****Summer Cupcakes Bump Buddies ~ 8 BABY GIRLS & 4 BABY BOYS BORN ****

Nice bump Lilly!

Ailey, how I wish I could finish work now, at least I work from home twice a week so its not too bad.

Starglow, I'm hoping to have a 2.5 to 3 year gap between my babies, so not as close as you, but I definitely wanted to have a small gap.

Itsy this is my favourite trimester simply because I'm closer to seeing my LO and I like the big bump as well.
Lilly you have an amazing figure!!! Seriously you're just bump.

Counting the weeks down to my next week off lol. After tomorrow just three weeks to go. Week off and then a light 2 weeks till maternity leave. I'd love to be finished work already but not a chance.

Had to snooze after work today.

I feel huge. :( can't wait for loads of walking With baby this summer and eating smaller portions etc. Wanna feel like myself again. Especially if we do go for baby 2 I want to be fit and healthy to start with. Suppose that's my motivation.

Hubby has decided he'll take his paternity paid week and the second week at state pay. This leaves us time then to take a weeks holiday With baby at some stage. Maybe in august or September. Yay!
Favourite trimester - I think it's 3rd tri for me. I'm loving having a real bump, looking pregnant, all our plans coming together, feeling her movements etc. 1st tri was exciting but I wasn't very well and hiding it was hard. I used to work and sleep and that was it.
2nd tri seemed very long to me. After 20 week scan it felt like a lifetime getting to 3rd tri.

Amazing we're now taking about maternity leave etc!!!!! Eeeekkk!
My favourite trimester was 2nd tri. I actUALLY FELT QUITE GOOD (sorry for caps) I could move, I had energy etc.
I hated forst tri cos I felt so sick ALL the time.
I'm not enjoying this one much either cos I feel heavy, I ache, I have heartburn, and time is just dragging.

Lovely bump lilly, you are all bump and have a lovely figure x
I agree Lilly- you look gorgeous!

ahhh... all this talk of maternity leave! I can't wait!! Just over 3 weeks left!!
2nd tri was the best for me. Getting to feel my baby's first movements was the best! Now they're painful, and make me cringe more than they make me smile lol i got really bad back pain during 2nd tri, but i was able to deal with it. 1st tri was the easiest, but it went by so quick and it hadn't sunk in yet that i was really pregnant. and now 3rd just... kind of sucks for me. where i live we jumped from our winter weather straight into summer. we seriously have skipped spring this year and it's 90 degrees outside. i'm swollen, dehydrated, back still hurts, can't breathe, LO feels like she's too big for me, i get SO tired if i have to walk more than 5 minutes... I'm just ready for her to be here!

Lilly - I LOVE your bump! it looks really ... smooth. lol can't think of the word to describe it really. like very even - it's a gradual bump. mine just sort of... sticks out. like boom! here i am! lol i'll take a photo real quick and upload.
Photo from today - exactly 32 weeks.


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Morning . . .

Got to say fabulous bump pics Lilly and Ashley you both seem to be just bumps, I need to get dh to do a pic of me so you can see more of me than just my belly :lol:

Hard one to say fav tri between 2nd and 3rd, loving having my bump but my ribs and back are really killing at the end of the day this week :( Seems driving really aggrevates it, my rib pain has moved around to the front too under my right boob. 2nd tri I felt absolutely great but I know I didn't feel lo moving until towards the end of 2nd tri so there is good and bad about both tri's lol

Ashley I feel for you in such hot weather, not long now though thankfully, the weather here has been really nice and sunny but still a nice spring temperature averaging 16 - 18celsius converts to 60-65 degrees a little warmer in more southern places. Having to water the gardens lots as we are not getting any rain.

I feel really bad this am with my hayfever so bad I'm really not sure if I have a cold :shrug: I hope not. Finishing work a little earlier today and going to visit a friend and her little boy who I haven't seen for about 3 weeks, he is just getting the crawling motions together at nearly 9 months.

Hope you all have a great day x
Lovely Ashley. Shame you didn't have time to do pregnant modeling. Lilly too. Ah you're nearly finished your course lucky you x

Just gotta get to 7pm tonight and then bed. Working is so exhausting but at least that's nearly 2 weeks of my 7 left x
Foxforce shame you're getting all that rib pain. :( nice to see your friend today.

Decided last night it's time to cut my portions down a bit. Gonna have rice crackers with laughing cow (soft cheese) & tea for breakfast, cheese omelette for dinner, not sure about lunch yet. I need to get fitter and heather this next 8 weeks a) for an easier birth and b) to help get back into shape to ttc again fairly quickly (all going well). Here goes ;)

Have a great day everyone xxx
Ashley, you have a lovely bump! I bet you will just ping back into shape! I really feel for you in that heat. It was warm here the last few weeks but now the wind has picked up it feels quite cold again.

I was supossed to be doing pregnancy modelling for my friend, free for her portfolio this weekend but Amber has been invited to a birthday party, and I didn't want her to miss out as she doesn't se her friends that often cos of school/nursery etc.

Anyway, have a good day all, off to drop Amber at nursery for the day and meet a friend for coffee :)
aww thanks girls! Ashley your bump is fabulous - gorgeous! My friend said the same thing to me she was like, your bump slopes in and out! Well, i reckon it's because of my long torso. Seriously it is long, i can't even buy dresses with belts in them as they always ride up too high and never sit on my waist. Also this baby is sitting quite low.

I love the fact that in third tri its nearly time for baby to be here but these veins are hurting me so much and is making everything impossible to do, even housework. Yesterday I had a bad day as was on my feet from 8am-2pm with work, then had to do grocery shopping and fetch Kai from school etc... I was SO tired after and down there felt ready to explode!! I'm seeing my GP today for my 31 wk app so will ask her, but she's quite abrupt I wish I was seeing my MW instead!!

Starglow i'm with you on cutting down portions now.. I can't WAIT to get back to my pre-preg clothes and go walking with baby and lose this weight!! I haven't weighed myself in the last few days but at last count I had already put on 2 stone!! (14 kgs)

Hope everyone has a great day xxx
Good morning all!

Ashley- your bump looks beautiful! I agree with the others, I'm sure you and Lilly will bounce right back into shape after the baby comes!

Foxforce- I feel you on the rib pain. Mine was actually the worst from like 26 weeks - 30 weeks (right below right breast). My mw warned me it would get worse but actually it hasn't been as bad in the past few weeks. fx'd that it stays this way!

Lilly- let us know what your GP says about the vein... isn't there anything you can do/take to make it less painful?

Ailey- enjoy meeting your friend for coffee! :) Hope the weather is nice today!
Morning everyone :)

One of my assignments is in and ine more to go due in on Monday then i will be back to share these last few weeks with you all ekkkkkkkk!!!

Gorgeous bumps ladies your both so tiny and definately just bump :thumbup:

my favourite trimester was 2nd - 1st tri i worried all the time about everything, 2nd i was small enough to enjoy it, slept but was feeling baby move lots, this one :( spd, no sleep, reflux and a really bad cold that i have had for a week and a half and can't get rid of.

starglow, i think its a good idea to have your children close together, the only reason there is such a big age gap for me is because of re-marrying.

Lilly i hope the docs can do something about the vein it sounds horrible.

Have a fab day everyone :flower:
Well, back from the Dr's ... I posted in the main board for advice i'll copy it here:

SO my baby is transverse lie and has been for ages now. I have never felt a kick in the ribs (unlike my DS who constantly was up there!) with her and feel lots of pressure down there, especially when I'm standing or walking. I also feel tickly movements (like hands or feet I'm assuming) on my far right side and far left side, only when I lay on that side. I feel rolling movement sometimes around bellybutton area.
I had a Dr's appointment today and she confirmed she was transverse. Her head is lying on the left side which is probably why i've developed varicose veins on my groin on the left side. Also explains my bump which isn't huge outwards, its a sloping bump and low!
She's advised me to massage my belly clockwise to get her to turn down, or i might be referred for an EVC when they forcefully turn her, which I don't want to happen!!!
If she doesn't turn I will need a c-section - which I REALLY don't want.


I hope she turns!!! The dr said nothing can be done about my veins for now I just need to lie down as much as possible and avoid standing, although walking is ok.
Hey Lilly,

I posted on your main post, but here's a more specific link with information on things to do to encourage baby to change positions:


She still has several weeks to turn (and mine turns around weekly!) Hopefully she'll get in the right position soon!

And maybe if she turns it will help the vein become less painful!
eeek hope she turns soon for you lilly!!
lovely bumps ladies realised i didnt post my 30 weeks bump pic a few weeks ago well here it is .... feel like got bigger even more in the last 2 weeks

as for fav trimester i really dont know!! first tri went quick but was stressfull after previous miscarriage i was lucky didnt have much sickness.. second tri was exciting finding out we were having a boy but i dunno third tri has ben great i feel good and really enjoy getting everything ready for his arrival


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Lilly ....... Hopefully baby girl will turn soon. Poor you with the painful vain. It's hard enough without the added pain. Take it as easy as you can Hun xxxx

Strawberry you have a fab figure too. Gorgeous bump :) awwwww

its weird for me to feel this big i have always been tiny and petite i aint got a clue how cause i eat loads!! but i really struggle to put on weight pre pregnancy .. i actually feel alot better having put on some weight than before i hated how skinny i looked some days i only weighed 7 stone 10 pre pregnancy and now weigh 9 stone 4 so for me thats alot of weight to put on i feel alot better for it though! ive always been a size 8 but i now wear size 12/14 dresses nd tops... and no stretchmarks yet on my belly am very suprisd :/
I have stretch marks on my hips :( even tho I rub bio oil in every day. I guess if they want to come they come. Also I have some stretch marks on the underneath of my boobs! Weird. Bump so far so good x

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