Elizabeth, your temp goes up on average 0.10 of a degree (Celsius) per hour of sleep, so you can generally expect a lower temp if you took it an hour early

hope that helps!
Cdex your temp today is great!

cramps don't mean anything without the bleeding, fx
Danna I wouldn't think ff would remove crosshairs that late in your 2ww

can you link it?
Charlie haven't you had your test to check if you ovulated? Fertile cm after ov can be a good sign, it is for me every time

hope you ovulated!
Charmed, it's not too unrealistic to think that ib can happen at 5dpo, but I also get random mild spotting during my 2ww for no reason, could just be the hormones
Afm I'm having a weird day, still can't tell what my body is up to! Yesterday I had an almost +opk and got a faint line on my frer, today opk is almost white, not going to waste a frer on cd12 when it's probably some leftover hormones from the chemical, problem is just below my armpits hurt something crazy, especially when I lift my arms up, I can't figure out what it might be

lymph nodes?