****Summer Cupcakes Bump Buddies ~ 8 BABY GIRLS & 4 BABY BOYS BORN ****

Awww cute pictures Starglow :cloud9:

Lovely 20 week bump hch :flower: I should do mine tomorrow to be on the 20 week mark!

They charge £5 per picture at my hospital :growlmad: rip off isn't it
I'm exhausted after today hehe! so glad i cleared the day of work. I bet I'll sleep well tonight. I feel like shouting it from the roof tops but we decided we'd share our news with immediate family and a few friends for now. It's not a secret but we're not broadcasting it. Just want some time to let it all settle in with us first.

Tv night coming up. I'd say One Born Every Minute will bring me down to earth with a bump! I'm sure I saw on the main board last week about it starting in the USA which would be fab for those who don't get it.

It was such fun today just brousing all the bits and pieces. Wasnt going to buy anything for the sake of it. I knew i wanted to get the little pink blankets and thats all i bought.

I also got gorgeous bra's from Mothercare in a normal size with help from a lady who knew what she was doing. She couldn't believe thats Marks lady had me in a size 40 B. Ive gone from 32D - 34D and now - 36D...4 inches makes more sense than 8 inches!!! silly woman. The mothercare woman took one look at me and siad you're having a girl!!!!! I went straight to the bra's, didn't look at anything pink on the way so how she knew!!!!

also....... i guess the spots and morning sickness did = girl afterall!

Starglow your baby is gorgeous!

And great bump-age Hch!! I'll have to take a pic of mine tomorrow :wohoo:

I had to pay £2 for my pic and only got one because the measly sonographer deleted all my pics :-( so glad I had the gender scan before so I could get some proper pics like you girls did at your 20wk.
hch, congrats on the blue bump!

lovely scan pics both of you!

I have my scan a week tomorrow. It's at 9.30 am but I won't be able to update until the evening as I'm working straight after.
I really hope we can find out the sex as we could with my daughter, she was camera shy and also we have to see the consultant for scans because of husbands family history of heart problems and he wasn't very nice at our first scan, he just said "there's your baby" and that was it.
I would love to have the day off work after to go shopping but I don't have much holiday left...

Looking forward to OBEM tonight :)
YAY starglow congrats on your :pink: bump!!!!! woohooo, welcome to the girly club!!!! Am so excited for you honey, I'll go update you on the 1st page now. you must be on :cloud9: !!

I wonder how hch is getting on?!!

Flybee, I think your scan pic looks like mine!!! I'll attach it again here... very similar profile?!

Glad to know all your scans went well girls!

Who's next? Lolley?? xxxx

oh my god it does... the profile is very similar!! hummm still convinced it is a boy though :) xx
congrats hch on team blue - very exciting... ours was doing the same and hiding behind its arm so they couldnt check for cleft lip, i had to jump around like a nutcase to get it to move! hehehe
i forgot to mention earlier that i have a low lying placenta and therefore have to be re-scanned at 32 weeks! i dont mind being re-scanned as will get to see little one again but just hope the placenta has moved up!
lovely pics starglow

and lovely bump pic hch

im off to catch up with obem now hope its a good one :)
One last post for tonight - I asked at the hospital if I needed to book myself in for anti-natal classes or does the midwife sort that out for me? She gave me a form to fill in and the hospital will call me with a date. The options were two evening classes or one full Saturday. I opted for a Saturday so hubby can come with me. Hope We meet some nice couples there. The first half is on pain relief and labour, the second on breast feeding and bring baby home. Hope it's good. It's after 30 weeks and NHS. X
Hi Ladies!

OMG, there's so much to catch up on! I just wanted to make a few brief comments...

@ Starglow- congrats on team pink!!! How wonderful! Although I also had awful m/s, and that apparently = boy for me :) Maybe we're just unlucky?

@ hch- Congrats!!! We're helping to keep team blue on the map in this group :) I also got kicked in the bladder last week for the first time-- weird (and uncomfortable!) feeling!

DH and I went and bought our first baby stuff today!! We got a diaper bag, a bunch of 'onesies' (I can't remember what the U.K. people call them... sorry!) in different sizes... we got LO a Halloween costume for October... :blush: but it was really cute and just $2!!!!!! ... we bought some little socks, hats, mittens, etc etc as well :cloud9:

I also went to a "Motherhood" maternity store for the first time today. Anyone shopped there before? I really wanted to buy some bra's that would fit better but nothing there fit... :blush: They didn't have any sizes above D... which I was sure would fit... but apparently don't. Although I'm wondering if the sizes just run small there...? I didn't think they were that big!

Anyway...I hope you all have a great week, and those of you still waiting for scans have a great time!!

Happy 20 weeks to lots of us!!
I think I felt lo move last night. I felt a pulsing type feeling. Not sure if that was her or not. but never felt whatever that was before :)
yay starglow! hopefully you will feel her alot more now :) fab feeling isnt it :) x
i think i am also feeling movements, some definite prodding going on!
my oh felt baby last night gave him a massive thud! and again this morning its been going crazy last few days deffinatly feel baby all the time now!!!

so glad to be home from work today.. very stressful 2 little boys i were looking after today just cry and cry and want to be picked up all the time and i cant pick them up all the time! and then theyl be playing lovely one will moan and set the other off.. cant win!! fair to say they were driving me nuts today stressed right out glad to be home!!

one more day of work till my scan.. cant wait :)
yay for everyone starting to feel movements! I'm still only feeling them infrequently (and only the 'firm' ones a couple times so far)... but looking forward to stronger movements! I'm hoping DH can feel it soon too :)

I took a 20-week picture today, which I'll post soon!

When we were out shopping yesterday, we saw a t-shirt I thought was really funny. It said, "pregnancy is like a hangover but without the booze." Ahh... so true.
Yay great news on people feeling movement, the pulsing is what I first was feeling but wasn't sure but it's definate prods now usually after food. Last night I lifted up my pj top and looked at my tummy and actually saw my belly move! Quite strange :wacko:

I'll take a picture of my 20 bump when I get home from work, lady at work said I look pregnant now lol Had an awful nights sleep again ..woke at 2am and struggled to get any more sleep :(

I saw New Look do t-shirts with a slogan saying 'Hands Off The Bump' lol appropiate for those that get people being too hands on with bumpage

On the ante-natal class, my friend and colleague has literally just told me not to bother with the class, she said she found it pointless and almost like a AA meeting :rofl: I have to ring once I'm 24 weeks and book into it, I can go to 4 x2 hour evenings or a full day on a saturday which would be easier. I was wondering whether to go to be honest as I know through work and watching programmes how to breathe, what will happen, how painful it gets and know about pain relief too etc....so I dunno :shrug:
im with you on that foxforce i know our midwives wont be happy if we just dismiss it mind! but i know how to look after a baby i know all the feeding cues and sleeping safety etc.. labour ive been told yes it good to have a plan but half the time the plan never happens better to see how it goes! im really not wanting to go to one my oh works when ours will be on aswell and i have no one else to go with me
hmm its a hard one, i have never been to any antenatal classes, when i had my first baby i just know what to do with out even thinking about it. both my labours have never gone to plan either! but its always good to have a birthplan just so they know what you would like to happen even if things dont go to plan. im planning to do hypno birthing and i will order my cd and book when im 33 weeks but anyone becoming a first time mum who has never experienced labour they would probably want to know more about breathing techniques etc when in labour so maybe they could be handy?! xx
i am doing antenatal, I have booked mine with NCT and they are in May - a few evenings and then 3 days 10-3 - work probably arent that impressed but they have to give me the time off so tough...

Oooo hypno birthing, I have just started reading up about that.... hch have you done it before?
congrats to everyone feeling more movement! after i started feeling definite kicks it took about a week for them to become more regular. and they've been growing consistently stronger. i feel LO kicking and squirming everyday. Last night baby laid on my bladder so i had to go pee really bad. when i sat back down on the couch LO starts KICKING my bladder! so i kept feeling like i had to go for just an instant. i swear i would have peed my pants if i hadn't just gone! OH thought it was hilarious and kept telling the baby to kick me harder! he also said to baby "i'll give you 5 dollars if you make her pee her pants!" LOL!

btw, it's my birthday! but i'm spending the morning alone, have to go into school early, and stay 2 hours after class to get in some lab hours. so i'll be in class from 12:30 - 6:00. Then OH said he'll take me out for dinner when he gets off work. His shop doesn't close until 7 and often times he has to stay even later than that! I'm really hoping he can get off work in time to go to dinner!

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