****Summer Cupcakes Bump Buddies ~ 8 BABY GIRLS & 4 BABY BOYS BORN ****

HI girls!

I posted on the main board but scan was AMAZING, anyone getting a private scan I highly recommend getting the dvd - I even watched it when we got home!

:yipee: very happy today!

Although been feeling huge - I know this is going to sound quite vain given that i'm preggers (!!) but I've just tried on some summer clothes for our holiday, and i cant' fit into ANYTHING!! :cry: I never put on this much weight with my son, especially around my bum and hips! I think I'm putting on too much too soon... is anyone else feeling like this?
I mean, I am eating more than usual... I really am consuming lots more calories.
Obviously I can't diet - but I'm thinking of cutting the crap now, ie white bread, starchy carbs and chocolate/cakes. Is that taking it too far?
I just keep thinking I've got to lose all this after baby comes out!!
took some arty pics of bump - look how big!!

How's everyone else's bumps looking?


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Wow... you guys have had a BUSY few days :) Lots of chatting!

As I'm typing this, I can definitely feel LO moving around! :cloud9: It's a light 'swooshing' back and forth. I keep trying to push with my hand to see if I can feel anything from the outside (DH really wants to feel as well) but so far nothing.

Lilly, how did your re-scan go?? Yesterday in the mail we got the DVD that was made at our 12 week appointment. It's so neat to have it!

Foxforce-- your tattoo is gorgeous! You're going to have an amazing 9-month bump as well with the beautiful tat covering it :)

I have no idea what jacket potatoes are but after reading about all of you craving them, I want one too :p

I haven't had any real cravings either... I eat less chocolate and sweet things and have been eating more fruit (and fruit juices... yumm!). I haven't had a glass of water in literally 4 months (it made me nauseous up until 15 weeks and I haven't been able to drink it since)... but no real 'cravings'

Hope all the shopping trips went well :) I'm getting more and more excited about buying things soon as well!

Hope everyone has a great evening!
aww lilly you are tiny! i have defo put weight on my hips and bum! i posted my pic yesterday :D
hey lilly! I was still typing up my response and didn't see that you'd already posted. Beautiful bump! It looks like it's all bump to me... but I think we're most often more critical of ourselves than others are!

I don't think there's anything wrong with cutting out white bread and chocolates/cakes... if that will give you some peace of mind (although, be sure to make an exception or three while you're on vacation!). Did you lose weight quickly after you had DS?

I haven't gained any in my hips (but I was already a size 14 to start with) and I'm still under my pre-pregnancy weight, so I haven't started worrying about this too much (although my bump has grown a lot in the past two weeks). I still get the "fat or pregnant?" looks, but for some reason this hasn't been bothering me yet. I think I'm still secretly hoping that breastfeeding will magically melt alllllllllllllllll the calories/fat away... :)

But you look beautiful, no matter what you decide to do!
aahh thank you girls - yeah we're just silly aren't we, being women about our weight!! it took me 9 months to lose the weight last time and let me tell you, breastfeeding KEPT the weight on!! for milk production! It was only when I stopped feeding at 9 months that the weight fell off.

Aaah I think i've missed a few pages you chatty lot!! tattoos and bump pics!! going to go catch up now xx
hch and foxforce, great bumps!! see mine is bigger!!!

Foxforce I LOVE your tattoo - hmm let me try get a pic of mine... probably on fb somewehre... oh can't find one of my tattoo but its a mermaid on my back, its pretty big. You are way skinny though!!! i am jealous I am turning into a hefalump!

See this is my tummy BEFORE !! (after my son though..)


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Lilly you still have a sickening amazing figure lol. Xxxx glad it all went well today. X
Lilly, I know EXACTLY how you feel! Here's a full body pic of me pre-pregnancy, and a bump pic I took on Friday. I feel HUGE!!

Plus i'm always in a sports bra so my already small chest looks flat esp compared to bump so that just shoots down my self esteem some days. regular bras just aren't comfy anymore though! i'm in between an A and a B now and its just easier and more comfortable to stay in a sports bra lol


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Lilly you still have a sickening amazing figure lol. Xxxx glad it all went well today. X

aw thanks lovely :kiss: nice to hear as believe me I really don't feel great physically right now..

even so.. TOTALLY worth gaining even 100 lbs for my little girl!!! I am still so over the moon about it - I really can't wait to find out what you're all having!

We've got one blue and one pink so far... my prediction is that there's a 'girl wave' - I think more pinks than blues for summer cupcakes!
Make that 2 blue's hun! found out fri that we r having a little boy baba :wohoo: :)

bump is coming on well Lilly and glad the scan went well. Hope everyone is doin well xx
Ashley your figure is to die for!! beautiful bump too.. :winkwink:

I don't mind how big my bump gets,its my bum and thighs I'm scared of... ALSO just yesterday i spotted BACK FAT under my bra... :haha:

I am throwing out all the chocolates in my house!
Sianyld CONGRATULATIONS honey on team :blue: !!!!!! Yay! I will update you on the first page... :happydance:
Make that 2 blue's hun! found out fri that we r having a little boy baba :wohoo: :)

bump is coming on well Lilly and glad the scan went well. Hope everyone is doin well xx

Yay that's lovely news Hun. Xxx
Siany, congrats on the blue bump.

Itsychick - jacket potato is a potato baked whole in it's skin- yum!

Starglow - sounds like you had a grat shopping trip!

I need to update my bump picture. I went swimming today and definately looked pregnant and not fat - also need a new costume, tis a bit tight now!

Thanks Aileymouse. It went really well. It's great when you finally find the right pram/ buggy. I found the help in mothercare fantastic. Babies r us staff member didn't have a clue what she was talking about lol. We had to help her hehe.

It was a fun day yesterday. Altho by 9pm ish I suddenly went very flushed. Felt like I had a high temperature, I was extremely dizzy and felt really auful. Came out of nowhere but it took a very long time to get to sleep. Think I'm ok now.

Had the mil on for her hourly 2 weekly call. She is lovely but do I have to hear about when my husband was a baby every single time. she just goes on and on! It was cute at first and now it's just dull lol. Then she asked me if im going to beastfeed. None of her business but I told her I want to if I can. Then she asked AGAIN If we will tell her the sex. We've told her every time no we're not telling anyone. Then lol she says couples shouldn't find out it ruins the surprise. I laughed and told her that we'll save the surprise for her then. Stupid woman! If we tell anyone it'll be her ( Arg ) and my sister. But it'll be our choice and she isn't going to push me into it. Next time she asks I'm going to ask her to respect our wishes on whatever we decide and cut it short. I made it clear to her that it's more important the baby is healthy etc. Bloody woman! Thank goodness this is only every two weeks and she lives in another country. We get missed calls and messages throughout the week!!!
Rant lol over

Starglow that sounds bit scary, glad you're ok now!

Your mil sounds hilarious! Oh god I don't know how I;d handle it if I had my mil on a weekly 2 hr phone call. You should just say when you have your scan that you decided to stay on team yellow, or that you couldn't make out the sex for whatever reason - She'll probably harass you into telling her otherwise! bless she probably means well but I would be annoyed too!

I've had the same thing with my mom on my case about breastfeeding. I had no problem with Kai and breastfed until he was 9 months old - HOWEVER I was single, receiving tax credits etc and living with my mom at the time so not paying rent, I could afford to! I'm unfortunately going to have to go back to work this time asap, so I was thinking around 4 months - but we'll see. Wish I could afford to stay off work for longer but being self employed I get no maternity pay so its really hard!

Hope everyone has a great week - one born every minute tonight girls!! xx
ooops I forgot to tell you girls... re my scan - the sonographer said 'well, she's not small' about my baby!!!! Now I'm terrified I will have a big baby... Kai was only 7 lb - she is measuring 18 weeks (yesterday) so now 2 days ahead!

eek! Imagine having to squeeze out a 10 pounder...:nope:
Lol Lilly 10lbs. That's what my husband was!!!! Eek :( My midwife told me if I've ever do private scans to ignore the due dates they give me. Don't know why as they spend far more detailed time on you than nhs do!

OMG no not a two hour call weekly. I've got it down to a one hour call every other week lol. honestly this week I've had several private facebook messages, 3 messages left on our landline and a message publicly on my facebook and on hubby's fb from her ! I just ignore it or give quick emails back. Nightmare. Boo hoo.........
She means well but she's over bearing. When I walked him, remember these blankets, dull u breastfeed, I saw lovely button down nighties for hospital for you, you have to look
descent for the doctors (lol), I'm collecting seconds of everything for the baby for when you visit - lots of newborn ( Arg as in fly over and stay with her and not my family - whatever!), he cried for a year, I didn't enjoy him the first year, my boobs were Like footballs, OMG OMG OMG .... I could write 6 long books on all the shite she comes out with hehe :(
Sorry girls I needed that rant haha! I'm going to list all the funny things 'grandma' said through my pregnancy in my pregnancy diary I've been keeping for baby tO have one day. Only way I'll get it out of my system and it'll be funny

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