Hey guys...sorry for the late update...not feeling so great today.
So after my husband gave his sample, we waited about an hour...during that time I started cramping & felt slightly sick to my stomach. So we go back for the IUI & the dr came in. There are 3 drs there...this one was not my dr. So when he came in, I knew there was a problem. Problem was the post wash count was 1/2 million. Very devastating. As we sat there I knew at least we had 2 eggs dropping at least because of how I was feeling. We did the IUI after talking with him. He was basically in there to find out if I wanted to do another IUI next time or IVF. I was kind of annoyed because I would have rather been talking to my dr. But he was nice & this IUI was the least painful of all...I barely felt it. Afterwards I dropped my husband at work & shopped some in his store. But I felt horrible. I could barely walk. So I got the few things I needed, headed home & have basically been on the couch ever since. I just went out to take my kitty in for a check up & felt better. So now my only hope is that all 4 follies dropped. But the way I am feeling, I am sure at least 2 did...& I felt most of it on the right side which had 3 if I remember correctly. So now I am finally eating lunch...haven't felt like getting up until now.
So now I start my TWW process & hope we can get a fertilization. And I guess I need to think about what to do if we are not successful. I think I will still do 1 more. I will only need the trigger because I have enough meds left over & pay for my visits. Another $1,000 in the bucket at this point is nothing...especially if the next step is IVF.