****Summer Cupcakes Bump Buddies ~ 8 BABY GIRLS & 4 BABY BOYS BORN ****

**hugs** Ashley! I think we all have days when we feel like everything is a struggle and I feel exactly the same way as you as to OH's help about the place and don't even get me started on money worries, it's going to be tough, but I know somehow it'll all sort it self out, it always does....
Forget about the housework, unfortunatrly it'll stil be there tomorrow, but just put your feet up a relax xxx
i think i really needed to just get it off my chest. i'm sure it's hormones acting up making me feel like nothing's going right. *sigh* sometimes i wish you gals lived close to me, it would be so nice to have a night out with people who understand what i'm going through!!
Ashley. It's just one of those times where everything gets on top of you. Easily done I think. This is place to vent as we understand!

I was going through our honeymoon pics from last July. Me looking skinny and refreshed lol. And now ....... I feel huge. My face is round! I'm hoping I'll be back to myself at some stage.

Last night coping with this bug and pregnancy symptoms - by 10pm I was so uncomfortable i wanted to cry. Luckily hubby was great and helped get me comfy. I then got to sleep.

My friend today said she loves bump and how fab I've not put any weight on anywhere else! Lol. I must be hiding it well. I'd say I've put on 2 stone. I'm not checking that's for sure.

One more long day for me tomorrow. Woohoo.

I'll have to think about what to ask my midwife on monday x
Hey all

Hope your all well?

Lolley the OBEM was worth watching, one lady was particulary funny, she was diabetic and very short tempered :D

Lovely bump Flybee :thumbup:

hch sorry to hear your in some discomfort hope you got some answers from your midwife yesterday

Ailey as you ashley mentioned I am also quite short of breath and have been from very early on, it also a symptom of aneamia aswell as the dizziness, hope it sorts itself now you have your iron tablets

Ashley :hugs: I certainly feel like you sometimes as dh doesn't always helps as much as he could there is some things he just doesn't think to do and it's soooo frustrating and I can only imagine how much stress your under with all your studying :flower: Like ailey said the housework isn't going anywhere so try not get too worked up over it.

I do feel like my hormones are on the rise again as I feel very on edge at times especially when I'm tired.

Well my mw appointment went well, everything was fine, said I was on track size wise didn't say how much I measured at but I tried measuring the night before and got it at 27", I go back in May so about 4 weeks for me.

Hope you all have a great day xx
Look my at my hubby ( who helps out sometimes) we're both unwell. He's signed off work 2 weeks and I'm still working lol and pregnant. There is no way men could ever be pregnant no no no way! I'm dragging me and my cough to work and then I'm free for a whole 18 days. Can get my head back into baby shopping.

Better get a move on. Aw 21 degrees yesterday and should be 23 degrees today. I adore the sun. It's fab.

Love to you all x
Hey our bumps are really growing now aren't they!!!!!!!! Xxx
Good morning ladies!

Ashley, I'm sorry to hear that everything is piling up. I think that once the semester is over you'll start to feel LOADS better without having the constant worry of exams and studying. And as many of the others said, let the housework sit for a few days! I think if you make a conscious decision not to worry about it (instead of constantly looking at it and telling yourself you need to work on it) that that might also help you relax just a bit. When are exams over for the semester? It's coming up pretty soon, right? You're almost there!! :hugs:

Starglow- I'm sorry to hear you and your DH still aren't feeling better! It's always awful to get sick when the weather starts getting nicer (but it seems like that happens to everyone every year!)

Lolley- I'll keep my fingers crossed that your placenta moves up before the 36-week scan!!

It's supposed to be 19 degrees here today (~66 degrees F) and the sun is shining so I'm going to admire it from my office window... :) Thinking of taking a walk at lunch to enjoy a bit of the fresh air!
Hi girls haven't been on in ages - have missed you all! Haven't had a chance to catch up properly but just from what i can see on this page - Ashely hope you are ok honey :hug:

Its sunny here today but I have to zoom off to oxford circus, do some returns and buy makeup for clients. Work has picked up again and i'm saying yes to everything because i won't be working for much longer.

forgot to say, my nose bleeds all the time and always feels sore and a bit scabby inside (sorry tmi!) this really kicked off after i flew back from thailand but i think its to do with the pregnancy - anyone else have this?

Anyway girls will catch up later when i'm back home

hope everyone has a good thursday! :kiss:
ahhhh thursday nearly the weekend :)

ashley hope you feel a bit better soon everyone has there days and dont help when you see threads like that.. some people dont appreciate what help they do have obvously!

lilly i have no idea on the nose bleeds i havent had any but i think is fairly common
thanks everyone! :hugs: i'm feeling better today, not so overwhelmed and i've got the entire day ahead of me with no studying in sight since we're starting a new module next week. i only have a month left, so i've just gotta hang in there!

starglow - i hope you get better soon!! 23 degrees is about 73 fahrenheit, right? that's not too bad! hope it helps you to feel better!

Lilly - i don't get nosebleeds, but i know they are yet another "normal" part of pregnancy. something to do with all the swelling of the mucous membranes and the increased blood supply in our bodies. try using a humidifier keep your nose from drying out, it might help to prevent bleeds.
oh goodness, i'm back to stressed. in my worry about other things, i'd totally forgotten about what's going on with the US government right now. they have until TOMORROW to figure out budgets, or the govn't shuts down. Yes - closed. NO MONEY. I depend 100% on the government as my source of income, school tuition is paid by the govnt, even the house mortgage depends on them. so tomorrow i basically get to figure out whether i'll be okay for the next year, or if i have to quit school and attempt to find any resemblance to a job in our small ass town and shitty economy.
:hugs: ashley your really having it tough at the minute arent you! totally not what you need at the moment!.. ill keep my fingers crossed for you xx
Oh no Ashley!

Well I'm officially now on my holidays. I have completely overdone it this last 6 weeks and I'm a wreck. I am making a promise to myself right now not to overdo it again the next 10 weeks till maternity leave.

Lovely weekend with my dad here from tomorrow. I'll post the saturday 3d scan pics as soon as I can. I plan on lots of chilling out this weekend.

Has your Dad made it over for the scan then starglow? xx

Lilly, I get nosebleeds it's normal, but very annoying.

Just calculated that I only have 10 days left at work as I only do 2 days a week and have some holiday too....woop!!
Ashley - I am totally with you on the money stuation, were still waiting to find out about both our jobs and looks like it will be another month before we know :(

Starglow- Yay for holidays, I am in tomorrow but its non uniform and should be pretty relaxed. Cant wait to see your scan piccys

so I had my physio apt today and what a waste of time!

yes you have spd... do this 1 exercise and buy this support belt and i will see you after the birth!!!

that was it :growlmad:
Oh lolley how silly!!!!!!!! One exercise lol!

Ailey yea Dad is travelling over first thing and will be here for the scan too which is great.

Still got some cleaning to get done first thing before I leave for the airport at 8 45am. :(

Nite all x
Morning all

Sorry that some of you are going through stresses with work and money it really is the last thing you need right now :( :hugs: Fx'd it works put for you

Starglow, glad your dad is making it over for the scan, you must be getting excited to see your lo :D and having 2 weeks off your so lucky!

Lolley that physio is ridiculous! 1 excercise omg what a waste of time, you could have probably found that out online without going! I do recommend the support bands as mine helps me when I'm on my feet alot.

We were supposed to be getting baby's drawers delivered today so was going to get all the clothing we have bought washed and put away this weekend but got a call yesterday saying it didn't get put on the lorry :growlmad: I was looking forward to getting that all organised so quite annoyed.

Going to the doctors in a little while to request a blood test to check my calcium levels as a couple of years ago it was in my boots, so interested to check it hasn't gone back down whilst been pregnant.

Another gorgeous sunny warm day and weeekend forecasted :cool: it gets me motivated to get things done, have a great day all xx
Good morning everyone!

Ashley, I'll keep my fingers crossed that everything works out! I've fallen a bit 'out of the loop' with the U.S. news since moving over here, but I can't believe they would just stop ALL payments! That's crazy! I hope they get everything back in order ASAP!

Starglow- hope getting up early wasn't too terrible! Hopefully you've picked up your dad by now... have a great time with him and I look forward to seeing your scan pics!!

Lolley- That does sound pretty useless! Did they have a response to any of your concerns? Don't they want to see you back after you've been doing their one stupid exercise to see if it even works?

Ailey- ahh, 10 work days left! That sounds amazing!

Foxforce- sorry about the drawers not being delivered! It's awful when you've been looking forward to something so much then to have it not happen for a stupid reason like someone forgot to load it! Did they tell you when it will get delivered??

I'm soooooooooooo looking forward to the weekend! The weather is supposed to be nice, and we're picking up all of the nursery furniture tomorrow morning plus a new "dressoir" (I actually can't think of the English word for it at the moment)... but a long cabinet for our living room. We're going to spend tomorrow re-organizing the house for a while. I'm really excited!

Hope you all have a great Friday, despite all the worries :hugs:
and strawberry, I feel like I don't respond directly to you much... but I hope you have a great day as well! :flower:
Aw isn't it just lovely when the sun is shining!

Just waiting for my dad at the airport but I have a pretty sick hubby still. He's waiting to hear back again from the doctor. But men being ill is such a mare!

I am flat out exhausted and you're right I'm really lucky to have this time off. I couldn't have gone on like this. I just get too cranky and ratty.

Ok I'll be back later.

Hugs to all x

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