****Summer Cupcakes Bump Buddies ~ 8 BABY GIRLS & 4 BABY BOYS BORN ****

its sooooooooo warm!!!! i usually have no problems sleeping but last night was way too hot ive been up since 5 this morning doing not alot!! even made oh breakfast before he went to work!.. that never happens im usually still asleep when he goes!

r..e leaky boobs luckily i was at home on my own very weird though :lol:

my midwife said something about the hv coming said the hv will be in contact but i havent heard anything :/ keeping the house clean at all times by looks of the posts on here sometimes they just randomly turn up! although i dont think id let them in if they randomly turnt up lol i dont let anyone in who i dont recognise ... plus side of living in the flat i supose can see who is at the downstiars door before i buzz them in!
Well the housework is done and I'm sitting down for 10 mins before hv arrives. Wish hubby was here with me. It's typical I'm shattered right now when she's coming. (obviously I'd be doing housework anyway but I'd spread it out over the day rather than cramming it in before 11). Found it hard to get up today. I've not had a single lie in all half term. Sunday will be the only one.

Strawberry it's boiling today. I'm in a floaty skirt and sweating like mad. !!!! I was awake at 6 when hubby left work. Boo!

Better go x
i have just gutted my kitchen again! bleached all the cupboards and got the steriliser and everything out! washed all the bottles and now they are sitting in my cupboards waiting to be used! house is all clean down stairs now im off to clean the bathroom! im also keeping the house tidy incase i get a random visit although mw hasnt mentioned anything! hope your appointment goes well starglow :) im sat in a vest and leggings and im boiling , i dont want to venture outside!
What a chatty bunch! I came back and saw that I've missed 4 pages since yesterday!

Glad everyone seems to be doing well and that appointments have been going well :)

Lilly- My LO's head is in the 95th percentile, so I totally feel you on the head worries!! Dh thinks it's great and happily commented, "see? he got that from me!" HA. Yea, thanks a lot!

Had a good day yesterday... saw the new Pirates movie (wasn't super impressed) and had back pain throughout the movie but it could have been worse.

Have an appointment with the consultant today... planning on discussing birth plan and asking some questions. Afterwards we're going to buy some last things for baby (crib sheets, baby bath, diapers, etc) and tonight having a BBQ :)

Lolley and hch- great job with all the cleaning!! I'm feeling inspired :)

Starglow- I hope you and the rest of the U.K. ladies (and Ashley! B/c it's probably REALLY hot in FL!) are managing OK in the heat! I haven't had any issues with it so far (fx'd)

Have a great day everyone!
Oh yea, and strawberry.. re: breast leakage... I haven't had any actual 'leaks' but just a few drops that have been happening since 28 weeks (and as someone else mentioned, I can squeeze them and drops will come out of both, but nothing that's actually been 'leaking' at other times). Glad you were at home though and not somewhere else!
Hey ladies..
Well hv was here for nearly 90 mins. She was lovely. Was very impressed with our home. I'm so glad we got the cot and everything set up in our room last night as she was really impressed. She liked my ideas on routine with new baby etc. She delved into family history, careers, breast feeding, advice on having a second child, local support networks, future appointments with her and on and on.

I'm always really tired the days I see my midwife. I wonder if it's because I get anxious?
No reason to at all! 2 hours to myself now thank goodness.

Friends aren't coming till 8 pm which is pretty late. They're depending on a babysitter.

Baby girl was been moving loads today yay x

Hch......... Lol you're gonna clean your house away lol. X
hi everyone :flower:

Here;s a pic of my little girl's face - she turned away from my placenta for a second and we managed to grab a shot, but it doesn't look like a baby's face to me! I still can't tell what she'll look like, although if those are cheekbones I can see she definitely inherited them from DH!

Itsy thanks, glad i'm not the only one!! i'm especially worried about head size because my MW has already mentioned we need to keep my pushing stage short during labour because of my veins. So a large head is really worrying.. i'm going to really push a consultant app at my 38 week check because I don't want to be bursting any veins during labour!

I don't have a HV coming, Starglow your one sounded lovely!

It's hot in London but I am so used to the heat having grown up in a hot country and living in arizona too!! So i'm loving this weather :happydance:

My baby girl has also been moving around lots the last few days, can't wait to meet the little (or not!!) thing!

Can you all believe we're FULL TERM next week!!! YAY!


  • IMG-20110602-00419.jpg
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glad it went well hun!!

so after that post this morning i did randomly get a hv turn up she was from a different area but my midwife had wrote my number down wrong and as they couldnt get hold of me they were getting concerned!! luckily housewas spotless and she was lovely!! she spoke about same things as yours did starglow didnt snoop around the house at all gave me lots of leaflets and info to read!! she was also very impressed that i want to breastfeed and use cloth nappies .. she said i was the first person she had see for a while to mention either and was impressed :)
How funny Strawberry after is chatting about health visitors lol. That's mad!

Yeah mine didn't snoop. It was more she was really interested to be shown around and see the place lol. I'm glad we've done our home up tho this last few months and have made the most of what we've got.

Better go fill in my birth plan for mw. I'm putting that i'm open minded depending on what I need at the time. Make a plan lol!!!!!!!!!!! Unless you're really against something or you've already had a baby I don't see how we can possibly know until we're there experiencing it.
yeah my birth plan is quite vague!! lol not alot on it im booked into the birth centre anyway where there are no epidurals but ive wrote that i would really like to avoid having one and use more natural methods ive put that i want to be able to be up and moving around freely as i dont like laying on my back and use the pool if its available, apart from that and where it asks about feeding baby etc theres not an aweful lot on it!!
Yep sounds good Strawberry.

The way I see it I'm open minded. At home hopefully I'll have baths or showers, hubby massage me, tens machine and just try and relax as much as I can breathing through the contractions.
Then at hospital if I need gas and air fine. If I need an epidural as I can't cope with the pain then I'll do it. If it's a long labour and I'm badly in need of a rest I'll take pethadine. That depends tho as it effects baby and they'll only give it To u if you're at least 4 hours away from baby being born. Takes 4 hours to leave your system.

I agree I don't want to be on my back. I'd prefer to be upright on a chair leaning forward or up and about. But then it all depends. Lol.

Wish we could know how it's all going to be and what we'll need at the time. No control over this so just have to relax and focus on doing our best.

I want to ask mw about this injection after birth to stop heavy bleeding. Also the vitamin k to be given to baby after birth and if my hospital deliver breech babies and turning the baby (don't want that) before labour.
hopefully she will be in the right position for you when the time comes think it varies on hospital to hospital i know my oh's aunty gave birth to a breech baby naturally but that was years ago!

do agree just have to rela x ive spoke to a few people and theyve said being uptight or worried and scared will only make it worse when it comes to it.. hense why im really not worrying about it at all ... yet
I don't really have a birth plan, well not a specific one anyway. I'd love to start off in the birth centre and be in the pool, but I reckon like last time I'll get out and ask for an epi. Want to steer clear of pethidine/diamorphine but may try gas and air for the 1st time IF I'm not being sick! Only thing I'm worried about now is pushing a big head out, otherwise I'm pretty relaxed about labour and will just go with the flow! I'm REALLY excited to meet this little bean and can't believe she's only 3 wks away!!
I wonder if any of us will go massively overdue?!
Back from mw. All good with baby. Still head down. Not engaged yet but she said it can happen from next week till 2 hours before having her. Just depends how much room she's got. When they measure from top of bump to pubic bone she measures smaller.... So at 36 weeks she should measure 36cm but is always 1-2cm below. Today 34 cm but midwife not worried. Tvstill makes me smile when I hear her heart beating away.

Mothercare took the changer back thank goodness.

Anyone thinking about nursing bra's? Shop assistant said it's best to hold out till 37-38 weeks if I can.

I started tying this hours ago thinking I'd have time to chill but no been busy getting things ready for tonight. Boo.

Right I'll pop back when I can. X
I wonder if any of us will go massively overdue?!

ooh i hope not! it better not be me though, with all this speculation about how early i think she's going to be! lol it would really suck that everyone is planning on me going early then end up being a week late! i don't think i could stand 5 more weeks of being pregnant though tbh.

starglow - i've bought ONE nursing bra, it's a wireless one and very elastic so it actually fits me now (even though it's a full cup larger than what i wear) and has room to expand. Just a starter bra to take to the hospital with me until i figure out what size i'm going to need. throughout the pregnancy i've only gone from a 32A to a 34B, not much difference, and I have absolutely no idea how much bigger I'll get once the milk comes in.

had to share this with you - there was a thread (that i can't find now) where someone was offering to edit photos you took of your bump at home. she did a really great job on a few of mine, but this one's my absolute favorite.


  • ash8.jpg
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awww thats lovely :)

ive brought 2 to pack in hosp bag i havent grown massively over pregnancy so have brought slightly bigger they have lots of room in them so atleast il have something for then there is nowhere around here to get measured and i dont fancy a drive to plymouth anytime soon to get to mothercare or somewhere
morning everyone

Well i'm in a total grumpy mood today :cry: Woke up at 4am for a wee and just couldn't get back to sleep at all! Have been tossing and turning until 8am.... GRR. And its my baby shower today, the one day i wanted to feel happy and refreshed. Its amazing what lack of sleep does to you.. I'm really tired.

I've bought 2 nursing bras - I was 34B before and now i'm 36D - the cups have a lot of give as I know i'll go up one maybe two cup sizes when the milk comes in. They're stretchy wireless ones so really comfy.
So strange the milk only comes in at day 3 or 4 after giving birth, i remember being really shocked at that the first time! And your boobs go like ROCKS!

Ashley - me too! absolutely everyone's been saying i'll be early so if I go over I'll be really surprised, and annoyed... I'm so expecting her to be here in June, not July!

Starglow glad your MW app went well - you measured same as me fundal height -34 weeks. I don't think they're very accurate are they!

I better get my smiley face on for my shower, I just wish I didn't feel so tired :-(
Its a lovely day here though :flower:

hope everyone has a great weekend

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