****Summer Cupcakes Bump Buddies ~ 8 BABY GIRLS & 4 BABY BOYS BORN ****

haha too far away sorry!!! else id be more than happy to come give you a hand! im now watchign 60 minute house makeover on tele... joys of daytime tele!!!

i know its crazy its mid june already!!!! weird to think we will all have our babies by mid july if they are late!! eeeek :) exciting exciting ... wish he would realise he hasnt got so much room to stretch out now :lol: i have a lump stuck out my side think its his foot or maybe his hand its funny
I Haven't had feet in ribs etc. My baby doesn't move that much now... Enough not to worry but usually it's more a shuffle about. I'm short waisted anxinky 5 ft 1 so can't imagine she has much room in there .
yeah dont get him in ribs anymore which is nice :lol: just get lumps stuck out the side of my belly.. strange child!!.. no i doubt she has much room in there im only 5ft 4 so not alot of difference!! agree on lo not moving as much anymore is more of a shuffle isnt it but then i supose they cant do somersaults in there anymore :lol:
strawberry- I agree with Starglow. You're welcome to clean my house ANYTIME! :haha: I wish I had your energy! I think the 'nesting' thing has skipped me entirely--I don't feel like doing anything!

Lolley- hope you're able to rest a bit today and have a better sleep tonight!

Lilly- did you make it to work? Or did you decide to stay in and rest?

Just got back from appointment... baby is engaged (again) and they made another scan and gave us a picture (we could see his little mouth opening and closing :cloud9:). My last appointment is next Friday and if baby isn't here yet, they'll check for dialation and either do a sweep or schedule an induction (or both). Exciting!!

Anyone have weekend plans? :)
aww thats fab itsy!! :)

no plans for me for the weekend oh works saturday mornings but other than that we just usually go and see our families over the weekend .. bit of chill out time everyone will have to start coming to us when baby is here so taking advantage of being able to go out whenever we want at the minute
That's great news itsy. :)
Weekend plans - Saturday night we're going to a dinner and live jazz band night with friends. Table is booked for the whole night.... I'm gonna have to rest all day for this lol. Having my lashes permed in the afternoon and plan on leaving a load of clothes at the cancer research shop.
Sunday - I really hope hubby and I will have the whole day to ourselves to relax. May call into a friend who's due today depending on where she's at.
Have a cousin staying over Monday and a best friendon Tuesday so wanna relax first.

What are your plans itsy?
Well I'm shattered my back is aching as been on a bit of a clean and garden, mowed both lawns -front and back as well as tidied up the edges, hoovered the house and moped the floors, cleaned the bathroom, put cleaner in the oven which I will wash out once I've had a bath.

The car seat sounds lovely Starglow, we have one that goes on our pram too. Sounds like your having a good day. Has your dh got some time off with you?

Itsy soooo sweet you got to see your lo again, exciting that the time is getting close now to be talking of inductions and sweeps for next FRIDAY!!!! :dance:

Hope you get a good nights sleep tonight Lolley and a restful day today.

I am still getting kicks in the ribs and the movement is becoming a little less but some how still manages to have a good move about, I think I had a knee or foot sticking out earlier which was a little sore hehehe

Just started to rain here after not a bad day, really dark now :( And my upgrade isn't available until next thursday so will have to make do with this old blackberry

Weekend plans; not much as dh is working so I may go to my parents with the dog and take him for a good run by where they live.
strawberry- great idea to be enjoying the 'alone' time with DH while you can! Are you visiting family for Father's day?

Starglow- hope you get plenty of sleep tonight/tomorrow morning to rest up for going out! having a table all night with friends sounds like a fantastic idea, and loads of fun. Be sure to take a pic once you get your lashes permed! Seems like you've had a whole make-over in the past few days, I'll bet you look fab!

Foxforce- wow, I'm tired just READING everything you've done today! Great job! Sorry to hear about your phone... but at least you'll be getting an upgrade soon! I don't remember if I saw or not, but what phone did you decide on?

This weekend we don't have much 'planned' yet. We're playing it by ear :) Tonight we're going to visit DH's uncle, and tomorrow night we might go out for a last 'date night' together (I've been dying for some Greek! yummy!). Also want to tidy up a bit, as my mom arrives from the U.S. on Wednesday! I can't believe how time is flying!
Foxforce lol oh my god how an earth have you managed all that!!!!!! I'm doing things bit by bit lol. You sound like you're running on adrenaline lol

Itsy - hair and eyes that's all lol trying to take attention away from all my swelling haha!

I have daddy pressies from bump for Sunday :)
Itsy glad all went well at you appointment.

Anyone heard from lilly? hope she's ok.

Foxforce you are making me tired reading what you have done.

We are planning on going to a bee farm tomorrow. never been before and it's mainly indoors with a big play area for Amber. Hopefully baby will come sunday eve!! might get the gym ball out....
Not heard from Lilly.

Also Ashley? Hope she's ok.

That sounds fun Ailey. I bet Amber can't wait for this baby :)
Hi ladies, sorry for taking so long to post my birth story!

It all started at 8am on Monday the 6th, I woke up with my usual braxton hicks but I also had mild period like pain. I didn't panic or even wake up DH as I felt it may have just been my imagination. The pain continued but it was irregular. Then I had about 3 bowel movements and knew it was definitely labour. I phoned the hospital who told me to stay home until 5 minutes apart. I had a bath then spent the day on my birthing ball. I hadn' finished packing my labour bag so I did that and sent DH to the shops to get water and snacks. By 5 pm I lost my mucous plug and by 6pm the pain was getting worse and the contractions were more regular so we went to the hospital.

They monitored the contractions and heartbeat and said it looked like labour but that a midwife would be coming to examine me in 15 minutes. 45 minutes later, there was still no midwife and my contractions were getting worse. DH found a cleaner who went to get the midwife. I was finally examined and was 7cm dilated! They gave me gas and air (did not like) and then I caved and took diamorphine, which made me so drowsy but it did help with the pain. I started pushing around 3am for over an hour and was getting so tired and could feel there was no progress. The mw examined me and said the babys head was at a wrong angle (can't remember the technical term). The consultant said they needed to give me a hormone drip to boost the contractions and also turn the baby's head so they needed to give me an epidural. The anaesthetist was openly not keen to give it to me and she seemed to be arguing with the consultant. They finally gave it to me and tried to turn her head but her heartbeat was slowing down so I was taken to theatre and had an episiotomy and forceps delivery. She was finally born at exactly 37 weeks weighing 6lb4oz and she is perfectly fine!

Apart from the pain from my stitches, I'm fine too, breastfeeding is working and I'm not minding the sleepless nights yet. Naomi has a lot of trapped wind so we're using infacol but other than that, she's a good baby.

I haven't kept up with this thread but I hope you're all fine, I'll check in whenever I can!
MamaAfrika- thanks for sharing with us! So glad that Naomi is doing well and that you're getting along great after the birth! Can't wait to see some pictures if you feel like posting them at some point :)
Great to hear from you mama afrika! Glad you are doing well.

If I'm honest starglow, I think I'm looking forward to getting out the house more than Amber is!
Amber is very much looking forward to being a big sister! She's been so patiently waiting as it seems like a lifetime for someone so young.
Wow a little eventful then Mama, thank you for posting that. Good to hear you are enjoying being 'Mummy'. Hope your soreness heals soon and Naomi's wind eases :flower: Keep in touch x

You need to post a picture of Naomi also!!

Yes I wonder how both Lilly and Ashley are

Had my bath and feel loads better and finished cleaning the oven phew! Strange that you do so much cleaning and tidying and it still doesn't seem so tidy and there is still lots I want to do!!

I decided to stay with Blackberry phone Itsy, I had a Bold but I'm going to get a Torch so long as they don't charge me for it as I don't want to pay anything. there is a few of us that have Blackberry and we are on the Blackberry Messenger and it's great as it's free, otherwise I'd probably get a iPhone.

Ailey the Bee farm sounds fun, Amber should have a great time

Woah bump is moving lots and it's hurting me :wacko:
Nice to read your post Mamafrica. Can't wait to see a pic of Naomi when u get a chance.

Foxforce there's always more to do which is annoying lol

Ailey it doesn't help we're having such rubbish weather. I'd be out walking if the sun was shining!

Someone asked earlier I think about hubby and time off. He's taking two weeks off from when I go into labour, well the day after. One week fully paid, 2nd week state crappy pay. That'll be so nice tho (altho some of that we'll have his mum with us)
Yep that was me Starglow :) I wondered as it sounded like he was home with you

I tweeted Lilly to check if she was ok, no reply .....

EDIT - I think she is in work as she replied she is leaving early as she is struggling :wacko: poor Lilly
Oh I hope Lilly is ok!

Ah right ...... Hubby and I just text loads lol. I'm quite pleased to have the day to myself :)
great to hear your story, mama afrika!

sorry i haven't been on, didn't mean to worry anyone! i've just been in a weird mood the past few days. getting really bored of being at home which makes me not want to do ANYTHING at all! had an appointment today, baby is doing well, haven't really had any changes to my cervix, but my ob was able to feel baby's head so she's definitely down there and ready! i finally went on amazon and ordered some raspberry leaf tea, did one day shipping so it will be here tomorrow. OH's mother keeps telling me to drink it and at this point I figure I might as well. I'll be getting a phone call by Monday to tell me when my induction date is scheduled for. the ob said she will try at get them to set it as far as possible since I really don't want to be induced, but she said the best is going to be 7 days over. It's ultimately up to the doctor though, and he might not allow me to go that far over. Just depends on his judgment based off my record.
Ashley that's great they can feel the baby's head. Must feel a bit strange for you!

It's typical when I have the day to myself that it flies by haha!

Oh my gosh who's gonna be next?

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