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***Summer Cupcakes June & July 2011 Mummies***

Hayley :hugs: to you, poor lil man, I do hope he is ok and back to himself soon and that you don't need the lumbar puncture. Hope its not an infection and just tummy cramps.

Itsy have you tried expressing and feeding him that, that's what I'm doing but my milk on some days is not enough now she is drinking more so have to top up with formula.

I will ebf for as long as I can Lilly.

Back soon. Very needy baby today not dressed yet and it's 2pm!! Feeding time.....
....... Well we are over birth weight now at 7lb7oz, HV came yesterday and Eliza is on track from last weeks weight, so all good there.

We had a milestone the other day, I have the What To Expect The 1st Year book and it said to try stick your Tongue out at baby to get a reaction, they should do it back and she did instantly, I was shocked lol it actually brought tears to my eyes! Now she instigates it and does it to me. We had our first non wind smile just over a week ago, I got a lovely pic but can't post it from this iPad will have to from the laptop.

Can't believe Eliza will be a month old tomorrow, where has time gone?!

I think four months is great Lilly for bf, I believe to do it for as long as you can is good enough, and even just the first 2 weeks to get the best nourishment.

Ailey hope you get Georgia's rash sorted, poor thing, Eliza has been fortunate we haven't suffered but I do apply Bepanthen every other change to prevent. Not sure what else you could try, would see dr if no better and your not happy may need an antibiotic cream.

Hope everyone else is ok xx
Massive hugs to Hayley right now and hope little man Jacob is ok and makes full recovery soon xXXXXXXXXXXX Keep us updated honey xxxxxxxx
Huge hugs to hayley. Im praying for Jacob hun.

Im still struggling a little with bfing, my left nipple cracked again in a different place., but not nearly as bad as before. Ive given up on trying to get her to open wide, I just let her take control. She kinda sucks the nipple in, then adjusts her mouth around it. If it hurts I break the latch and have her try again. I *plan* on bfing for about a year if we can manage it, I dont want her to ever have formula if I can help it. Nothing wrong with formula feeding, I just dont want it for my baby. Hopefully we will do okay once I start school and we wont have to buy formula... Not sure we can afford it anyway! Lol I have a manual pump and quite easily express anywhere between 2-4 oz, just depending on when baby last fed. Trying not to pump more than needed, as it can mess with your supply.just enough to get her used to bottles for when I go to school. Will need to figure. out a good schedule for pumping to have enough milk for her bottles!

4 months is great, Lilly, every single day you can bf is a major accomplishment.
Hi Ladies,

I have not been getting updates for here and not had chance to get on, I have not had a day to myself since having Amelia. It is lovely that family want to help me after having a section but it is starting to do my head in now. I have not even wrote my birth story yet :( I hope to get on very soon and catch up properly with you all. This post was only a quick hello as i have just gotten in after my brothers birthday meal and Amelia now needs feeding.

Hope everyone is well, I am keeping up on facebook a little better with my phone.

sending massive hugs and lots of love to Hayley and baby Jacob :hugs:

speak soon x
Lilly, 4 months is a great start for Ivy!
I'm just going with it and doing what I can. It's all going well though :)

hch, you and Jacob are in my thoughts constantly. Hope he stays strong xxx

I'm taking Georgia to the out of hours doctors this afternoon about her nappy rash, it looks like something has eaten away at her skin. Was going to take her yesterday but my car broke down and I was sat at the roadside for 4 hours waiting for recovery. Still don't have a car which sucks so I have to wait for my mum to finish work to take us.

Sorry for the gross question, but how many soiled nappies does your LO's have a day? Georgia is non stop. Every nappy we change is a pooey one! and it's like 10 times a day. is that normal??
She also sicks up quite alot after a feed....do yours do that too? I feel like it is a waste of breast milk! lol
Ailey - Ivy has loads of poo nappies a day, almost every one I change is a pooey nappy. The HV said to me that sometimes BF fed babies don't even go every day! So I also felt Ivy was going too much. It's like she feeds then poo's straight away, it goes straight through her! She doesn't sick up much at all, but we all think she's got silent reflux as the milk is going back down, she swallows it when she's sick - and then screams.

We had a great day today, took her to hampstead heath and chilled, lots of feeds on the boob and also I held her as we walked as she doesn't like the pram. However tonight is a different story, screaming, stiff as a board, red in the face - fists clenched! she gets SO angry and upset - Liam is now rocking her in her room while I have a break.

Yesterday I had a bad day which culminated in me bursting into tears at the dr's and later also at the post office with Ivy in the sling (non-stop screaming the whole time) I finally managed to get her passport sent off though, after about 4 attempts.
We are being referred to a paediatrician next week, to see what could be bothering her. She's feeding well and lots of soiled/wet nappies so it's not something serious they think.

It's just awful the crying and the wakeful nights!!! Other than that, she's a little beauty (I am biased!) and I think we'll get our first smile this week,hopefully! She looks like she wants to smile.. but we've only seen wind smiles so far. We also think she may have a dimple!! My mom caught it on camera last week during a wind smile (i've put it up on fb) but I don't know if it was a trick of the light or her chubby cheeks yet - a dimple would be sooo cute.

Hayley, thinking of you and Jacob and hoping you guys are ok. I can't believe something so hectic has happened to him!! poor little man. :hugs:

Glad you had a good day lilly!

Been to see the doctor, he's prescribed some cantesten cream for Georgia, he said he doesn't think it's necessarily thrush but some kind of something, didn't quite listen as Georgia was pooing whilst her nappy off so I was trying to contain it! lol!

Anyway here's a picture of my gorgeous girl! I'm so in love with her!

and here's one of both girls. I'm so proud of them x
Hayley- I'm so sorry to hear about the troubles Jacob has been having :cry: you are all in my thoughts :hugs:

re: breastfeeding... I have no idea how long I'll be able to keep it up :( Bram has pretty much started refusing to breastfeed. And in the past 3 days he's been refusing to feed in any position except when we're lying down (which isn't always possible!). We've been topping up with formula and the amount we've been giving him have been increasing every day as he refuses more and more (which I realize is counter productive, but otherwise he SCREAMS all day until his next feed). I bought an electric pump today and am thinking about just expressing and giving that to him in a bottle (and trying to bf at night when we're laying down).

Question-- if any of you have been expressing, how much do you generally get out of each breast? (Ashley- you mentioned 2 - 4 oz, is that per breast or total?) And how long do you express/pump?

Ailey- Bram hasn't been pooping much at all :( Once every 3 - 5 days. We took him to the GP who said everything was normal... and the HV said this might be an indication that Bram hasn't been getting enough at each feeding (or that he isn't getting enough hind/fatty milk). The first week though every diaper was soiled.

And Bram has been spitting up a lot more in the past week... before that he almost never did. Today I spent an hour feeding him then 10 minutes later he threw most of it up right down my shirt. I was not thrilled...

Love the pics!

Lilly- I hope your nights get better soon :hugs: I know how you feel about having bad days. I spent a good 30 minutes in tears while we were visiting friends yesterday (I had been trying to bf Bram... nothing ruins your self-esteem like a baby screaming anytime he gets your boob in his mouth!) Have you asked the HV or doctor about what might be causing Ivy to cry?

Lolley- I hope all is well with you!
Girls. I am reading just not able to post :( left hand while breast feeding now.

Wish I had 10 mins to myself but i don't x
Starglow, I saw your post in baby club, Georgia hates being put down too during the day. At night she will sleep in her crib for most of the night. she does love her pram though, I think it maybe the lambskin liner in it that she loves, it hugs her.
It is normal though, think of it this way they have spent the best part of 10 months being hugged and cosy and warm. Then the come out with all this space, we put clothes on them and there's breezes and loud noises. It just take them a while to adjust. Promise it's not like it forever. Just enjoy the cuddles whilst you can as little girls are independant and they soon won't have time for cuddles with mummy.

Itsy, pumping sounds like and idea. Do you have a breastfeeding support group you can go to?

Georgia went to sleep at 11pm then woke at 3.30am for a feed, then fussed until 4.30 after a feed but the slept until 7.30am so I'm happy with that!


Ailey we do get a few poo'y nappies it can be every time sometimes like Lilly said straight after a feed, then sometimes we can get 3 or 4 just wet nappies.
Love the pictures :)

Lilly day at hampstead Heath sounds lovely I hope you get to the bottom of ivy's unsettledness. It's very tiring when they are needy, Eliza has fazes of this but not constant I think it's when she has wind/tummy pain.

Itsy it varies how much I express from each boob between 2-4 oz from each sometimes I may not get 2oz, I've just done first one today and got 5oz in total, usually more in the am, as I don't express through the night, tiring enough getting up for feeds.

Starglow thinking of you hope you get some respite soon and Lara adapts to her basket/pram.

I had a good night I fed Eliza at midnight, she woke again at 0530 for the next feed, 0900 woke me breaking wind and a dirty nappy to change then went back to sleep, just waiting for her to wake for her feed!! It's 1035 :/ she is stirring finally

Hope you all have a good day x
Proud of myself today! Pauls first day back at work today and I managed to get us all up and dressed before 11 which is an hours improvement on last week.

Also managed to get Georgia to sleep in her moses basket, so I was able to hoover, do the washing up, tidy the garden, sort out paper work sort out the clean washing and cook dinner!

Had a really busy day today and am shattered now, so I hope Georgia sleeps well tonight.

Hope everyone is ok xxx
hi everyone!

typing one handed while i bf - well ivy now has constipation from the gaviscon, we've stopped giving it to her as it didn't seem to make much difference to her crying... but it's now day 3 and no poo's at all!! SHe's still upset and grizzly so now we reckon her tummy hurts.. one thing after another! Decided to stop all meds as who knows what is really bothering her, it's so difficult to pinpoint. Am worried about the no poo situation though, hope she goes soon. Just very wet nappies at the moment.

Am staying at my mom's at the moment and last night Ivy went down at 10pm, woke up at 1am then 2.30am but BOTH times self settled herself!!! Obviously I woke up as I could hear her grunting and whimpering, but before I could get to her cot she was back asleep both times... she then woke up at 5am for a feed - i couldn't believe it and was so impressed! She did have a funny morning since 5 though, awake at 6.30 then 7.15 then 9am... it was SO hot last night, we had the fan on and the window open and i was still sweating.

Well I am on a no junk food no bad carbs diet at the moment, I am still a stone over my usual weight and its getting me down. A lot of people seem to just spring back into shape - I can't fit into any of my clothes which is the most annoying thing, i'm wearing the same maxi dresses every week! Yesterday I just had to cave in and buy some jeans in a bigger size.. :cry:
Even with Kai it took me 9 months to lose all the weight, I guess I'm just one of those people that it takes a long time after birth, I didn't even put on that much to begin with!

Ailey that's great Georgia slept in her moses basket for a nap - Ivy takes ages to get down for her naps but once she's in her cot she's ok, sometimes she has very short naps though, like 20 mins!

Ivy's still not smiling (not much to smile about I guess with all her painful tummy expressions!!) but she looks like she might very soon, I can't WAIT for this first smile!!

I finally got her passport sent off (SO cute) when it comes back in a couple of weeks we're going to book our holiday to portugal end of sept - I can't wait, Ivy's first holiday!!

how is everyone else doing? xx
Hi all

One handed type here too!

Great news Ailey on the Moses basket, don't you feel good when you can get the washing up done but you got so much more done .

Lilly so sorry Ivy is constipated, you feel so helpless but fab news that she self soothed, to be honest I havent left her that long to try it. I'm totally with you on the clothes front, I'm wearing maternity jeans and some size 12 linen trousers I bought in the next sale, I really don't want to go buy some bigger jeans but feel I may have to, my thighs and bum have got so big, my tummy isn't too bad when stood, it just bulges when sat :( I know it's only been a month but my clothes are way off fitting me and it's getting me down. Need to be out walking more! Great your going on holiday, will be super :)

Last night Eliza projectile vomited 30 min after her feed all over me, oh it was awful to see, all this milk pouring out of her, poor thing, I didn't know what to do for the best then she wee wee'd on me as I tried to clean her! Bless she then took more feed short a while after but smaller amount as she was hungry, I think she had drank too much before.

We had a good laugh/smile this am also which was lovely :cloud9: I've also not given any infacol or gripe water today and we are doing well so far but my words we have had lots of wet nappies today, 5 in the first 2 hours after getting up!

Hope the weather cools soon, it's so humid.
typing one handed too lol ...

lilly you look fab in your pic with Ivy on facebook! i still cant get back into many pre pregnancy clothes.. boobs and bum are too big for them am a 10/12 at minute ...good excuse to clothes shop i guess! hope Ivy is okay bless her cant be nice

noah still isnt sleeping in his basket but is going longer during the day in his rocker chair without crying in it ... feeding a bit more often in these hot days guess its too keep them hydrated!!

thinking of Hayley & Jacob lots :(
Yes forgot to say, Hayley thinking of Jacob, you and your family xx :flower:
Been to the baby clinic today and Georgia now weighs 9lb 6oz! Very pleased that my milk is filling her up!
She is currently sleeping in her basket again! yay!!
Bad night last night though, she laid awake huffing for most of it.

would love to go shopping for new clothes but just had to spend £300 fixing my car :(

Sounds like Jacob is made of tough stuff xx
I FIGURED IT OUT!! i figured out how to make Lillyana sleep by herself, but it's one of the "no-no's" :blush:

she hates being on her back! i put her down on her tummy and she will sleep in her crib, in her own room, for hours! i've only done it during the day when i can keep an eye on her, but at least it frees me up to do what i need to do. got the entire house cleaned today with her napping. at night i still have her sleeping with me in bed.

i don't fit into my pre-pregnancy clothes either. i used to wear all my clothes very tight to my body, so my shirts barely even fit anymore. I'm only one cup size larger, but it's enough to make my shirts uncomfortable. my thighs and butt are too big to even try to squeeze into my jeans. i have one pair of super stretchy jeans that were always too big that i can manage to get into, and i bought two pairs of shorts. i'll wait a couple more weeks before i go buy a couple pairs of jeans. school starts back up august 22, so i'll have to go shopping before then.

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