****Summer Cupcakes Bump Buddies ~ 8 BABY GIRLS & 4 BABY BOYS BORN ****

lilly - i have an anterior placenta too, but it's never affected how strongly i feel baby. i started feeling her kicking at 16 weeks and didn't even know i had an anterior placenta until a month or two ago lol

a friend of mine got me a pair of boots for the baby at my shower, but i returned them since i have no idea what size she will be wearing when it finally gets cold here, and just because i didn't like them lol they looked like those UGG style boots, and i personally HATE those! :)
I feel a bit low. Usually hubby is great but when I get extremely tired and cranky he gets pissed off with me :( this makes it all worse and I end up screaming at him I'm pregnant and doing everything etc...... I hate it. I wish men could just have one day where they could just feel what we feel every day for 9 months. He tells my sister how wonderful I am but doesn't show me he appreciates what I do.

We had a nice day. Finally got bump a pink hooded cardi, a temperature bath rubber duck and some tommy tippee bibs we wanted. Oh cooked chilli for dinner which was yum.

I'm very irritated at the moment. I haven't even spoken to mil lately and she's annoying me. She messages my oh almost every day...,.god I really hope I can deal with her when she comes to stay.. I have nightmares she'll stay ages....... I'm dreading having the next conversation with her when I tell her she needs to give us two days at least at home to settle in. I love the way my family are giving us space and coming later and she is on top of us....... Ok not the time to think about this.

I could be low as I'm back teaching tomorrow and I'm just so tired. I love being off and pottering about doing what I want when I want.

I'll go cause I'll just ramble on x
I've been on such a high till now.

Ps...I bought raspberry leaf tea but when are we actually meant to start drinking it. Surely we don't want to bring on labour this early?
aaw starglow sorry you're having a rough time. I think all of us go through this, i get really irritated with my DH sometimes! :-( hope tomorrow is a better day even if you are working. xx

RLT doesn't bring on labour, it just softens the cervix. you can take it from 32 weeks so don't worry.I've been drinking a cup here and there but i recently read that you don't need to take it in second pregnancies? I like the taste though, gonna make one now! i've also been taking EPO for a few days now.

Ashley can't believe you have anterior placenta and are still feeling such movement! you sound like you have such an active baby! I guess some people just feel more than others then... I did have some days when LO kicked me and took my breath away, but it wasn't that often and doesn't happen anymore. What I do get is the shooting pains in my cervix, daily. It's SO painful and makes me cry out all the time.

The boots I have for my LO are little white ones with pink and green embroidery stitching at the side, they look very hippy... almost moroccan.. very cute IMO! I don't mind ugg boots in general, but a total waste of money at £40 for a baby's pair when they don't even walk in them!

I've had such a lazy day, was in my pjs til 3pm! It rained here the whole day though. I also feel like i've put on a stone overnight. I feel HUGE today.. i'm hoping its water retention. I seem to have put ALL the weight on my upper legs, it's crazy. My face and arms are still the same, but my bum!!!!! It's SO ROUND!!!! lol
Well after my rant the mil phoned lol. An hour and twenty min call. She's so excited and has been gathering pressies from her family which she'll bring over. She completely understands that we want time alone at home for at least two days thank goodness. I still dont know how long she is coming for.

I read upon rlt. Ok I'll start a cup a day from tomorrow. Thanks Lilly.

I suppose as much as we're all excited we're also a little anxious of what's ahead. Xx
heya ladies just having a catch up havent been around much had busy busy weekend oh's grandad is visiting from spain so spending time with him and then last night we stayed at my mums so oh could drink at the bbq! had a good time though!

starglow... i havent started to feel anxious yet im really excited it just feels weird knowing that in a few weeks time we are all gonna have babies!! weird to think what our lives are gonna be like when they are here!
I feel a bit low. Usually hubby is great but when I get extremely tired and cranky he gets pissed off with me :( this makes it all worse and I end up screaming at him I'm pregnant and doing everything etc...... I hate it. I wish men could just have one day where they could just feel what we feel every day for 9 months. He tells my sister how wonderful I am but doesn't show me he appreciates what I do.

i understand this. in my situation, things are very difficult because i can't afford for OH to get upset with me or i risk loosing him and the roof over my head. he and i are technically not together, and he only offered for me to live in his house after we found out i'm pregnant. i do EVERYTHING in the house because I don't work and i don't pay him rent. he works all day and pays the bills. i do everything to take care of the house. he doesn't even wash a fork after eating. never has, and i doubt he ever will. i can't complain to him about anything because he blows me off so that we don't get into an argument, or he gets mad at me. i love him and i know he loves me, things are just strained between us and we don't know how to fix them. :nope:
Ashley can't you get some help with a couples counceler? They help you talk to eachother and can Get you back on track. You can't live in fear you'll lose your home if you speak up Hun. Poor you. Where's your family?
Ashley - my best friend fell pregnant with a guy that she'd only been seeing for a few months and it was far from serious. They weren't together and she basically spent her entire pregnancy single.. luckily she could live with her mom - and she still saw the guy a few times a week/month just to keep him updated with things.
When the baby was born, he wasn't there and she didn't put him on the birth certificate (her decision). When her little girl was about 4 months old, she flew with this guy to south africa where he's from to show the child to his family - and they ended up together on holiday.
They've now been together ever since and Lux her little girl is 2 and she's 20 wks pregnant with their second...

SO what i'm trying to say is you never know what might happen when your LO gets here... Sometimes it'll all just work out. Especially when you both love someone so much (your LO) and look at what you made together!!
And I really hope it does for you, especially as you say you love him and he loves you. Would you say you're really good friends with him? Do you get on well? Does he treat you well?
All these things matter. But anyway, no matter what happens in the future... I have a child from a previous relationship and so does Lolley ( I think?) and now i'm happier than i've ever been - so what i'm trying to say is that if it doesn't work out, you will be totally fine too!

sorry for the rambling post so early on a Monday!


PS gross weather UK girls!! seems like we're getting all our 'april showers' in one day!
Well girls what a rainy day here. Luckily I'm working from home today. Just washing a few last bits belonging to bump before decluttering drawers and cupboards.

Pottering at home by myself is quite nice

Have a great day x
Aw lilly your post to Ashley is lovely.

I was thinking of you and the amount of shoes you were given as the mil was telling me she has 4 pairs for bump lol. She told me they're for photographs lol. I have the coolest socks from my sister which look like socks and shoes. They really make the outfit. :)
Packing for bump is quite a task when I've no idea what size she'll be. So far I have 3 up to 7.8lbs grows & 3 up to 9lbs grows all with a vest. Even if bump is over 9lbs they'd probably still fit. The up to 10lbs grows look massive so I'll leave them. I also have smaller grows from my sister up to 7lbs - should I pack one in case? They look tiny. Lol. Its hard to know. What's everyone packing?

Hopefully Mil is sending some nice bits over from hubby's cousin who's given her grows. Her baby is massive and grew out of the tiny stuff in days lol
Good morning ladies!

Starglow- glad to hear you got to chat with your MIL yesterday and clear the air a bit about your expectations for after your LO arrives. Re: clothes for LO, I'm bringing 3 different sizes. They've told me they're estimating my LO at 9 - 10 lbs if he goes to 40 weeks, so I have two different new born sizes and a 0 - 3 months that I'm bringing with me (hospitals in NL will discharge you in 2 hours after birth, so only 1 outfit is needed). Have you gotten any size estimates for your LO? You might want to pack one of the up to 7lbs JUST in case (you never know) plus they don't take up much room anyway :)

Ashley- :hugs: I remember reading a post you made on the main board a while ago about your situation with your OH. It seems like he's been coming around and getting more and more excited and I hope that after the birth he realizes how lucky he is to have you both in his family. Regardless of the past, you're there with him now and he's lucky to have someone like you in his life who is willing to do (and put up with!) so much. You deserve the best!

Re: shoes... we have only bought one pair of actual shoes (on sale when I was in the US for $2!) plus a pair of slippers and a bunch of little socks.

Lilly- Did you ever talk to your mw about the pains in your cervix? I've been getting them more frequently (before it was a couple times a week, now it's almost every day randomly). I keep hoping it's a GOOD SIGN but don't want to get my hopes up. I'm just curious if you knew anything else?
And has anyone else started thinking about freezing dinners to use after LO is born? When I first joined 3rd Trim I remember seeing a lot of posts about this but recently I haven't seen anything.

I started last week but am curious if/how much you guys are pre-making?
Not making any extra food at the mo. I might on maternity leave but them hubby is off the first 2 weeks and a great cook.
Can't believe u can be out after 2 hours in holland omg!

Mil has been on and awwwww she's sending a box of clothing over for me. She's been buying since Xmas lol. Sent me some pics and there's really cute stuff. That'll get me through working this week lol
Itsy - re cervix pains, all they said to me was that it was baby engaging and head hitting top of cervix, the fact that she's really low doesn't help too!! it also might mean cervix is softening, but doesn't mean we'll go into labour early. We might do but i don't think its an indicator, unfortunately!

re food - our freezer is a teeny as we don't have space for a full fridge in our kitchen. It's the bane of my life!!!! I HATE our fridge and our landlady won't change it:-(
anyway, like Starglow my hubby is a great cook, better than me actually! So we're not freezing anything.

Starglow those socks you mentioned, i got given some cute ones from my baby shower - do they have little patterns of black shoes on so it looks like mary janes? I love them!

Re clothes sizes - i've taken a few diff sizes. At 36 weeks my LO weighed 6lb2 - does anyone know how much baby should put on in the last 4 weeks??

This week is very relaxing for me but next week i'm WORKING can you believe it!!! I'm going to take it one day at a time and just see how I feel.

hope everyone has a great day xx
ive finished packing both our bags today ive packed 3 of everything of tiny baby, 3 of everything of newborn/first size and one of everything of 0-3 but i dont think we will need it.. each of his drawers are arranged in size so oh can grab more if need be! he has really been pushing his head down during the night i woke up this morning got outta bed and was an effort to stand up!! was fine once i got up lol

im not freezing anything we dont have the room too as only have a freezer with fridge on top and doesnt hold alot! and plus i prefer food from fresh....
Yes Lilly these are Mary Janes. They really do make an outfit complete. Theyre very cute.

The boring midwife at the nhs course said we need 7 outfits for every 24 hours at hospital ! I think she's nuts! but may as well be prepared. I really need to make more baby storage space. I only have a chest of drawers for her at the moment. I keep putting off clearing out space lol.

I can't pack for me for the hospital other than the essentials like pads, nighties etc. Clothes wise I cant pack as I'm wearing what I have so I guess when labour starts I'll be throwing stuff in. What about wash stuff,,,, anyone buying completely new stuff and having it already packed or are you planning on throwing your usual stuff in at the time?
thanks ladies for your comments. :hugs:

starglow - i've seen a counselor myself, but OH doesn't want to go so it was pointless to continue going. my family lives hours away from me and i could always move with them if the situation arose, but it would ruin my schooling. hopefully things will never move in that direction. :flower:

lilly - we really ARE great friends, and i have no doubt in my mind he's going to be the best daddy to our little girl. i know he will NEVER run out on her and will treat me with respect even if things don't work out between us.

itsy - he really IS coming around, things have gotten a lot better since those posts i used to make on the main board. I'm surprised you remember. :hugs:

i just have days like yesterday when things feel overwhelming, and reading starglow posting about her hubby getting mad when she's cranky just triggered what i'd been feeling all day. OH was actually good to me last night (after i posted) trying to make me feel better from my rib pain since i ended up stopping in the middle of eating dinner because i was crying so much. enough about that. :)

some of you have to pack a LOT for baby! SEVEN outfits for every 24 hours? Over here the hospital provides us with everything baby needs until it's time to go home. All I'm bringing for LO is her going home outfit, and a blanket! average length of stay at my hospital is supposed to be about 36 hours after an uncomplicated vaginal delivery. 72 hours if a c-section is needed.

for myself, i've only put in two sets of pj's, a nursing camisole, nursing bra, and a pack of new (very cheap) underwear. maybe i'll throw in a pair of shorts in case the ones i wear on the way to the hospital get ruined.

As the very last thing in my hospital bag I put in two old towels and a garbage bag. that way when it's time to go we can put the garbage bag over the seat i'll be sitting in and one of the towels on top in case my water breaks! If we're in OH's car, his leather seats have a/c AND heat capabilities and it might get ruined if wet. If in my car, I'd just be upset because it's a fairly new car lol The second towel is for the drive home, in case bleeding is very heavy and I leak through my clothes a bit.

I'm not freezing any food either. My mother will be coming down to help the first couple weeks and she will be doing the cooking and cleaning for me. which is great since OH can't cook anything except pancakes lol

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