****Summer Cupcakes Bump Buddies ~ 8 BABY GIRLS & 4 BABY BOYS BORN ****

Thanks hun. I'll ask her today. I don't get a rash with the itchiness ( apart from once on my bump) I'll let u know what she says.

Home early from work which is great. More teaching to do after apt this afternoon.

Funny at work..... 2 people think from how I'm carrying that I'm having a boy!!! It's nonsense tho as everyones different. At this stage tho I'll be surprised if it's a girl. Def think it's a boy lol..... What am I like.

Hope you're all ok today. Hugs

Back later x
I get so anxious before seeing my mid wife / scans. Weird cause she's really lovely. Pregnancy is a funny thing..... Worry, worry and Then when baby comes along there's a whole lot of other worries! Suppose I should get used to it and keep chilled out.
Hi ladies, sorry to intrude but I just wanted to let you all know that I've been following your journeys. I posted on the 'due 28th June' thread back in November but sadly had a miscarriage at 11 weeks on 7th December. I've still followed this thread though as you've moved into 2nd tri as it gives me hope that next time will be different for me, I know a lot of you have experienced losses in the past and you inspire me that I'll be having all the conversations that you're having now in years/months to come when we're ready to try again.

Hope you don't mind me stalking you! :hugs: All the best for the remainder of your pregnancies xxxx
your more than welcome hun alot of us here had have losses and are so far going on to have perectly fine pregnancies :)

i havent mentioned the itching but i havent got a rash with it i think its from where my skin is strating t stretch!
Hi ladies, sorry to intrude but I just wanted to let you all know that I've been following your journeys. I posted on the 'due 28th June' thread back in November but sadly had a miscarriage at 11 weeks on 7th December. I've still followed this thread though as you've moved into 2nd tri as it gives me hope that next time will be different for me, I know a lot of you have experienced losses in the past and you inspire me that I'll be having all the conversations that you're having now in years/months to come when we're ready to try again.

Hope you don't mind me stalking you! :hugs: All the best for the remainder of your pregnancies xxxx

Aw hun I'm really sorry to hear your news. Its so hard and very scary. Its great you've continued reading on here as it must keep your mind focused on one day trying again.

I know it was strange to hear at the time but I got told when I had mine that at least I now know I can get pregnant. Fingers tripply crossed for next time. Xxx

Sending lots of hugs xxx

Ps don't be a stranger please x
@ Starglow- take a deep breath! You should be at your appointment now, so I hope everything is going great!

@ MrsMandBump- aw hun, I'm glad to see you're still hanging around. :hugs: how are things going with you? You're certainly welcome to follow along with us! I hope we can give you some good hopes for the future.

@ Strawberry- that's a possibility too... I just thought Starglow's itching sounded odd since she has it on her back as well. Of the two friends of mine who had itching, only one of them had a rash (on her arms)
Hi girls!

MrsMandBump, so sorry to hear of your loss:-( I had one at 12 weeks I know how hard it is.. Many of us on here, I think most of us on this thread, have had losses and are experiencing healthy pregnancies. I wish you all the luck in the world :hugs:

Starglow, I've also been itchy but mildly - def ask your mw if it gets any worse

I'm getting big 'boy' vibes now too... I know i've been predicted girl.. but my son and hubby say boy - I also did the cabbage test= blatant boy result! So I reckon I might be in the boy camp? To be honest I think I should prepare myself for a boy as i've been SO convinced its a girl, wouldn't want a shock at the scan!

i've actually been really down today, maybe the weather- hormones still.. i don't know. I just feel sad. one of those days!!


ps Starglow well done!! i think you got us moved to the pregnancy forums!!!!!!!
It doesn't sound strange at all, I thought exactly the same. I was lucky in so many ways, to fall pregnant on my 4th cycle after coming off the pill that I'd been on for 8 years. I never expected it to happen that quickly. The Loss and WTT sections of this website have help me so much in coming to terms with what happened. And I've kept on reading this thread as you all seem like such lovely people, sharing your journey together. I hope if/when I fall pregnant again, I've got a similar group to share the experience with.

aww lilly cheer up!!! hope you feel a bit more smiley soon!!
im getting boy vibes too girls at work think il have a boy.. if i do itl be the first staff child to be a boy!! lol

my pictures came today for my nursery :) hodge podge set from mamas and papas love them
Lol I was sitting in the waiting room when I wrote my last post.

We heard the heartbeat two different times. It took me ages to find it as lo is lying far back! Anyway I'm happy and Shes happy that she heard the swishing sound.
She booked me in Rory my doctor ( yucky woman, hopefully she'll be better this time) in march. Booked in with midwife again in April. So basically once a month feb - scan, march - doc, April -mw.

She said itchiness is fine. It's near 35 weeks if your hands and feet are itchy that you need to check it out. Glad I asked tho.

All my tests came back fine. I leaner I'm B positive blood which I never knew and good for bring pregnant. No clue why lol.

I asked her about these nub theories guessing the sex and she said no way to tell lol. Think she was afraid I'd ask her to look.

Lilly. I'm not surprised you feel down with the grey weather!!! Read up on little one and think happy thoughts. Have some pampering :)

Yay a BIG Thankyou to Stircrazy who took my suggestion on board and put a pregnancy groups thread in the pregnancy section of the home page. What a star. He's made a lot of peeps happy. I'll go thank him now xxx
glad your appointment went well hun!! deffinatly better having this group on the pregnancy board!!
They've taken half my signature away! I can't remember where I got my ticker from and I really liked it! Great.

Phew glad that appointment is done.

Awwww we do have a nice group here. X
we do its lovely its first place i look when i sign in :) hopefully we can all stick together and have a group after weve had our babies too!!
LOL! ok im coming to find you all!
Lol hch. You do make me laugh hehe. :)

Yeah Strawberry, it's a great idea to keep the group going after too. Altho I'd say with new borns it'll be hard getting on here. But definatly worth doing.

I'm shattered! Still 90 mins of teaching to go. Bring on 7pm when I can flop in front of tv and watch silly silly silly Eastenders :)
Hey ladies I found you again.Lol. Hope all is well with everyone.Just to update we find out the gender Jan.10th we are so excited.:)

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