****Summer Cupcakes Bump Buddies ~ 8 BABY GIRLS & 4 BABY BOYS BORN ****

Oh dear, she sounds like a nightmare!

I'm really lucky that my inlaws are lovely.

Lilly can you not claim maternity pay from the government? I'm pretty sure you must be able to.
Oh and I've been feeling loads of movement recently and not just flutters! I'm pretty sure husband will be able to feel baby move very soon too :thumbup:
Oh yay to you feeling lo :) fab.

At the crack of dawn I was looking at colourful wall stickers for nursery / firstly baby area in our room. So cool.
Lilly and Ashley, you both have beautiful figures (both pre-pregnancy and now!). I'm going to try and take a picture tomorrow (I prefer to do it during the day with some natural sunlight!) and will post a bump pic after that :)

Yesterday I had two people 'pat' my bump for the first time ever! It was my MIL and BIL... and while I think I'd prefer it to be family if anyone is going to do it, it definitely made me realize I'm NOT going to be okay with random people touching me at any point in the future. I'm going to have to think about what my response will be (something not terribly rude, but definitely firm/to the point). Anyone have responses all prepared to warn people off? :)

My MIL is full of advice, but fortunately she's really good about only providing it when asked and is definitely NOT in my face about things (neither is my mother, which is good too!). Here's hoping it stays this way :)

Hope everyone has a great Monday!
Oh yea, I also read a fun article about annoying pregnancy symptoms and thought I'd share with you guys:


a friend of mine who has two children commented that this is definitely the "short list." ;-)
hey everyone

sorry havent been on in a while, can see i have heaps to catch up on...

got out of hospital tuesday night and then stayed off work sleeping until friday and then went in for a half day - feeling much better and the pains seemed to have gone now phew.....

i still am not sure if i am feeling the little one, one thing that came out at hospital was that my uterus has lopped to one side so my bump is wonky!! when i lie down and look down the bump is growing out to the right!! looks quite strange!

I have my 20 week scan date and it is 4th Feb - wohooo only 10 days to go and i cant wait!! we arent going to find out what we are having but just want to see squiggle and know all is OK - I also want to start feeling something more convincing if it is moving around!!

Hope you are all OK and will catch up on all the chat tonight

Hugs xx
hahaha... I'm browsing through the 3rd trim forums and someone was talking about how annoying it gets near the end when people just keep asking you all the time whether you've had the baby or not. She posted this website to show to people as a reference:


Made me smile :)
Lol I find myself often reading through birth stories on here. ( usually when I can't sleep )

Flybee great to hear you're ok and out of hospital.

Oh dear....... Not feeling well at all. Have moved most of my work off today! Only another hour to move and I'll be in bed.
Hi ladies

Starglow - well done on your shopping trip hun, you did well :thumbup: Hopefully you feeling unwell was the overwhelmingness of the day! Sorry you mil is so stressful, glad I don't have to put up with that! Sorry to hear your not too good again, get home and take it easy hun :hugs: Hope your feeling better soon :flower:

Lilly - you sound like I feel with my bump, definately put weight on my hips and bum like you wouldn't believe! I agree with hch in that your tiny :) ....your bump look gorgeous in your arty pic, I think we need to be sensible with food but treat yourself from time to time :D Nice excuse to buy some new clothing for your hol! Shame you haven't a pic of your tat to hand

Itsy - Thanks for your lovely comment. Fab news on your movement, I'm still not 100% on what I'm feeling. I've only had one 'bump pat' from a good friend the other week, which I didn't mind, it's when it's people you don't really know well...strange! Not sure what we can say in response? :shrug:

Ashley - cute bump pic on your hun and you have stunning figure :winkwink:

Sian - Congrats on team :blue: :yipee:

Flybee - Fantastic your out of hospital and home and working too! Exciting times coming up for more scans, not long now!

afm ..my bump is tight and uncomfortable this afternoon, feel like baby is on bladder again as the need for the toilet is frequent even after just going grrr Just another hour until I go home thankfully, no motivation today!

Hope the rest of your days are going well! xx
Thanks Foxforce hun. Can I not rent the mil out here ? We could take her in turn lol. I'm being mean sorry :)

Tight tummy is so uncomfortable. I'm putting weight on hips and bum too but I know it's cause I'm eating too much bread and rubbish. Not exercising either due to tiredness.

Hi girls!

I hear you on the tiredness..for the past week it seems to have come back 10 fold. Right now i want to find a bed and just sleep. Oh, my doc told me to take some pepcid for heartburn...my nausea has been so much better the past few days :) still can't eat tons but i haven't thrown up since Saturday, yay!

Definitely am feeling baby move, it feels like its "bumping" me on the left side. Must be where its feet are. 1 more week to go for scan :) Can't feel from the outside though. I don't know if i will post a bump pick yet...My mom can see it but my dad said it just looks like my fat, how nice...
My hubby loves to rub it, kiss and talk to it, its so cute. My sisters keep whispering to it to be a girl and sending it girl vibes, lol.
I had 2 conflicting dreams in the past couple of weeks. One, another pregnant woman whispered in my ear it was a boy. Then a couple days ago, i had a dream it was christmas and i had a baby girl and was showing her off to my extended family. argh...Just makes me want my scan faster!!
heya ladies wow i had lots to catch up on you chatter boxes!!!

glad everyone sounds well!!.. cannot wait till we all find out what we are having!!eeek 2 and a bit weeks for me this pregnancy is going really quick!!
Thanks Foxforce hun. Can I not rent the mil out here ? We could take her in turn lol. I'm being mean sorry :)

Lol I don't think my patience could stand it by the sound of her :p But at least your mil & fil speak to you, mind pretend I don't exsist.... no bad thing sometimes I'm sure!
But I agree with Lilly on saying even if you do find out the gender just tell her you don't know then she may leave you alone a little.

Hope your feeling better? :flower: xx
So, I had an appointment this morning and I AM going to be the last one to find out what I'm having!! (Except for those who are :yellow: of course!) My ultrasound is scheduled for February 23rd, a whole MONTH to wait! :growlmad:

I've gained 6 lbs so far, and thats a pound or two UNDER the low end of the scale for how much weight they want me to gain throughout the pregnancy. As of this morning, I weigh 101 lbs - more than I've weighed the past few years! I've stayed at 95 since around 2008. I'm gonna feel like a whale. :nope:

My OH's mother is a blabbermouth too, but thankfully she knows it and isn't offended when you just stop paying attention to her! This woman will go on, and on, and on..... I used to *try* to listen and pay attention and smile and nod... now i just turn away and watch tv and just look at her every now and then LOL! She will just start telling a story and explain every single detail, then realize she didn't explain the background info so she'll start all over! :dohh: Last night OH and I were at his parents house for his dad's bday and she started telling a story. As I look around the living room, NO ONE was paying attention to her and she had been talking for 10-15 minutes!
Lol Ashley re mil! I switch off too usually.

Is anyone who is finding out the gender keeping it to themselves or are you going to share your news? The more time is going on the more I think I want to keep it between my hubby and I (and here of course :) ) that includes not telling my sis or mil. But people keep asking me now. My cousin has just emailed me asking if I know to tell her! People are so strange!
bluestarlight- yay for not throwing up!! I'll keep my fingers crossed for you that it's FINALLY stopping!

Ashley- I haven't been 100lbs since I was in high school :) Don't worry hun, you'll have your figure back soon after your LO is born! Sorry you have to wait so long for your scan! Is it not possible to get your appt moved up??

Starglow- we find out the gender in 8 days!!! We will be telling everyone, but actually when people ask us whether we're going to find out, one of the first questions they ask if whether we'll be telling everyone else as well. A lot of people seem to assume we'll be keeping it to ourselves... I would have thought that people would assume the opposite! The name we'll be keeping a secret though... from most people :) (just telling a few really close friends)

ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh almost a week away!!!
Nope, I go in every 4 weeks and since we didn't do it at this appt it has to be the next appt. no way around it. private ultrasounds cost WAY too much, and OH doesn't even want a 4D unless baby refuses to show us gender. So I have to wait. :(

I'm annoyed at how many people keep asking what the gender is. Especially my sister. Everytime I text her she asks me if I know yet. And to make sure I tell her when I find out. Or asking if I'm going to tell her. I've already told everyone that they will know when I know! If I don't know yet, how the hell am I supposed to let YOU know?!
Serious heart burn for the first time. Still feeling awful. :(
Hi there,

There is so much to catch up on, so just going with the main topics of convo and will keep up from now on.

Lilly gorgeous scan :) and lovely to re-confirm team pink for you.

everyone that has posted a bump pic, there all fab and i dont think any of you are that big, we are nearly half way through now :)
Your all skinny minnies compared to me :(

Hmmm gender, were still deciding if to find out or not, but if we do we wont be telling anyone. As there are certain family members that don't want to know i think it will be better to keep it to ourselves than risk the chance of someone slipping up.

MIL hmmmm mine can be a little over powering, her heart is in the right place, but she forgets half the time what we have talked about and i end up having the same conversation 2 and 3 times with her :haha:

One born every minute was a good one tonight DH really enjoyed it :)

AFM - we did lots of shopping this weekend in the asda baby event, got some clothes, nappies, toiletries, monitors with a sensor pad and some other bits and pieces :)
Well caught up lolley lol. :) asda deals are pretty good.
Our cot will be here in a few days but will stay flat packed for a good while yet.

One born ..... Was good. Seemed all very dark. Love it tho.

Sent hubby out to get heart burn stuff. It's been 2 hours now! Poor hubby only in from work and sent out! But won't sleep with this. It's right up from high in my throat right down low. Enough complaining.

Right see you all tomorrow xxx sleep well

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