****Summer Cupcakes Bump Buddies ~ 8 BABY GIRLS & 4 BABY BOYS BORN ****

I just got back from my mw appt a little while ago! Everything looks good (she had a hard time finding the hb at first, and then there's always that "OMG is she going to find it?!" moment... but then she found it and we heard baby moving around and sounding generally healthy! yay :cloud9:

I'm with you guys on the weight thing... except I'm *definitely* not on the slimmer side :) I'm 5'3 and around 75 kilo's (~165lbs) .... I have no idea how many stones that is. US size 14 (European size 42/44). I've only lost weight so far and me and DH and our close friends/family can see the bump (I've gained a bit of width in hips and bump/stomach) but people who don't know me can't tell the difference :)

@ Ashley- I totally know how you feel about not feeling pregnant! I feel the same way... everything DH and I discuss is on a totally theoretical basis. Especially since this is our first, we have no idea what we'll be getting at the end of it :) I'm hoping that once I can start feeling it (and DH too) it'll feel more real!
Oh yea, and I got a date for my scan! Feb 1st :) I think a lot of other ladies have theirs the 31st... so we'll all find out around the same time!

I'm looking forward to the two next week though :) I can't wait to find out what you guys are having!!
glad everything went well at your appt! i'm pretty sure i'd start crying immediately if baby's heartbeat wasn't found right away. i'm normally a crier, so now it's like 10 times worse. :haha: This is my first as well and i keep thinking that at different milestones i'll finally feel pregnant. first was the first ultrasound and hearing heartbeat. then was the 12 week mark. then it was, maybe when i start showing (i was in denial that i was showing for quite some time actually). then was the official cross into 2nd tri. then the 2nd ultrasound. now it's maybe after the gender scan. or maybe when i can feel LO moving and kicking. :shrug: sometimes i think i won't feel pregnant until after i'm holding my baby in my arms. and then i'm going to be asking who the hell's kid am i holding lol

strawberry, i totally can't go out shopping by myself! i can do it for things for me and for the house and stuff, but i can't bring myself to do it for baby items. it makes me sad to think about buying the first things alone. maybe i should tell him that it's making me sad. i'm sure he doesn't even realize. i'm horrible with communicating with him, i always just expect that he has superpowers and can read my mind lol
oh and i'm SO excited to hear what everyone's having too! it'll be so much fun to see how many boys and how many girls! my next appt is the 24th, but they actually didn't even tell me if we would find out then because i've had ultrasounds at my last 2 appts. i really hope i don't have to wait until february's appt!! :(

*edit* p.s. i think the front page should be updated as we find out to reflect what we're all having!
good idea about updating front page when we find out!! i gotta wait till 10th feb hope bub behaves that day!! lol.. aww maybe you should talk to him hun i would hate to feel like that but then me and my oh have only brought one thing when we were together the rest ive brought without him and he doesnt seem to mind x
I know he wouldn't mind, its just that I feel like he doesn't care. I know he's happy about the baby and the excitement on his face at the ultrasounds is a face i've NEVER seen on him before! i guess i'll talk to him about it when he gets home from work today. i bet he'll get something with me next time we're out once he knows how i feel about it. :)
yeah deffinatly worth a try :) if it helps we find it helps it seem more real having little vests around the house my oh keeps taking the out to look at and folding them back up again
aww, that's adorable! now i'm feeling excited and want him to get home so i can talk to him and maybe go out today or tomorrow! probably only buy a blanket or a couple of onesies or something but i'll be satisfied with that for now! thanks hun. :hugs:
no problem it is lovely to be able to buy stuff weve got a few bots soon adds up though ive got plenty of 0-3 vests now and a hoded towel and mitts, scratch mitts and muslin cloths x
I haven't bought a thing yet. But we have looked. We're waiting for the buggy we want to come into stock within 1-2 weeks. I've been so tempted to buy baby grows but I'm waiting till I find out the gender and I'll buy something special in blue or pink. I'll probably borrow lots of my sisters little ones clothes..... The neutral ones if I'm having. Boy :)

The hair turned out great. Looks really natural. I feel much better now the cut and colour were done. Loving the low lights :)

Great idea to update front page with genders. Hey they do sometimes get or wrong and Of course don't always see. ( think I'd have a private scan I'd that's the case).

The feeling pregnant thing...... Its hard to believe that little one is really growing inside. But with all the symptoms I do feel pregnant. I've slowed down a lot etc and the fact that getting out of a chair or bed is already a challenge reminds me too lol.

Right off to sleep now

Nite xxx
Good morning Sunny Cupcakes :hugs:

How great that our babies are now starting to hear things. Recognising our voices etc. I'll sound mad chatting away to baby but I know I will lol :blush: I'm a singing teacher so this baby will be hearing a lot of voices!!!

I've woken up with energy which Is great.

Hope everyone has a great Saturday xxx
yay! good morning!

Ooh, I didn't know they were starting to hear already! Haha... I'll be talking to my bump before long, I know it!

Starglow-glad your hair turned out fabulous!! :)

And thanks Strawberry, for the fun idea of having some things lying around to look at! I think it's really cute that your OH takes them out to look at them :) This week we actually bought something they call a "box" in Dutch. I actually have no idea what the English name is... it's like a playpin/bed thing that you set up in the living/tv room where you can lay baby down to sleep in? It's a box that has a platform that can be raised or lowered (as they get taller/can sit up) with a thin mattress. anyone know what I'm talking about? Here's an example of some:



But we bought one this week (40 euros!). Right now it's just sitting folded up in the middle of our floor... but as soon as we take down the Christmas tree (today) it will be moving to the corner near the wall :)

anyway... I hope you all have a great Saturday! I plan on (finally) being productive today! :)

my midwife app is only on the 16th Jan! So what exactly happens, they listen for the hb, weigh you? I'm going to go by myself and DH can't make it.. the husband doesn't need to be there right?

Ashley great idea about updating front page with what we're having!! I think we should predict too... see if 'mother's intuition' works! I was certain I was having a girl.. but now honestly I really just KNOW its another boy (cabbage test - boy, gender quizzes - boy) I find out in 6 sleeps!!! So here's mine:

Lilly predicts :blue: (but secretly hopes for :pink: !!)

If you guys tell me what you think, i'll update the front page with that too

Midwife appointment. I went on my own too. It's a short session. Mine went over my scan and blood results ( i'd had them in the post already ). Didn't get weighed. Asked how I am. Dipped my Wee Took blood pressure. Lay down and used Doppler to try finding the heartbeat. Booked next session after next scan with doctor ( who will do the same) and mw again. That's it really. I had all my blood tests at my first scan. Hope that's of some help. ( oh and she gave me that maternity work form post dated for after next scan to save me chasing her)

Oooohhhhhhhhhhhhh Im really not sure about the gender. I think I'm Having a boy and now would be chuffed with that but I also would love a girl. The nub looks boyish but head looks girlie.

I'll go with boy/girl - 60/40 ( hope that's ok for first page )

thanks starglow for the info.. yep DH def doesn't need to come to that!

Ok I've started updating front page with predictions and will update when we start finding out the sex!! Anyone who's team yellow we need predictions too! xx
Yay. Do you think it would be a good idea to also add the date we hopefully find out. Then we'll all keep track of eachother. ( I'll know ( I hope ) 7th Feb :) )

There's about 6 people who are on that list who we haven't heard from in weeks x wonder where they are.
What a fun idea!

Lilly, I'm copying your format:

Itsy predicts :blue: . Scan date: Feb 1st!

So far our mw appts have been similar to what Starglow mentioned. DH has come with me, but that's only because our appointments (so far) have been on Friday evenings (after 5:00pm) so he was able to be there. Mine doesn't track weight (she doesn't even ask me what I weigh) but I have my own document where I track stuff like that. Pretty much just asks how things are going, if I have any questions, etc, takes blood pressure, listens to heartbeat (yay!) and schedules the next appointment. Each appointment takes (for me) about 15 minutes.

I wonder if the people we haven't heard from just got lost with the movement of our group? I get the e-mail notifications when someone posts something and I just follow the link directly from there. Otherwise I might not have found it again either!
was wondering the same hun!!!

i hopefully can find out on the 10th feb im thinking boy.. but wouldnt mind for it to be girl either :) would just be very shocked! everyone thinks we are having a boy! weve got a boy heartbeat a boy nub according to lilbug in the nub thread and i just think the chance of it being a boy largly outweighs the chance of it being a girl.. both our families are overrun with the male species!! lol
as i already have 2 boys im going to say boy again! although i would be so thrilled if it was a girl! 7th feb is my scan date x

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