped, but that doesn't necessarily mean anything. It pretty much always starts, stops, starts, stops for me leading up to AF. But it was VERY light (I never would have found it if I hadn't been really looking for it). You're right Patience, I know spotting can mean a number of things. I was just so hoping to see something different this cycle so seeing the same signs with the spotting was discouraging. I'm not sure why I'm still so hopeful though, fx it's for a good reason! I did test this morning and of course bfn, but I know it's still early. Oh! And I've noticed the past couple of cycles that I've had cloudy urine the couple of days around O day (not a uti). I read about it and saw that for some reason, some women get that around O day and some women can even get it before a bfp. I had cloudy urine again when I tested this morning! And I never have it except around O day (or at least I don't think, I'm not usually peeing into a cup at other times in my cycle to know for sure! Ha! But I haven't had it before when doing a preg test at least). So I'm hoping that's a good sign! I'm grasping at straws, aren't I?