Patience, I'm also still holding out hope for you! All of us ladies on here will pick it up and hold onto it for you since you're not in a place to have it yourself.
Did you test again this morning?
Charlie, I'm sorry that your body doesn't seem to be giving you O signs as quickly as you'd hoped! If you turn out to O later than cd14, can you push back the blood work any? I sure hope it happens for you soon, and that you catch that eggie!
Twinkie, I'm hanging in there, thanks for asking! I'm at 10dpo (FF says 11 but I think it's wrong) and of course I've started testing because I'm being silly and getting my hopes up even when I swore I wouldn't this month. And because I've turned into a poas addict, or course.
And blaring bfn's, of course! I've had some brown tinged cm when I've checked it but nothing really yet when I wipe (sorry, tmi) so I'm sure that's probably just my normal spotting pre-AF. I just haven't logged it as spotting yet since it hasn't really been enough to see without checking cm.
Twinkie, how have you been feeling?