***Summer Cupcakes June & July 2011 Mummies***

hi girls just a brief post about what happened to jacob.

It started on thursday 28th at 10am , he woke with a scream and started to be sick everywhere, he wouldnt touch his bottles and he wouldnt wake up, at 3pm i called lee to tell him i was going to A&E as something wasnt right as he was screaming like he was in pain. we got to A&E and they started treating him for a stomach bug( tbh they were really crap and if wasnt for Lee telling them to check his eyes jacob would most certainly not be here today) at about 6pm jacob had a fit and his pupils didnt move they sunk to the left. At this point they decided to get a neurosurgeon who was fantastic, she said he needed an immediate ct scan, so we were rushed to the CTscan and it took 10 minutes to get the results , at this point were moved to the high dependency ward, then me and Lee were took into a room to be told the devastating news , if jacob wasnt taken to birmingham childrens hospital ASAP he was going to die from a blood clot on his brain caused by an AVM . OMG my world just stopped there and then , we couldnt take in the news, they sent the intensive care team from BCH and they put him on a life support machine and went straight there. me and lee drove in silence all the way there. when we got there he was having a mri scan after he had it the surgeon came to see us and told us we needed to sign the consent form there and then because jacob was going to die if he didnt get him into surgery. He had a 4cm by 4cm blood clot on the left side on his brain and the arteries were still leaking making it bigger by the minute and his brain simply couldnt cope with swelling and the pressure it was putting on all his nerves. His operation was 5 hours long and it was the longest time of my life, i was thinking i wasnt going to have my baby boy at the end of this. but he made it through the first op. i couldnt thank his surgeon enough he saved my babys life. he was in intensive care for 3 days and then on the neonatel surgical ward for the rest of the time we were there. he still has a small blood clot in his brain and he still has the AVM but they cant sort this out until the swelling goes down. he is a ticking time bomb , me and lee are s***ting ourselves that itwill happen again. he has the hospital on wednesday and then the nurse will visit twice a week to check him over , until he has his next mri scan in 5 weeks , then he will also have an angiogram which is dye injected into the arteries to see the AVM more clearly in his brain. the next step after this is surgery or radiotherepy and he will also start physiotherepy. the surgeon said he has a very good chance of recovering from this but we wont know the outcome until he is older. a new borns brain is still developing so he has an excellent chance of being completely fine. i just want to say thanks to everyone for there well wishes

on life support

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in intensive care after his op

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in neonatel

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feeling better


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drain out


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my brothers came to visit

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ps excuse the socks on his hands , this was the only way we could stop him pulling his lines out!
Oh sweetheart its aweful we have all been thinking a lot about you and your family its so lovely to hear from you please stay strong Jacob is an amazing little boy who is very brave and so are you I can't imagine how it feels thank god you got him to hospital as soon as you did! Thinking of you as always x x

Ash I really feel for you with hubby out in the riots stay strong glad Lara is doing better at sleeping and settling for you Noah is getting better he still sleeping next to me but I'm gonna try put him on his basket tonight once he has fallen asleep x
Starglow, sounds like you a getting is sussed with Lara. Hope your husband is ok in London. My brother in law works in tottenham, it's a worry.

Hayley, really good to hear from you. Have been thinking of you constantly. Jacob is such a brave strong boy, and so are you. Those pictures bought a tear to my eyes. I just can't begin to imagine how it has been for you all. xxx

I went to baby clinic today and Georgia is now 9lb 12oz :thumbup:
I spoke to the hv there about the crying and she was lovely. Offered me so much support. I never had this much support with Amber. I was with a different healthcare team then. But My HV is coming to see me on thursday (I think the are worried about my mental health cos I my history, but I feel fine) She has also invited me to the breastfeeding support group on friday, I'm not struggling with it but it will be nice to have a boost. She also said she would come round and help expressing milk so I can have a break. I'm a bit tearful today though cos I'm just exhausted and everyone is being nice to me...
OMG Hayley that is so hectic what you have gone through with poor little Jacob, what a little fighter he is too. I read your post with tears in my eyes!! i just can't believe how awful that must have been for you, to go through. So glad he is home now and wishing you all lots of positive vibes and wishes to you and your family xxxx

Starglow is your hubby in the police force? Sorry if you've mentioned it before, me and my baby brain. It's just horrific what's happening in london, really scary. Crouch end is a quiet village (where i live) but when i went out this afternoon i noticed lots of police around and the shops boarded up :-( :-( it's so weird to see this type of thing right on your doorstep, I hate it> especially all of us with children now!
Girls I just want to say I'm so glad we all found eachother on here even though we are far apart I feel so close to you all :) x x
Hi ladies!

hch- thank you for updating us... I've been following you on FB and my heart just really goes out to all of you! You've been doing such an amazing job and I can't begin to imagine how strong you have needed to be. Keeping Jacob in my thoughts, he's very lucky to have you and Lee there for him as well :hugs:

Lilly- how is Ivy doing? I read one of your posts on another forum and I hope you're able to find something that helps Ivy get settled!

Ashley- how if bf'ing going? Are things in your left (?) boob getting better? How were you able to get that one back up to the same production as the right?

Starglow- is Lara still sleeping well with the formula at night? Night-time is actually the only time now that we don't give Bram any formula, but I'm wondering if we should start as well...

Ailey- glad to hear breastfeeding is going well! :thumbup: Did you ever decide on what type of pump you want (I saw this on another forum)?

We started combi-feeding/topping up after the HV said Bram wasn't gaining enough weight... and within a few days he started screaming anytime I tried to bf him until we gave him a bottle. Then my production just dropped dramatically (we initially just topped up once or twice a day... now he standard gets a bottle after bf'ing and still drinks up to 4 oz!). I was pretty upset at first... has a lactation consultant come by but nothing has been helping (also bought an electric pump and am using it 3 - 4 times a day, when Bram refuses to feed on the boob). The only time he doesn't get a bottle is at night, but he wakes up every 1.5 hours to feed :( I might be switching to exclusively expressing and alternate with formula so we know/make sure how much he's getting.

And my c-section wound is also infected (boo). I've had several antibiotic creams but it's just gotten worse and is swollen and bleeding... have another appt today.

Also, has anyone else's LO's been constipated? :( Poor Bram turns red as he just tries to hard to push it out... we got a laxative from the GP and have been trying some other things (i.e. 1 tsp olive oil combined in bottle) but he's still having issues... it's so sad!
wow, i just caught up on the last few pages. Hch, i'm so sorry *hugs hugs hugs* i can't imagine what your going through! that must be absolutely terrifying.
Lilly i hope you get some sleep soon.
Starglow, I hope Lara starts settling better for, that is frustrating when all they want to do is sleep on you.

its the first time i have been back on here in a while, i was glad to see this thread in the parenting section. We had lots of trouble breast feeding and i ended up expressing, It took a lot of time out of the day. Now we are combi feeding and i am down to just 2 pumpings a day (8-10oz/ pump) but i am still making too much for her to eat now that she gets 2 forumla bottles a day. It took a while to find a forumla that didn't make her colicy, finally using gerber goodstart gentle. I was thinking of getting gas drops though. She has cut down to one poop a day but gets gassy at times, she can be so hard to burb and it will just travel down to tummy pain later. Trying to get ready to go back to work in the beginning of september. Haha- hubby in for a shock when we have to start splitting night wakings >;-) I've been doing all of them since i can catch up on sleep during the day for now. He is a good dad but just so clueless sometimes and i have to spoonfeed him what to do with her. If she cries he looks at me with this *help!* expression on his face, its so cute.

Most recent pic of Elly


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Really nice to hear from you glad you and elora are good :)

itsy Noah gets a little constipated at times he tries to feed whilst poop and I just rub his belly and hold him close

Ailey I hope Georgia slept better for you last night

Starglow I hope your hubby is staying safe out there xo
Hi all!

Georgia slept better, but not great. She just isn't happy...HV is comng tomorrow.

Itsy, I've stuck with my nuby manual and manage to get around 2oz but have to feed Georgia on the other boob to get anything out.

Hoping for some sleep tonight as I'm beyond exhausted :(
itsy, bfing is getting much better thanks for asking. my breasts are about equal now, and the worst seems to be over in regards to the cracks. painful for a few seconds while she latches on, but its because i gave up on trying to force her to "open wide" because it frustrates her. i just let her "slurp in" the nipple and then she adjusts her latch.

lillyana held herself up last night! i'm so proud of her. she'd done it before for a few seconds, but this was several MINUTES of complete control!


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Aww so cute ashley :) Noah does that too and if we support him under his arms around his belly he really pushes his legs down and kinda stands weird how strong they are!
Yup, she stands like that too! I usually sit her in my lap with nucleus bent to support her back and head when Im in bed about to feed her sheaves always locks her legs when Im trying to lower her down into sitting position lol
hey everyone

glad to hear things are going well for most of you, bf-ing and sleeping!!
Itsy sorry to hear you've been having some troubles, expressing etc is such a pain!
I am bf-ing but supplementing with 100ml formula feed after her bath. I express during this time to keep my supply up and store in the fridge if i need to go out in the day or if liam wants to feed her. The formula seems to fill her up sometimes, but I;ve noticed her poo's are WAY more smelly and thicker too.

Like a crazy woman I did half day of work yesterday, liam stayed home to look after Ivy and my mom came to help too. It was so good to have a break for a few hours for me!! I'm doing another few days end of Sept and then will see about starting back part time at the end of the year.

I've picked up Ivy's cold though so feeling a bit under the weather. Her routine is all over the place at nighttime. We bath her, feed her and then rock her to sleep but sometimes I feed her in the lounge while I watch Tv... i don't know if this is the best idea but rocking her to sleep takes so long sometimes!

What is everyone else's routine? What times do you do things, and does your LO wake up at the same time every night?

AT my 6 week check my GP actually advised me to leave Ivy crying as she 'needs to learn to settle herself' - well Ivy has such a loud cry I can't bear it for too long and also isn't she way too young to leave to CIO?!?

Ivy's also been lifting her head loads lately, she's got strong little legs too but i think it's because she's so rigid with anger most of the time, she can nearly stand up!! lol :haha:
We've been getting some half smiles from her, adorable.

ashley lilyanna is so gorgeous, she looks like you i think! Ivy looks the absolute spitting image of her dad - i'm almost a bit put out that she looks nothing like me!! I hope to get in there some day!

Hi guys just a quick post had no time lately to get on here!

Just really upset me reading hayley's story, you are in my thoughts, not been on fb and not getting on here I didn't know. :hugs: :hugs: the pictures are heartbreaking :( I really can't imagine what you must have been through, I'm praying the clot doesn't bleed and you get the best results possible when he has his next scan. Thank god for Lee noticing his eyes! Stay strong Hun, he is a brave strong lil soldier xxx

Eliza doing well, we're having HV come later this am, so get her weighed and hopefully HV won't need to come again if she is on track. Going to Alton Towers on Saturday, taking dh's other children, first outing as a family.
Eliza had a stuffy nose at weekend, I used the Nasosal drops (saline) which helped greatly and cleared the snot in a sneeze, really recommend!

Good to hear your all well, lovely pics Ashley of Lillyana. Try catch up when more time xxx
Noahs usual routine is he feeds more often between 9 and 11 so at 11 I bring him to bed and he has a last feed then he sleeps till 3 or 4 wakes up for a feed then goes asleep again usually just falls asleep on the boon lol then about 6.30 7ish he wakes again sometimes we get up or sometimes we have a lay in till 9 if we have nothing to do then he just sleeps and feeds whenever he wants during the day .. he usually just falls asleep on me or oh or on the boon but I would be reluctant to let him CIO its not something that I personally want to use when he is this young but it does work for some people but with ivy being in pain with her tummy and such it .may just get her worked up even more

Glad you enjoyed some time at work I haven't been apart from Noah for more than 10th minutes while oh takes him to my mind before coming back to get me... I do worry too much to leave him for too long I need my hair done but I can't face leaving him for hours lol I need to get a grip!
Ashley, gorgeous pics of Lillyana! Georgia is also very strong with her head.

Foxforce, hope you have a lovely day out x

Lilly, glad you had a good day at work, you are crazy... :p

strawberry, you will get used to leaving Noah, it's so different with your first baby. But second you realise that they won't come to any harm if you leave them for a little while with someone you trust.

Georgia on bloody rolled over yesterday!! Back to front. I think it was a fluke as she is still to little to do it for real I think.

Just been to asda and Gerogia screamed the whole time we were there! The woman at the checkout was understanding! She said her second baby was a screamer!
Thanks Ailey I know he will be okay and I would feel fine leaving him with my mum or mil its just actually doing it lol when we are at there's I rarely have him anyway as everyone wants cuddled he will go to anyone so it isn't that he is clingy to me may try leave him with my mum for s bit he will take a bottle off my oh but he won't for me guess he can smell me though

Still trying to get him to sleep in his basket he just hates laying on his back and I know I can't let him sleep on his front at night but that's how he sleeps on me or he sleeps on his side been. Trying to prop him up with a small blanket supporting his back but I don't think he finds it comfy
The HV has been. She was here for an hour! She said she thinks Georgia's problem is wind, she reccommended some gripe water in some cooled boiled water to help bring up the wind.

She also said to try and get her to go 3 hours between feeding so that when she does feed she feeds more efficiently. And hopefully if she goes 3 hours during the day then maybe she will at night...as she is 2 hourly on the do atm!
That's great to hear that the health visitor went well hopefully it will work for you!
Noah actually slept for a hour in his basket.. yay lol longest time yet just gonna keep trying him in it during the day as I usually put him in his chair asleep
I dont have any sort of bedtime routine. Lo loves baths, but I think shes still too young for a bath every night. Dont want to dry out her precious skin! She still eats about every 2 hrs, day AND night. Sometimes she sleeps for 2-3 hrs when we first go to bed, but not always.

I know the SIDS risk, but I put lillyana down on her tummy to sleep every night now. The way I see it is this: yes, side has dropped dramatically since the back to sleep campaign started, but people are more aware of it to begin with now and try to reduce other risk factors as well. Also, we do not have any of the other factors. She refuses to sleep on her back or in her chair anymore, so its either sleep on her tummy, sleep on me, or sleep in my bed. Sleeping in bed she has more of a real chance of suffocating because she sleeps on her side and her face is dangerously close to the mattress. We have an extremely soft, fluffy mattress and even if I put her on her back in bed my weight next to her causes her to roll over. If she sleeps on me, shes still sleeping on her tummy and theres the risk that I might roll over in my sleep unexpectedly and drop her. I highly doubt that would ever happen as I never move an inch when sleeping with her, but its possible. So oh and i decided to let her sleep on her tummy in her play pen next to me. I let her sleep in bed still occasionally, only when she cant sleepy and wont settle. Most times she will fuss a bit (not crying, but grunting lol) when I put her down, but will fall asleep in a few minutes.

I thought I would be reluctant to leave lo but I havent been at all lol I guess its because OH will not go grocery shopping, and I dont wanna take LO in case she starts crying and I cant do anything about it since she doesnt take a pacifier. I take a long time grocery shopping anyway, its relaxing for me lol so I leave her with OH or his mom if she comes over, and its nice to have that time to myself.

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