Hello ladies

Glad everyone is doing well here!! Lovely scan pictures and woah.. we're really getting further and further now! Time is really flying by!
As for stretch marks.. My midwife actually gave me some cream to use from now on, I have been using it but I've never really had stretch marks and I really don't have them now. Well, apart from two on my boobs but they're growing way too fast.
I felt the baby kick for the first time yesterday too

I was just sitting there casually at my doctors office and she was scanning me real quick to see how LO was doing and I just said 'ouch!' and she just smiled and laughed at me, saying that was your little girl kicking about

I've had another one of those this morning but other than that it's pretty quiet. I can feel a lot of popping there though, I don't know whether that's her moving or my stomach just being hungry but.. oh well. I actually went to see the doctor yesterday because my boobs started leaking

It's like this clear, yellow tinged fluid, very watery and I just didn't know what the heck it was. Apparently it's normal but I haven't seen anyone that was leaking this early on

Doc just said it's probably my HG and hormones going wild. I've been admitted to hospital 3 times in the past 10 days too so hence I've been a little quiet here. I'm on cyclizine injections now everyday too and boy, they HURT. It's like acid going into my muscle every time. I actually cried when they did it at the hospital on Wednesday. My arm kills me afterwards but at least it takes most of the vomiting away!
Sweetpea, I've never heard of casts before either and I just looked them up - I definitely want one. I think it'd be a nice memory since I don't think I'll be having anymore after this LO. I wouldn't get it until third trimester though, when I'm.. huge!
How is everyone anyway? How are you all symptom wise?