Sorry I disappeared again. Turns out, my first recovery week wasn't as rosy as I was hoping for.
First off, as I said, I had some heavier bleeding on Sunday night which got better by Monday morning, only to come back with a vengeance on Monday afternoon/evening. This was a bit of a surprise after going the first 2 days post op with just minimal pain and spotting/very light bleeding. In addition to that, I started getting pretty bad cramps, though nothing that couldn't pass with 2 Tylenol Extra. The bleeding has continued the same pretty much since then (like a moderate period with occasional jelly-like clotting - sorry for TMI!), although I did notice that it has started to get a bit darker, which I take as a good sign. I also had horrible cramping for 3-4 hours on Tuesday afternoon, which wouldn't go away with pain killers, heating pads or lying down. It would be very intense and at its worst, it would come and go every 5 minutes or so, much like labor contractions (though I can't say it was like that, since I've no experience with labor contractions, lol). The worst part lasted about 2 hours, though the whole experience with the intense cramping may have been around 4 hours, and then it slowly subsided over several hours, only to leave a 'tender' feeling by Tuesday night. Wednesday afternoon again I had some bad cramping, but it lasted much less and was much less intense than Tuesday. I switched to Advil to help with the inflammation and it did wonders for the pain, though I only took it for a day or so and then switched back to Tylenol, as Advil made me bleed somewhat more
I'm happy to report that I've had no severe pain for almost 48 hours now and that most of the day I'm completely pain free (except for an occasional 'bloated'/discomfort feeling down there), so I'm starting to hope that the worst is behind me pain-wise. Bleeding wise, not so much. As I said, it's still like a moderate period and I'm still going through 3-4 pads a day which has been quite frustrating. On Wednesday morning I rang the nurse at the clinic where I had my D&C and spoke to her for a good 10 minutes, mainly as I was terrified about the pain I had experienced the day before. Since I had no fever, signs of infection or excessive bleeding and the pain had subsided, she didn't seem too concerned. She just told me I probably over-exerted my body too soon and it complained (at its worst, I could even feel my cramping reflect on my legs, lower back etc.). So her advice was to rest as much as possible, take it very easy, and take pain meds and use a heating pad as needed. Luckily, the pain has gotten better. Last night I started freaking out about the bleeding not getting less (or turning to brown), so I rang the clinic again this morning and spoke to the nurse again. The doctor who did my procedure a week ago is in on Fridays, so she offered to have me go in to get checked for my peace of mind. So I went in this morning, the doc gave me an internal ultrasound and it all looked good. She actually saw some of my blood when removing the wand (sorry for TMI again) and she said it's darker red, so it's slowly getting to be old blood, meaning I'm healing fine. The uterus was empty, no retained tissue (phew!
) and based on what she was able to see lining-wise, she didn't think I'd be bleeding for any more than 1-2 more weeks max. She said they sometimes do an aspiration procedure to relieve bleeding from any remaining blood, but since I didn't seem to have all that much in there and all looked normal, her advice to me was to just wait it out. She also said, based on my lining which is starting to build up again, my pregnancy hormones should be close to dropping completely now and that I should be starting a new cycle soon.
I have a follow up with my regular OB/GYN a week from today, so I'm also going to see what he says and I will ask to have some blood drawn to check my hormone levels. The clinic doc also asked me what my future pregnancy plans were and I told her I wanted to wait 2-3 cycles before starting TTCing again, and she seemed to think that was perfect, as it would allow my body enough time to heal completely. So, hoping for better days from now on!!!
Have a great weekend everyone!!