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***Summer Cupcakes June & July 2011 Mummies***

noah doesnt like sleeping on his back either he sleeps on me at night or laying on his side supported by my arm me & ohn are both tummy sleepers so doesnt suprise me he is also a vey hot baby so only wears a vest to bed .... he is getting better at staying in his chair for longer hoping in the next few weeks he will be less clingy and sleep on his ownbut for now im quite enjoying snuggling up with him ... naughty i know lol
Georgia prefers it on her tummy too. she is currently laid across my lap on her front.
She still doesn't like being put down much!
must be a breastfed baby thing... none of my friends 'get it' their babies happily sleep on their own and able to put down alot... i actually quite like him 'needing' memakes me eel loved lol
One handed here lol

Omg loads of similar things going on.

Lilly its ok for babies not to poo for a few days and it's good ivy is weeing.

Lara won't stay on her back much. She loves lying on me on her tummy. Also on her side in my bed. I can't relax with her on her side incase she covers her nose tho.
Put her in her cot this morning. No sleeping but seemed content till she pulled her hair again screaming.

I was warned off gaviscon due to it's side effects. Still using infacol which really helped Lara.

She'll play and sometimes sleep in her bouncer and happy to lie in her play gym a short while. Loves her sling which I use when clingy.

Serous breast feeding round the clock with the weather being this hot.

I'm feeling more independent now getting about. Very slow mornings tho. Usually back asleep now only I tried her in her cot.

Lovely to read about everyone. Lilly and Ashley you both look amazing! The clothes thing is a mare tho.

Hope you're all ok. Thank goodness for the rain.

Hayley / lots of love xxx

Ps foxforce / projectile sick is the worst. :(
projectile sick is great not!! ... oh was well impressed with noah this morning at 3am went all over the duvet and matrress cover s had to wake him up... hehe!!!

noahs cousin is due any day now :)
great to hear from everyone, glad im not the only one going through certain things.. my friend has a 2 week old baby and says he NEVER cries and also sleeps through the night... well, whatever - my baby cries all the time and wakes in the night.. big deal! :haha:

We've stopped the gavsicon now, wish they'd warned me at the drs. Poor ivy has only gone twice in the last 5 days and both times poo was sticky and way more solid than usual (much like the meconiom poo) She seems better today though, she actually chilled in her rocker then self settled for a 20 min nap while i did the dishes and washing up - amazing!
She is sleeping well lately, waking up at 4.30/5 for a feed. its nice I get a 5/6 hour stretch but some nights its hard to get her back down to sleep and being up since 4.30 is not fun.

She's great at going on her back at night, but prefers to side sleep at naptime so we've been doing that. She loves tummy time but only for a bit, also when she's on me - I think it's fine on their tummies for naps especially... apparently back sleepers crawl a whole month later than tummy sleepers as on tummy time they develop neck and shoulder muscles quicker.

I also find with all this hot weather she's been feeding way more - sometimes every hour and a half! poor thing gets so sweaty next to my sweaty boob though, ick!

I'm on day 5 of no puddings and chocolate, feeling v proud of myself!!! I hope to lose a stone by my holiday which is end of sept, think it's doable in 2 months, if i stick to my no crap diet.

hope everyone is doing well!xxx
God I'm pissed off. Anyone else's oh not really helping?

Hubby decided he was gonna sleep in the spare room so on earlies he'd help in the evenings. On lates he'd help in the mornings. This isn't happening :( ok he's made dinner 3 nights this week but that's it :( them he leaves the mess for me to clear up!!! Today he came home and went to bed! Looks like he's there for the night now. I'm so angry.

I love Lara so much and I'm happy to do 24 hour days. However I don't get a chance to look after myself at all. Speedy showers, couldn't dry my hair today or put proper make up on, no time to groom myself etc. He had her for 20 mins last night where I ran around cleaning the place up ( his mess too ) and getting ready for bed.

Bloody hell..... He's a dad but he seems to think that because he works he doesn't have to lift a finger around the house or look after Lara. I feel like a single parent. I
hardly see him these days and the little time we'd have as a family he's sleeping. He usually gets 7-8 hrs sleep. Tonight he'll get 12 hours and I'm up all night!
Honey I totally feel for you, that's not cool and I would be pissed off too! This is what Kai's dad was like all of the time, he would be away for weeks on end for work, would come back and say he needed sleep and sleep in the spare room, never changed a nappy or got up in the nights! Drove me bonkers.
Liam is great but I AM doing the lion's share of the work, liam cooks etc... but during nights when I've fed Ivy twice and she's still not settling, I will tell Liam to go rock her to sleep for me, which he does do. (i have to ask though!)
unfortunately this is the way it is, it is always unfair and we women do most childcare.. it sucks but it's a fact of life :-(
Can he do weekends when he's not working? or give you an hour in the evenings? I always make liam look after ivy in the evenings when he comes home from work while I have a LONG bath and unwind with a glass of wine!!
I've just spent the last 4 days up at my parents house with Kai and Ivy as Liam's been busy at work, that means he's had 4 nights of uninterrupted sleep! As far as i'm concerned, it's his turn tonight - i'm doing the dinner though.
Can you maybe express and make him feed Lara so you can have a break? You need to compromise and he needs to understand this
Thanks hun. I understand he needs his sleep in order to work. But it's so out of order that he'd come home and sleep without any consideration I might need a sleep. I missed my morning sleep today as I was trying Lara put in her cot and so haven't had any rest today. Tonight's gonna be tough. He's working this whole weekend too :( I know he works long days but he gets breaks and full nights sleep. Drives me mad when he says he's tired! Didn't even ask how I am today!!!!!??!

I shouldn't moan. I just look at Lara in my arms and I'm so in love with her. I don't mind taking on most of the care (I'm enjoying it) that's why I'm on maternity leave, but it's not too much to ask for me time here and there.

I feel like such a bitch saying all this. I know he'd help out more if he wasn't working such long hours. He was fab on paternity leave.

I hate expressing. I find it depressing. Boo
Ps it would be different if Lara would settle off me for sleeps but she rarely does! Oh to sleep on my tummy would be bliss! Lol. I'll have to have a good talk with him.
my OH doesnt cook. he doesnt wake up at all at night. he wont give her a bath. he used to take her and rock her for a few hrs when i went to bed so i could get 2-3 hrs uninterrupted sleep, but he's quit doing that because he's "too tired". when he's home he still tries to pawn the baby off on me every time her diaper needs to be changed. i tried to talk to him about doing more at least on his days off, but he says he does enough because he works all day. i told him i do too, taking care of the baby, and he said thats why we BOTH care for her when he's home. except i have to constantly ask him to do things! if the diapers are overflowing from the trash can he wont even notice unless i ask him to empty it. he never picks up after himself, or his family when they come to visit. he comes home for lunch every day, and after he gets done eating i ask him to watch the baby so i can use the restroom. i haven't done anything with my hair in ages, makeup probably has cobwebs on it already. i shower at night, whenever it's "convenient" for him to watch her.

he has not spent a dime of his money for anything for her. i buy her everything. plus i have hundreds of dollars of medical bills from delivery and pediatricians. i know he doesn't have much extra money after paying the mortgage, his car insurance, electric, and water bills, but it would be nice if he even tried to help a little! i pay the cable, internet, and house phone, and i'm now paying HIS cell phone bill for him because he can't budget his money. but he spends money to go golfing every week! and since i don't work, i can't claim her on taxes. so he's going to get all the money for her next year on his tax refund, without ever having spent any money on her!! i'm worried he will blow it on all new guns or something for his car without even sharing it with me.

we both used to smoke, i quit as soon as i got my bfp and he quit in january. but now instead of smoking cigs, he smokes black and milds every day. not sure if you guys know what that is, but it's kind of like a thin, flavored cigar. so he gets home from work, and goes to sit outside to smoke. he washes his hands and changes his shirt before touching baby, but the smell is still on him and it gets on her! :growlmad: the entire point of quitting smoking is so that she is not exposed to the toxins of it. 3rd hand smoke is what is left on you after you smoke. basically, if you can SMELL it, it still has toxins.

wow, i didn't realize i had all of that boiling up inside me!
Feels good to get it out doesnt it lol men!!!!!!!!
Aww girls! Hope you get some support of your OH's, I know how tough it can be, been there done that.
Paul has been really good when he was off work, but now he has gone back the help around the house has dropped a little but he still helps loads with Amber and Georgia so can't really complain.
I'm attempting to go in to town tomorrow with both girls...wish me luck!!
Got to be out the house at 10.15 for the doctors, hope I can manage it!
Ok what do I do? I know it's fine for newborns to sleep in our beds or on us and yes it's lovely, however I want to have Lara in her cot by 6 weeks. Now she had a good sleep beside me and woke for her feed at 1240. Great. She fed for 30 mins and fell asleep iny arms. I then decide I'll try her in her cot gently placing her. She wakes up, lasts 5 mins even with my fingers there or rubbing her back from my bed (cot pulled up to my bed) before crying :( then she refuses to settle beside me ( where she'd been sleeping before) insisting on feeding more. This has meant I have pretty much had her on a boob for 2 hours now bar 10 mins for cot trial & nappy change). She is comforting herself on my boob and cries if I take her off. She seems to mostly have boob in mouth and sucks here and there. A soother didnt work either. I have to wait till she falls asleep on my boob. This is just silly. So like usual i could have taken the easy life, do a 30 min feed and let her sleep on me. But no, I want her to sleep in her cot, try it out and end up being awake feeding for 2 flipping hours. There is no one to help!

It's painful to be sleeping ony back constantly. I adore her being on me but I know she needs to sleep on her own bed.

What are you all doing ?
i prop pillows up so i'm in a reclining position if she want to be on me in bed. then when she's asleep i slowly let her "slide" off to one side and i'm able to lay on my side instead of back. most nights she's perfectly fine just sleeping right next to me instead of on top. i'm not too worried about getting her to sleep in her own bed, i just let her sleep next to me. lately she likes to fall asleep with my boob in her mouth. i'm just being pretty relaxed about everything, and doing whatever she wants. actually, the other night we both fell asleep while she was eating (side-lying position) and i was woken up a cpl hours later by her sucking again! it's like she woke up, found a boob in her mouth, and just picked up where she left off lol

during the day i put her in her crib in her own room for naps, and the second to last feed i do with her before we wake up i'll put her to sleep in her playpen that is in my room after she's done. when she starts eating less often i'll start trying to get her to sleep on her own.
That's what I do let her slide off me in her sleepy state. Worked in the end last night. Relaxed but I don't want to have a toddler still in my bed. It's ok for first 6 weeks but then I need to establish sleeping habits. It's meant to be easier now hah yeah right!
at the night feed Ivy usually falls asleep on my boob, i burp her then rock her (I sit on the birthing ball and hold her while bouncing, she LOVES this and it never fails to get her to sleep, you guys should try it) Then I place her in her cot... sometimes she wakes up when i do this, like she did last night - I rock her again on the ball and try it again. If I put her back on the boob my nipples would be purple!! But that's what i used to do before we discovered the ball!!

So then when she wakes in the night, i feed her side-by-side - she lays on the bed next to me. I set my timer to 20 mins and after then i break the suction if she hasn't come off already and usually she falls asleep and stays asleep, if i'm lucky, i can scoop her up gently and place her back in the cot.

Last night she wasn't having any of it though, so ended up co-sleeping next to me from 430am... i always have crap sleeps when she does this so i'm knackered now... but that's our general routine.

We didn't have a moses basket and used the cot straight away since birth, i'd say half the time she settles in the cot but usually i put her in asleep.

Glad you girls got it all of your chest re your oh's - mine is irritating me this morning too GAH!! :haha:

Ailey good luck in town tmrw!! i forgot to say your pics of the girls are gorgeous!

Georgia went for 4 hours last night!! 10-2! then 3-5 the 5-7.30! I feel like I slept pretty well.

I usually like to start Georgia off in her crib and let her self settle. When she feeds in thr night we do it side by side then I can usually place her back in the crib and will stay asleep. it's normally the feedat 4/5 ish where she won't settle again and that's when I have her in with me. But the last few nights she's been happy in her crib. She has her dummy, but doesn't really use it much at night. x

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