Wow! I feel like we are definitely going to see some BFP's very soon in this thread. So many treatments going on! I can't tell you ladies how grateful I am to have you as a resource for questions, rants, etc., as well as just a shoulder to lean/cry on...and soon hopefully rejoice with! exciting that you are going to be moving on to IVF. I'll be excited to hear about your journey! frustrating that you could not get through to your doc to get on Clomid this cycle.
Hope you can enjoy the holiday anyway. I know how annoying it is to not be able to take that next step right when you want to!
Magrat and Babylaw, welcome!! So glad to have you join us!, that sounds like a really rough day yesterday. Sorry
. I was feeling so hopeful that your husband's count was improving each time. But I am glad you're not letting it get you could still totally be your month! Especially with all your great follies! Yay!
Erin...14 embryos!! Wow!! So now those extra 12 will just stay frozen ready to implant at any time? Do they keep forever...or for several years? I mean, I'm sure this month will be the lucky one for you, but it would be cool to have those in reserve if you want more kids down the road. Cause that is a lot of the expense, right? I'm excited for you!
Savvy, you better stick around! I feel like all of you guys are my friends, and I would be sad if you ditched us for those gals on the pregnancy forums
Just kidding...but make new friends, keep the old! Ha!
FBG...sounds like you need a new doc! I think you would definitely not be out of line to demand that she/he be more aggressive/smart in the tests ordered. I would do some research, read some reviews online to be sure you don't end up with another dud if you do end up switching. Sorry you're having to deal with that.
JCM, you are funny in your descriptions. I mean, it's not funny what you're going through, but glad you can keep a sense of humor about it! Sorry you're having so many shots and mood swings. I did crack up that you told the nurse you were supposed to be on the same TWW as your "internet friends." Hope your mani/pedi made you feel better. I got a pedi today was nice!
Hi to anyone I missed! Happy 4th!