****Summer Cupcakes Bump Buddies ~ 8 BABY GIRLS & 4 BABY BOYS BORN ****

Good morning ladies!

Lilly- have a GREAT time at your baby shower today!! I'm sure once you're able to shower and get a little refreshed you'll start to feel better. Especially once everyone comes by to celebrate :) Enjoy!

Starglow- I'm the same as Ashley... I've bought two nursing bras, mainly to 'get me through' the first week or so. They're both stretchy, and one is kind of like a sportsbra so it's not restricting at all and has lots of room in case my size changes a lot in the first couple of weeks. I have no idea what to expect, but I'm hoping my size doesn't change TOO much (I was about a D cup pre-pregnancy... and depending on the store am a DD/E now... :blush: otherwise I won't even know where to buy bras from!)

Had my appointment yesterday with the consultant. They tried to do another growth scan but baby is engaged (yay!) so they couldn't get any measurements of his head because it is too low. He's also apparently moved to a different side (used to have his back to my right, now his back is to my left side) but he's face-down which is also apparently a good thing. I know it's still technically possible to go massively overdue, but after the appointment yesterday DH and I are REALLY hoping he'll come in the next couple weeks! That would be awesome! (trying not to get my hopes up though!)

Hope everyone else has lovely weather today :) It's beautiful here!
Hi all

Glad to hear your hv visits went well, but 90 mins wow I hope mine doesn't stay that long!!

Lilly have a great time at your baby shower, I'm sure you'll feel better once you get there, I was awake at 5am due to our dog hearing my mum go to the bathroom, he thought it was time we all got up!! :( I eventually got up at 8am but didn't manage to get much sleep.

Ashley lovely photo, I did see the thread but I didn't have an appropiate photo to let her use unfortunately.

Starglow glad mw visit went well, I can tell my lo hasn't engaged yet for sure head is down but a little to the left, easy to tell when it gets hiccups lol I have one nursing bra but going to get measured in next two weeks as my bras don't always feel comfortable at the moment when sat, whether thats due to the rib pain I don't know, I've gone from 34C to 36DD

Great news Itsy on your lo engaging!

Weather has turned here, cooler windy and cloudy :( would have been nice to have another nice day as we got enough bbq things for today also, oh well have to improvise for dinner! I've just done the front lawn and tired myself out so having a break then get some lunch.

Hope you all have a good saturday xx
Hi all! Been so busy today! Been out and bought a new patio set, so I've built that.
I've done 2 loads of washing, hung it out and packed it away.
MIL has wallpapered the front room, So now I've just been getting all that straight again.
Cooked dinner all ready.
Gonna have a bath and chill tonight.

Lilly Hope you are having a lovely day x

I've got two nursing bras already. they fit ok now, so I'm not going to buy anymore, will see how it goes after baby.
I would recommend night time bras too as I found that pressure from sleeping made my boos leak like mad, so I needed breastpads at night xx
Hi everyone,

Thanks for posting about nursing bra's. I'll go get fitted in Mothercare next week some time. The stretchy type sound ideal really.

Lilly I hope your baby shower is going well and cheered you up. You must he shattered after such an early start.

Itsy great news baby is engaged! I can't believe we're all so far along now. Feels really nice.

So today......... Oh dear oh dear..... We went to the NHS antenatal class. It was pretty much dreadful. 18 people in a tiny room with the most boring midwife ever and a lovely student midwife who I chatted to. The midwife spent more time attempting to squish a doll into a bag to demonstrate the baby in fluid lol. It was good to know ( only cause I asked) that's dads can stay the whole time so no visiting hours for them. I think that' s great. The only other thing of any use was being shown which doorbell to ring if we arrive after 9 pm when the main door is locked. We got a tour of the maternity unit too which was what i wanted. We spoke to the midwife after that and explained we'd done the nct course and she understood there was no point in us staying on to hear about pain relief options and breast feeding. And we left. We felt like we'd bunked off school lol.

I came away after the tour feeling nervous. I really didnt like the maternity dept at all :( I know I may only be there one to three nights but yuck. As soon as I got home I looked up private care as an alternative but there's none near me . I suppose I'm just gonna have to make sure we dim the lights and hope I get one of the two larger rooms with ensuite..otherwise the rooms are smaller with shared bathrooms next door. We only saw a larger room and it wasn't best. I've no birthing centres or anything near me.
Seriously i might ask about a home birth but for sure I'll be staying at home for as long as I can providing everything is ok.. We can book a private room when we go into hospital on the day which is £80 for after birth. I like this idea then it would be nice to share a room with up to 3 others and perhaps meet new mums in the same boat.

I'll stop going on. Lol

We've been asleep since lunchtime today. How nice to do nothing for a change. BBQ later and just for us.

Oh hah remember I had those guests staying when I was 5 months and she was a flipping nightmare. Hubby informed me that he wants to come and stay this month...... I'm like noooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! I really couldn't bare to have anyone staying now......it means I can't fully relax. Wouldn't be so bad as he'd be on his own and easy going but I don't want anyone in my home for a proper stay. Boo

Ok a tired starglow leaving you Now. Hope you're having a lovely day everyone x
Lilly - hope your shower went well!

not sure if i'll be on much in the next cpl days, i posted on the main board about this excruciating rib pain i developed over night. i wish i could wrap my torso to keep my ribs together. hopefully it'll go away as suddenly as it came on.
Good morning ladies!

Ailey- How does your front room look? You must be excited to have the wall paper finished!

Starglow- sorry to hear you weren't impressed with the maternity ward :( What was it exactly that you didn't like? The look of the place itself? The staff? If you can't find anything else, then I hope it turns out better than you expect!
--And when you went to the bf'ing information... did you find that helpful? DH and I are going to an information evening on Tuesday but I'm not sure what to expect...

Ashley- I haven't seen your post on the main board, but I'm sorry to hear about the rib pain! Is it any better now? Is/was it all over or in a centralized place on your ribs? I hope you were able to get some sleep!

Today we're putting the 'finishing touches' in the nursery (hanging up the curtains, making up the bed, etc). It will be nice to have everything done!

Hope you all have a great Sunday!
Starglow, I would talk to your midwife about your concerns of the labour ward, maybe a home birth might be a better option? x

Ashley, hope you rib pain isn't too bad x

Isty, have fun finishing off the nursery, show us some pics when it's done ;)

Here are some pics of what we have been doing in the house
This is our bedroom

And this is our front room. All the other walls are cream.
Ailey- I LOVE your bedroom! I only wish I could get DH to consent to purple wall paper! If I were single I'd choose something exactly like that.

Enjoy your new front room also! I love looking around our house after we've changed something :) It's a great feeling!
Ha, my husbands favourite colour is purple too so it's win win! I don't think it's too girly either. He's ok with it :thumbup:
Morning :kiss:

Well you were all right I did have a lovely day and totally forgot my tiredness once i was there! I'm SO touched by everyone's generosity, I got so much stuff for LO, she's the most spoilt girl ever and she's not even here yet :haha:
It was such a beautiful day, but the room I hired was stifling hot so we were outside in the garden the whole day. It was so lovely... my mom's put all the pics up on FB already!

Ashely i'm sorry about your rib pain, i don't know about that at all,,,maybe call your dr?

Ailey great pics of your house!

Itsy fab news re your baby being engaged :happydance: sounds like he may come early?

Starglow, sorry you're not feeling the maternity ward. Its understandable, this is the biggest thing we'll do in our lives and we want it to be somewhere nice! We have an amazing birth centre at our hospital but they only have 5 rooms so if they're all busy we're stuck on the labour ward which is like a victorian mental institution :haha:

I'm also wanting to pay for a private room after the birth, its £100 here. I have no interest in the post natal ward with 10 other women and babies crying all through the night! Maybe i'm a snob about it but i had a private room with DS and it was amazing especially to be in peace and quiet with my baby. In the post natal wards at visiting times it's just mental and totally overrun, even my MW said the PN wards are massively understaffed with 2 MW's per 16 women. London hospitals are so busy as it is.. so may be different elsewhere.

I'm going to take some pics of our bedroom/nursery and put them up today. Our room is quite small but i feel we've maximised the space and we have double doors leading out to a balcony which makes it feel bigger. Our cot looks tiny but it's a space saver one til 18 months, the only one that would fit in our room!

Ashley I hope your pain eases soon. I'll read your post after this. Sending hugs

Lilly, how did your baby shower go? Hope you got a good sleep last night.

Ailey...doesnt it feel great to get our homes decorated. I love your bedding too.

Itsy.... The hospital staff seemed lovely, just the actual wards seemed out dated and yuck. But it's two mins from my home and think that'll give me the confidence to stay at home for as long as I can before booking in there. I could go to one of the top hospitals in London which is a 30 min drive from me but I'll see.

Hubby and I slept loads of yesterday and then all night. We have a day to ourselves today so we'll walk later and just chill out. I need to buy a roll on deodorant for hospital, some very simple shower gel ( been told baby wants to smell their mum and not to wash with a strong scented shower gel to help with breast feeding). Then I'll properly pack my hospital bag.....it's just all thrown in at the mo lol

Last day of half term...can't believe it. It's flown by cause I've been so busy. 2 more weeks of light work and I'm done. I so need my hair doing lol and I'm holding out till my first day of maternity leave as a treat but oooooooohhhhhhh my roots are bad! Lol can't wait to be pampered.

Have a lovely day everyone. Hope you and bumps are doing well xxx
Lilly we cross posted. So glad your shower was fab. Lucky you with all the new pressies.

The private room for me is £80...... might just do it. Visiting hours are restricted to 2-4 and 6-8 at my local apart from dads who can be there all the time. But looking at the wards of maximum 4 ladies....they all had their curtains drawn around them........ Bit strange. There's only 8 labour rooms. My health visitor said she hoped my baby came in June cause there's a massive baby boom this July and august. So a few days early would be great. There's only 2 private rooms available but we were told they'd accommodate us privately somewhere. I think while learning to breastfeed a private room would be bliss but we're gonna decide on the day. Can't book it till the day anyway.

I want to take pics of our room too. I'll do it later x
Ooh yes we cross posted Starglow!

Ok some pics!!!

Well here's photo of our room..we know the cot is near the window but we have blackout curtains and double glazing and the cot's not right next to it - at first i'm moving the cot right next to our bed, which is on the other side of the room. This morning I've already re-done the shelves so it does look a bit different than this pic, and also we got given a gorgeous mobile which I haven't put up yet.

I've included a pic of our balcony too (one with my sister in the pic!!), as that's been my 'maternity leave project' and we've just bought lights, a bench and all the flowers! So nice to have some outside space in London. We're near 3 amazing parks but sadly no garden of our own... bummer in this gorgeous weather!!

Also included one of my baby shower yesterday, I'm sat next to SIL and MIL at the back!
And the blonde boy is my little boy Kai!! :flower:


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Lovely pics lilly, Your bedroom and balcony are gorgeous. Kai is going to break a few hearts when he is older!

Lilly, your shower looks like it was a lot of fun! And Kai looks just like you (or at least, the pictures I've seen of you!) He's got gorgeous eyes and a beautiful smile :)

It's great that you've got everything set up in your room! Did you get everything you need/were missing at your shower? Anything else you still need to get?

I'm going to make up the crib in LO's room in a bit and then everything will be done! yay! I'll post some pictures as well once we're finished :)
aah thanks girls! :happydance:

I took a few more close up ones of the cot and little cuddly toys and blankets I received yesterday - also all her shoes, she has more than me now!

I know Kai's a little sweetie bless him, I would say that wouldn't I!

Itsy, yes we've got everything now. Some lovely things we got yesterday were a pure cashmere blanket (very spoilt!!), gorgeous outfits, baby sling, mobile, pram mobile thing, those bandana bibs (I love them..) lots of things, and some going up to 12-18 months. We really don't need to buy her any clothes now!

Only thing we didn't get is those sleeping bags, but we can get them later, if we need to.

I'm on :cloud9: xxx


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lilly, i'm glad your baby shower went so well! that's a TON of shoes! someone gave me a pair of shoes at my shower, but only one. I had told all my family not to bother buying shoes because i'll never have them on her lol

rib still hurts, it's literally ONE rib on my right side, but it's immobilizing. baby girl found a little nook and decided it's a great place to shove her foot at night. she did it again all last night while i was already in tears from the pain. it hurts to even take a deep breath because when my lung expands it pushes against the rib and causes more pain. hopefully a few days of taking it easy will make it feel better.

no sense in calling the doctor, all they can do is tell me to take acetaminophen (paracetamol) and to rest. pregnant or not, anything to do with your ribs the only thing doctors can do is give you pain medicine.

i'm actually pretty glad now LO didn't decide to share her father's bday which was yesterday. there's NO WAY i would have been able to have the unmedicated birth i want with that sort of extra pain lol
Wow I love how everyone's nurseries are coming along, it's great to see pics!! Beautiful nursery pics, and great bump too Starglow :flower:

Ashley, omg you sound like you're in so much pain. I should be thankful I have an anterior placenta as I really don't feel any of this.. but isn't it unusual anyway to feel so much pain from baby? I really hope you feel better soon :kiss:

ps I know, way too many shoes!!! Some of them are little boots it's so cute. It'll be dead of winter when she's about 6 months so I reckon they'll come in handy, but they probably will fall off!
Your lo will have a shoe fettish lol. I got my sleeping bag for half price in mama and papas. Have a look...£16 x

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