****Summer Cupcakes Bump Buddies ~ 8 BABY GIRLS & 4 BABY BOYS BORN ****

oh for gods sake of course it is :dohh: that must class for the worst baby brain moment ever lol we have all been willing him to turn, i hope he has for you :)
by the way ITS JUNE 2MORO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:happydance::happydance::happydance:
i reckon its time to start guessing whos baby is coming first!!

im going to put myself last! if baby is in the correct position! i do make a habit of being 2 weeks late!
Hi everyone. Hch glad you're feeling better. Lilly you sound like you're in agony! gorgeous bumps too.

Aw great day. Walked and walked from about 12 - 1730. Walked into town, around town, had lunch and then walked home. Feels good. So chuffed I got a Cosy toes from Mamas and papas (strawberry you'll be proud of me lol). It's really cool and Looks like it's part of the buggy. It's purples & greens :) yay.

Again I didn't get round to packingy hospital bag! How silly. Tomorrow mornings job. :)

8 months pregnant! Good grief!

Yes you're right hopefully the swelling and spots will go after baby comes along.


have read through all the posts, you guys were so chatty! bumps are looking lovely! does anyone else have days where they are just STARVING? i was hungry all day yesterday. would eat, then in an hour be hungry again. i ended up eating twice AFTER i already had dinner before i went to bed, and honestly could have ate again before going to sleep lol

can't believe tomorrow is the beginning of june!! OH keeps saying the baby is going to come on his birthday, which is the 4th... THIS SATURDAY! i don't honestly think so, but we'll see! she would only be a few days ahead of being full term. actually, the hospital records have me with my original due date of the 24th, so if they looked at their charts i will be full term on friday lol

OH and I are getting so very excited! He "plays" with the baby everyday, tickling her feet to get a response out of her. We just can't wait to meet her!!! :)
Chatty ladies today!!

Lolley- fingers crossed for your scan tomorrow! Hopefully baby has turned head down... why do they want a section if baby is estimated above 7lbs? Would you have the option of trying for a vaginal birth is LO is at least head down?

Lilly- Love the name! I love "Ivy Grace" as well, but "Ivy Star" is so unique (I love unique names :)) Are you close to convincing your DH?

Lovely bumps ladies! :) Can't believe we're 36 WEEKS!! When I joined 3rd trimester that just seemed soooooooooooooooooo far away! DH and I can't imagine what it's going to be like with a baby. I still have trouble equating my bump with an actual baby!

My next consultant appt is Friday. We'll be filling out a simple birth plan (mainly wants/don't wants) to keep on file. Anyone have suggestions for important questions or things to have noted?
Wow, I can tell half of us are on maternity leave! Lovely bump pics all around!

Lolley all the best for your scan.

I washed my first load of baby clothes/bedding today, everything looked so cute! I mainly washes neutral clothes as DH is paranoid that the scan was wrong and we'll end up with pink clothes that can't be returned!

Question-does the hospital provide blankets? I was only planning on packing 1 for LO.
My birth plan is very simple.
Waterbirth if possible
No drugs unless I ask for them
Natural third stage
Paul to cut the cord.
Vitamin K given to baby.

Just had a total flip out! I've just lost my temper, it's been brewing for a while.
I've just had enough of Paul not helping out. Not appreciating what I do. Him moaning about me snoring cos he needs his sleep (I ended up not sleeping last night cos he was getting stroppy). My dad is coming over to mow the lawn cos Paul won't, there is a pile of washing up on the side from a few days ago (that's all I ask him to do around the house). All he is bothered about is his bloody motorbike track day this friday and going out on the piss on saturday. He never spends time with my and Amber because of his OU course that he always leaves until last minute. Argghhh...and to top it of I have a daughter who just ignores everything I say!

Sorry for the rant, just needed to let that out xx
Itsy- baby is head down hun has been from about 28 weeks :) first thing to check is my placenta has moved as it was very low which will stop baby coming down. After that is the sizing because my 1st had shoulder dystocia basically he got stuck in my pelvis long story which to be honest I don't think is good to go into on here for all the 1st time moms to be don't need to hear this close to labour, I hate horrible birth stories :(

Ailey - :hugs: we all need a blow out every now and again
It's JUNE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :wohoo: and its such a gorgeous day (so far!) Can't believe it's our month, I'm SO excited to meet this little bambino!!

We keep wondering what she'll look like... both of us think she'll be born with dark hair, and that she'll eventually have green eyes (DH, MIL, SIL, BIL and my sister all have green eyes - DH has dark hair, I had dark hair when i was born and it all fell out aged 1 and turned blonde!)
What is everyone's predictions on what baby looks like?
i also think she'll be early now, maybe 26th June. That's my bet!!

Ailey honey, sorry you're having a rough time. Someone needs to slap your DH round the head! :haha: just kidding, but it makes me mad when men don't realise how much WE do and what we go through! I hope he sees sense soon and quits being selfish, you're 8 months pregnant! Hope you sort it out :hug:

Ashley - that would be crazy if your LO came this Saturday, can you imagine! Are you ready for her if she does?!

Itsy - thanks, I love Ivy Star and for the first time have written it on my ticker to get a feel for it. I think it looks so beautiful.. I also think I can get Liam on board, its only a second name after all.

I have my growth scan tomorrow!! Has anyone had one, Itsy did you?? I know this is cheeky if I ask but I wonder if I can ask for a picture? Did it last long and did they let you see the baby on the screen? i have a feeling my LO is absolutely fine, it's probably because i'm carrying so frikkin low that she's measuring small.

Lolley - when is your scan, today? good luck honey xx

Hope everyone has an AMAZING FIRST DAY OF JUNE WOOHOO :yipee:
Morning ladies and yes it's June woohoo! :dance:

Good luck for the scan today Lolley x

Starglow you must have been shattered after all that walking, there is no way I could have walked for nearly half of what you did I get so achey in my back wish I could though.

Ailey hope you get your dh whipped into shape men sometimes huh, hope you felt better for having a rant, they really don't think sometimes do they if at all!!

Ashley I was the same yesterday could have just ate all day long but it isn't when I feel particulary hungry just want to eat lol

I am back to feeling tired now I think didn't do much at work yesterday but was shattered last night guess this heat isn't going to help, I think cankles are on the way me thinks!

Have a good day everyone x
Another busy day for me. I have MW at 12.30, then this afternoon I have a guy coming round to quote for cleaning my carpets. I have to fit in the food shop and house and my sister coming round too.

I have the HV coming tomorrow so I want the house spotless. But I'm so tired cos I wasn't allowed to sleep again last night as Paul was moaning about my snoring....I can't help it. Maybe he should try having his lungs squished up...grrrr

Lilly you may not get a good photo as if she is already engaged you wouldn't see her face xx
Good morning ladies!

Lolley- please excuse my pregnancy brain. I had read your post not 2 seconds before I typed my reply and KNEW that it was the placenta and not baby being breech. What I meant to ask was if the placents has moved, whether you'd have the option of a vaginal birth. (thanks for the explanation despite my stupid question!) :dohh:

Ailey- I agree, we all need a chance to blow up every now and then! Did you vent your frustrations to Paul? How did he react? My DH has made 1 comment about my snoring (to which I assured him he wouldn't hear it if he slept in the spare bedroom... or on the couch!) and that's the last I've heard of it :haha: You could make yours the same offer? ;-)

Lilly- I've had 3 growth scans (30, 32, and 34 weeks) because LO is measuring 3 weeks ahead. 2 were at my mw practice and they gave me 1 picture each time, and the last was at the hospital (with the consultant) and they gave me a picture of LO's hand as he 'waved'. Each time I was able to see the screen and they showed me the measurements as they took them (head, body, and femur/thigh bone). His body was 3 weeks ahead, head 2.5 weeks ahead, and legs were just 1.5 weeks ahead (which they said was fine, since DH and I are relatively short!). Below is one of the pics from the scans (which I might have posted before... LO with his hand in his mouth!)

Ailey and Lolley- good luck with your appointments today!! Lolley, let us know what they say after your scan. fx'd!

Here is also a pic I took yesterday... 36 week bump!

Lovely bump itsy.

I haven't spoken to Pul cos he won't listen when I'm in a mood. Very annoying. I will talk to him tonight and tell him what I think....
o dear Ailey hope your okay!!

just came back from the midwife bump is measuring bang on 36 weeks.. he had been measuring a week ahead so least he slowed down a bit now!lol he has dropped but head is just on the brim of being engaged so hopefully by the next time i see her on the 13th he will be engaged.. had a quick look over birth plan and bits and bobs all happy and healthy glad to be having a straightforward pregnancy!!
well girls im back! baby is head down!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! wahooooooo! 2/5 engaged! so pleased cant tell you how relieved iam! no need for scan! iron levels all good although she wasnt best pleased about my bruise! only weird thing is she now doesnt want to see me for 3 weeks! 2 days before im due! oh well hopefully i go into labour before then!
hch, what great news!!
Just got back from the midwife
Everything is fine with me and baby. She said that baby's head is low and nearly engaging! woop!
We did my birth plan and she said that as Amber's labour was quick this one maybe born at home!!
I said I'd been getting braxton hicks and she said it's all good signs that I will go into labour on my own this time! yay

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