****Summer Cupcakes Bump Buddies ~ 8 BABY GIRLS & 4 BABY BOYS BORN ****

Hi ladies!

Lots to catch up on :)

First, EllaandLyla-- welcome!! We're a chatty bunch and you're welcome to join!

Lilly- re: LO turning... I don't always feel my LO turning (sometimes it's a gradual change in where the kicks come from) but 2 - 3 times I've felt this really odd pressure (like he's stretching from my front to my back, instead of side-to-side) and a kind of 'swooshing/turning' feeling (I don't know how better to describe it!) then an hour later, BAM, kicks to the bladder and a head in my ribs :haha: I think I feel him turning breech more than I feel him turning head down.

Foxforce- glad you had a day free of rib pain! Do you notice anything that you do specifically that helps this? I haven't been able to figure out what provokes mine yet (but I'm definitely glad when it goes away!)

I think it's really interesting as well to hear about how everyones pregnancies have been different (or alike!). Personally, I'm hoping my next one is WAY different...

re: BH contractions... I don't think I've had these at all! Sometimes I'll notice bump getting hard (or rather, I only notice when it is hard not when it's becoming hard). Often when I stand for a long time or get up after sitting a long time. It feels kind of tight/stretched if I try to stand up straight, but I don't think that's anything like the descriptions of BH's I've read. :shrug:
Thanks for all the pregnancy comparisons.

I spent all morning till lunch doing housework. Had a guy coming to value our home this afternoon because we're changing our mortgage (yawn lol). I so wanted to go get hospital nighties and potter about in town but far too tired. We have our friends here later to help with decor ideas ( we'll be getting paint samples & trying them out along with buying all the painting stuff we need) and then doing pizza so it's a long day. Making the most of the peace and quiet now while I have it. ( should have a snooze )

Omg painting toenails with bump is SO difficult now. Takes me ages but determined to do it.

Zzzzzzzzzz better go chill x
Ha, I painted my toenails the other day. It was a struggle but bless my sister, she said she'd apint my nails for me :) I hate not having them painted, I feel naked when they are bare.

Been for a stressful walk to sainsburys with my daughter, she insisted on taking her baby and pushchair, but she is not the best of drivers!
leg shaving and bikini trimming is the worst! i really srtuggled yesterday to shave my legs! had to call lee to come and help me as i just couldnt reach! then i had to use a mirror to trim my bikini line! woweeee that was hard!:lol:
Hah!!!!! I don't find leg shaving a problem. Oh this is going to sound delightful but I lean against one wall in the shower and hoosh my leg up on the opposite corner lol. Takes me 2 secs but I shave my legs daily. Always have done :)

Yes and I also discovered an old make up mirror with a magnifying side which I used for bikini line. I use a beard trimmer to do mine. Lovely!

Feel yuck if I'm Not groomed so I'm making the time to keep up with it.
Had a good day today, got a nightie in Primarni, haven't tried it on yet so hope it fits! Had good catch up with my friend, she is the one who is getting married next month so all exciting chatter!

Itsy I think the thing that aggrevates the ribs most is if I have to drive alot, I did yesterday well about 25 miles in total but half way through the drive I sat for 15 mins and had a drink out of the car :shrug: I have been walking a bit today and felt it hurting a little so I think that doesn't help either, just have to keep sitting and trying to keep good posture I believe.

On the de-fuzzing I don't have trouble with leg shaving but the lady garden is very difficult now, dh and mirror helped last time and will have to do from no on for sure! I am managing with toe nails too by sitting on edge of sofa with one leg bent up to chest but I think I shall visit my cousin's mrs next month and treat myself to a pedicure for the wedding.

We're off into Manchester tomorrow to look for a wedding outfit for myself and shirt for dh the to my best friends who lives there, mum and dad are dog sitting :D

Hope you all have a good evening and good day tomorrow, be back with an update on events :D
morning girls..
I can't believe you lot are attempting grooming yourself, there is no way I could reach down there and clip hair I'd cut myself!! I get my toenails painted down the road at this great vietnamese nail bar and I have monthly waxes - have never shaved!

Re this pregnancy - it feels like a brand new one to be honest, maybe because its been 8 yrs, but i was 25 last time and just sailed through it, no ms, no extra weight gain - was great. this time i've been waaaay more obsessed, with what I eat, what baby's doing, how she's growing etc... I never paid attention last time!! So it feels all new to me. Never went on pregnancy forums at all with my first either!! It all feels new to me again strangely... maybe also has I'm having a different gender too, I don't know.

Well I have been on all fours for the past few days, been doing yoga poses that helps with transverse lie etc... She hasn't turned, as she kicked me hard in the waist this morning! I have my 34 wk app on the 17th May and they'll send me for scan to check if she hasn't turned by then. They can't do an ECV on me because of my anterior placenta so if LO doesn't turn then it's scheduled c-section for me :-( I am praying she does though and talking to her every day to tell her to turn for mommy!!

Hope everyone has a fab day. Kai is staying at his dad's tonight so me and DH are going to the movies, yay! I'm so craving popcorn!!

Fingers crossed baby turns Lilly.

Wow we were busy yesterday. Great night tho. Today omg so much shopping to do ...... Meant to be saving tho! For lounge and kitchen we've chosen the paint & lights, need to see curtains in store I've picked out online, cushions & tv stand. Then a massive food shop for friends painting with us 2moro. Then gotta shift (well hubby has to) all the furniture into middle of room ready for covering and painting 2moro. Omg I hope I get to bed early tonight.
Couldn't sleep last night. Only slept 2-5am :( Im absolutely wrecked. I'll need a nap this afternoon for sure.

My feet swelled up massively last night. Strange as I hadn't been on my feet, I was just sitting relaxing with everyone! My wedding rings are really tight today. I was hoping to keep wearing them but not sure that'll happen now.

Better go get ready and on with a big day. Oh it's lovely not to be working today :)

Funny to see rain after weeks of beautiful sunshine.

Hope you're all ok xxx
seriously feling large this week! bump is growing nicely!:thumbup:


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hch- lovely bump! I don't think you look 'large' though, just right! :)

Starglow- good luck with all the renovations! Redecorating is really exciting :) We spent all day today cleaning up and hanging up some new shelves, moving stuff around, etc. It looks SO nice inside!

Lilly- Enjoy your time at the movies!! Hope you guys have a great night out together!

Ailey & Starglow- I feel you on the painting toenails... I tried 2 weeks ago and they ended up so crooked, but I didn't want to leave them bare either! After my mat leave starts I'm seriously going to go out for a spa day and get a pedicure!

DH and I went out yesterday evening to take some pictures (in the past few weeks in the Netherlands the field of flowers have been blooming) and below are a couple of the pics we took... 32w 3d :cloud9:

PG_Tulips_1.jpg PG_Tulips_2.jpg
Aw cute bump Hun.

Oh what a day! Running on 3 hours sleep wasn't such a great idea. Got what we needed for tomorrow paint and light fittings etc but I was SO cranky and irritable. I had a 3 hour afternoon sleep. I snapped at hubby loads :( my feet and ankles are still very swollen and now my hands too. Had to fight to get my wedding rings off. I'll keep an eye on my face if it starts swelling I'll call the hospital just in case.

Just relaxing now. X
hch, lovely bump!

itsychik, gorgeous pictures x

starglow, some swelling is normal, but keep an eye on it like you say x

Been getting some crazy movement from baby girl this evening, it's really starting to hurt
Got myself a button down nightie in primark today, not the height of fashion but it'll do the job. only £4.50 :thumbup:
Ah well done on finding a nighty.

I have a question and would really appreciate your opinions girls - would you go to a friends wedding 3 days before your due date? 30 miles from home but just 600 yards from one of the most advanced hospital in London. Would be with hubby driving and hospital bag in the car.
Good morning ladies!!

Happy Mother's Day to Ashley and the other U.S. ladies! :) I know it was celebrated earlier in the U.K., but today in the U.S. (and in NL) is when we celebrate! Happy Mother's Day to the rest of you as well :)

Starglow- is the wedding going to be indoors or out (i.e. in the sun or shade?) I don't think the distance would be much of an issue-- 30 miles isn't that far away and worst case scenario, you could leave as soon as you think something 'might be happening' and still have plenty of time to get home or to a hospital. Have you discussed it with your friend for their opinion? Can you 'tenatively' accept, letting them know that there is a chance that you might not be able to make it depending on when your LO makes her appearance?

I'm off to visit my in-laws to wish MIL a Happy Mother's Day :) Hope you ladies have a great day!
Hi :)

Yes it's hubby's friend and that know it's highly likely we won't be able to go. Silly things asked hubby to do photography the other day!!!?!? As if u could commit to that 3 days before due date. I'll find out more about the venue etc. Thanks hun.

Ooooohhhh ...... Hands and feet still swollen. Hands feel all tight. And for the first time in ages I'm really dizzy! I'm thinking I'll be letting the boys do the painting today. I'm just too tired!

Back later xxxx
Hch and Itsty, fab bumps and gorgeous flower fields Itsy!

Starglow, re swelling - yep definitely keep an eye on that it sounds painful! If its bothering you a lot I would call in anyway. I know swelling is normal in pg but I didnt' get any last time or this time (apart from down there around my veins - so I know how uncomfy it is)
Re wedding - hmm I'm not sure.. what hospital in London, UCH? 3 days before you due date is VERY near to be venturing even 30 miles from home. Last pregnancy I stayed right at home for the last 2 weeks, never mind wanting to be near the hospital, i just didn't want to go out at all, believe me you will feel massive - you really feel it just before baby is due... well I did anyway.
One of my best friends is having a tea party hen do 3 weeks after I'm due and I'm not going, it's all the way up in b'ham - if LO is late she'll only be 2 or 1 week old! You need to see how you feel I guess.

Well girls, - the movies - what can I say... the most uncomfortable 2 hours of my life! The cinema was like a sauna, it was SO hot yesterday and no air con inside, it was absolutely packed too.. . plus the seats were so straightbacked and I just couldn't get comfortable, my veins were killing me! Great film though, but thats the last time for a while :haha: I just can't sit like that for too long, I need to lying down with my feet elevated for these veins, what a pain in the BUM!!!!

Well I'm off to have highlights (another 2 hrs in a chair boo! :cry:) I'm hoping I can put my feet up somewhere.


Thanks :) i can't imagine wanting to go anywhere that late. I feel like a whale already. What an earth will I be like by then :( I've put loads of weight on my face and really all over. I love my bump but all this extra weight is depressing. If I was eating really healthy I wouldn't mind but I'm not. I mean I'm not over - eating in abundance but I know my portions are up. I still eat fruit and veg but it's just too much. I'm starting to feel self conscious. Hating my double chin, even my neck feels big.

:) yesterday was a long day. 10am-10pm but all worth it. My lounge looks really fab. We both love it. So that's it no more decorating for a good while. My feet were massive last night. Wedding rings are off and I've replaced them with a ring my dad bought me a few years ago. heart breaking as I love my beautiful rings. My lower half of my body feels pretty stiff and heavy. Ah the wonderful delights of pregnancy. Still 7-8 weeks to go - sometimes it feels like a long time lol.

Not working till 2pm so taking it easy this morning. Gonna rest in bed with tv for a bit. Such a busy month for me ( work and full weekends) but luckily June is much lighter.

Hubby on paternity leave - he's taking the first week on full pay and the second week on state crappy pay but it's leaving him a weeks holiday. Hoping we'll go abroad during term time when it's cheaper and when i usually can't go. Cheaper too from September.

Hope you've all had great weekends and are coping well with all the various symptoms.

Hugs xxx

Happy Mother's Day to Ashley & Itsy for yesterday :flower:

Hope you all had good weekends? I had a busy one don't know where the weekend has gone!! No luck on finding a outfit for the wedding I have, I really do need a maternity dress can't get away with larger sizes as none fit even a little, quite a shock really :blush: Well apart from a dress in Monsoon which fit lovely now but no way it would next month!

Lovely pictures Itsy, I love tulips - my favorite flower. I bought a lot of bulbs from Amsterdam years ago but they were planted in my first house's garden.

hch lovely bump, I don't think you look that big at all, just right like someone else said.

Starglow I think I would wait and see how you feel about the wedding nearer the time, take each week as it comes, maybe mention that to them I'm sure they would understand. The wedding I have is 2 weeks before I'm due which I know isn't going to be easy but there is no chance I'm not going :lol: glad you got all your work done yesterday I'm not surprised your feet were swollen, seems your getting lots done in your home! Hope the swelling settles x

Lilly what film did you go see? Dh wanted to go see Thor last week but I felt so tired after work I could not contemplate sitting in cinema for 2-3 hours, hope your sitting at the hairdressers was worth it

I didn't sleep too well last night, too warm :( Lovely morning so far here, hope you all have great days x
Hi all. Sounds like you've all had busy weekends.

My feet were really swollen yesterday too, but they have gone down now, I was standing for a long time yesterday.
I'm loving being a lady of leisure! Today Amber is at nursery so my sister and I are going to play bingo! Can't wait.

Lilly, cinema is not fun when you are pregnant, I went to see the simpsons move when I was 39 weeks pregnant...never again!

Starglow, re the wedding, I think I'd probably not go, you could've even had you baby then...

Have a good day all x
I've booked an apt with my midwife. The earliest I could see her (or my doctor) is Thursday between working. This swelling is getting worse and I think I need to have my urine checked just in case. Suppose im better to be safe than sorry and I think a whole month this late between seeing doctor and mw is too long! Its meant to be two weekly. Plus I saw some flakey mw last time. Hopefully I'll see my own mw this time.


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