Summer Sugar Babies! - Early July Due Dates

hey Kate, how are you now?

Kim, am praying for your mom that chemo won't be necessary!

Also, girls, i have a couple of questions, especially for those who've had kids before.

Firstly, I'd like to know what the 34-40 week period is like....

Also, has anyone had experience of lodgers living with them when baby is born? We may need to take one or two to afford the bills....

Finally, can anyone tell me how they were feeling physically/mentally about 4-8 weeks after the brith? I'm not planning to go back to work for several months but a really close friend is getting married and asked if i'd take the photographs. It's only about 5 hours but it is probably going to be about 5-6 weeks after the baby! Just trying to work out if I can physically manage. OH and baby would be there with us anyway.

Sorry about all the practical questions- am suddenly starting to worry about lots of practical issues!

Hi everyone,

Sorry I have been MIA for a while I do sneak in on my phone but can’t do proper updates on there.

Michelle – how are you doing have you had any further scans to check how baby is measuring, or any news on your low blood sugar problems?

Cecelia – Thor is absolutely gorgeous! Adorable blonde curls!

Kate – How are you feeling? I too keep my fingers crossed that your Mum won’t need chemo. She must be thrilled to be having 2 grandchildren this year. My Mum in law has been enjoying shopping for baby too.

Kim – did you go for the gender scan or are you waiting? Only 2 weeks to go, not long now. So exciting!!!

Jill – sorry I cant help as this is no 1 for me but I am interested to hear the answers from those who already have children.

Thanks Nic for the little questionnaire, here are my updates;

1) I don’t have scales at home but know I have put on some weight. I am conscious of my figure at the moment as I feel I am at the in-between stage where it isn’t obvious whether I am pregnant or have just put on weight.

2) I have been to pregnancy pilates and plan to keep going once a week. It is a little slow as most ladies are between 20 weeks and term so it has to cover everyone but we do alot of pelvic floor work which can only be a good thing. I also swam twice last week and plan to keep that up weekly. I have no excuse really as my office is in a hotel and I have free use of the facilities so its so easy before work.

3) Which bring me nicely onto the next one.... work. The short version of a long story is that I was told I would be promoted this year and move up a level but since getting pregnant I have been told the structure has changed slightly so the role won’t be suitable for me and is being advertised. Of course I can apply but I wont put myself the emotional rollercoaster when I have been told I wont get it! The principle has infuriated me.... but I know I probably wont care as much when I have my baby in my arms and I also know this means its more likely i can go back part time in my current role which is ultimately what I want. Its just hard to have to be there for the next 4 and a half months while a new boss comes in and takes over a role that should be mine and I would be good at. Plus the salary is £10,000 more than I earn!!!!! I hope the time between now and my maternity goes quick! I have to use my holiday before I go so plan to finish 9th June.

4) My bump! This was taken 7 days ago so bump has grown since then.

We went to Mamas & Pappas today for a look round and got a gorgeous brown fleecy blanket and a white fleece bunny rabbit for the nursery.

I’m not looking forward to work tomorrow either. I just don’t feel like being there now! Oh well the sooner each week comes the sooner our babies will be here!

Have a good week xx
Mrs_W_11 - that is terrible what they are doing to you at work. I see what you are saying about going back part time etc might suit you better, but surely that is your decision. You were told that the promotion was yours, but because you are pregnant you are no longer being considered - surely that is against the law. As you say, you have been told that you wont get it, so why would you apply, therefore, they are effectively taking you out of the running simply because you are pregnant.

Anyway, all's good with me, I realised that I no longer look fat, I definitely look pregnant now, the maternity clothes help with that as they emphasise the bump, rather than looking like I am hiding a massive lunch.

I have to say I really am starting to enjoy this. I feel like I want to put more effort into my appearance again, I am able to clean my house and apart from heavy lifting, I am able to do most of that I did before. I can cook again without gagging and actually eat what I have cooked.

Kate, I really hope your mum won't need chemo. I have kept her in my prayers and will continue to do so xx
You'll have to post a bump pic joey! I am starting to enjoy my bump too the more it grows!

The thing with work was that it was an off record chat with my boss rather than an official job offer... So yes while it is basically illegal and they have exactly decided to not give me the job because I am pregnant they would argue otherwise. Sigh.

Anyway only 4 days to the wkend! Hope everyone has a good week x
Hello Ladies!!!

So...hope we are all ok. Thanks everyone for their little updates :) Its good to know how everyone is doing.

Kate - I know that some people exercise through their pregnancy and some don't. I have been one of the people with no symptoms other than tiredness and have been able to continue as normal. Any ladies feeling guilty for not exercising....don't!!! Do what you feel like doing and don't push yourself. We need to enjoy this time as it won't be long until we never get time for ourselves! :) And good to hear your mum is doing well. Hope you are feeling better soon!

Kim - Glad you are happy with your weight gain. Though like you said, you're still lighter than you were before!! Just think of the baby seems we have given our bodies to them! hehe. And how is the pregnancy yoga? I am starting this in a couple of weeks. A little nervous as I am going on my own and I dont know anyone!

Jill - how are you enjoying the swimming? I find it so strange. It feels really odd as you sort of stick your belly out when swimming!! I always feel a little self concious cause of the underwater swimmers. I'm still in the 'eaten too many pies' stage and don't quite look pregnant yet. lol.

Joey - Well done for losing 5 stone!! Thats a brilliant achievement. I can understand how you are worried about putting it all on and glad to hear you are still eating healthily!
Your maternity package sounds great!!! I will only get 3 months full pay then smp for the rest :( better than nothing though!

Cecelia - I hope you manage to throw off the nausea soon!! You're a trooper definitly!! So exciting you can feel kicks. I have been feeling flutters and bubbles for a couple of weeks. Yesterday I had a couple of harder kicks too!!

Mrs W - Yay for the bump pic!! I too have been to mamas and papas this weekend. OMG I love everything. We have also bought a pram!! :) Not sure if you know but when you buy something from there you can pay 25% deposit and then the rest before delivery (you can have delivery anytime you want). I have chosen june for delivery. And if anything happens you get your full deposit back! Really good.

Just one more thing! I had my 17 week midwife appt yesterday :) we heard the heartbeat. It was amazing. Cant wait for my next scan now in 3 weeks. hehe.

My gosh what a large update.....I am mentally setting myself a reminder to check in more often. hehe.

Nic xx
wow Nic what a long update for sure :) LOL

Glad you're doing well and how amazing to hear the heartbeat!!! congrats on the pram... we bought a crib and change table this week so that's pretty exciting!!

Kate how was your apt yesterday? You feeling better? how's your blood sugar? How was your mom's apt does she need chemo?

Becky that sucks about your work... I understand where you're coming from, it's hard to not care about work when you really do, I really struggled with this with my first. It was really hard for me to let go and see others move past me so to speak when I was more qualified, but.. then the baby comes and all of that goes out the window!!!

Joey glad to hear you're feeling so good these days!!! I am dying to get my hair dyed, told my OH i wouldn't do it until the doc said ok, and I forgot to ask a my last apt.. urg... so next week I will not forget!!! my hair looks aweful, half white!!! hahaha

Jill, I found the 34 - 40 week period I felt pretty good, I was pretty big though so that complicated things I'm not sure about a boarder, I think as long as they are aware of what's going on and such then why not, if it helps to ease the stress of when the baby comes then sure.

Michele how are you feeling these days?

Cecilia is your sickness gone yet?

Funny thing with me, I wonder if the baby is in a growth spurt, I've been off my meds for the nausea for about 3 weeks now but last week it came back, not as bad as before and only in the mornings, but at the same time I now have this metallic taste in my mouth and for the first time in this pregnancy I've been constipated!! hahaha I figure my hormones are going wild..

Well we are anxiously awaiting our ultrasound next wed, feb 1st, to hopefully find out the sex... ahhhh :)

Hope everyone is doing well.

I just got a call from my docs office and my IPS screening was negative yipee!!!! Here we don't get a number for our risk of downs etc.. just whether or not we're positive or negative. yipee!!! no further testing for us!!!
aww my midwife doesn't listen for the heartbeat at 16 weeks any longer. So will have to wait till 20 week scan to see babba next. Although we did see him at 16week private scan so can't complain!
I have my 16 week midwife appointment tomorrow, I so hope I get to hear the heart beat! X
wow i have missed so much, please accept my apologies for not responding to each of you individually, i am just not feeling great lately, took another day off yesterday, went to work today but im so stressed there now, im supposed to get training tomorrow, one day isn't really goign to suffice! I am responsible for more that 300 staff now, it's been a bit of a nightmare, when i see the doctor im going to see if she has any ideas.

my mom still has not got a call from the doc, and they are not returning her calls, hospitals consider all of their patients just a number, she has been neglected a lot by this particular hospital, but hopefully the worst is over, she has an appointment on feb 7, thats the same day as mine, just on the other side of the country.
it means the world to me that she is your thoughts and that you ladies are all so incredibly gracious and supportive.
i read up and everyone sounds like they are doing great, which i am thrilled about, can we all beleive we have made it this far! It truely is a miracle..

talk soon everyone,

Kim thats great news. I am glad I had the testing done as it does put your mind at rest a bit more.

Bili, I also heard that some midwives dont listen to the heartbeat too. Glad you got to see him at your scan, and congrats on team blue!!

Mrs W - Good luck for your appt tomorrow. If you don't get offered to listen to heartbeat then just ask! They should have a doppler there. I hope everything is ok.

And thanks for the update Kate! Hope you can sort out your issues with work. Stress is definitly one thing you don't need right now. Good luck.

Nic xx
Hey girls. I was at a regular docs appt about something unrelated and when I mentioned I was pregnant she said "lets have a listen for the heartbeat". I'm sure if you asked your midwife she wouldnt mind checking it for you.

Ladies, I need your assistance. From the very start, I have been wanting to do a pregnancy journal, but was terrified to start too early in case something went wrong. So, now that Christmas is over (12 weeks) and I am feeling a little more confident (and pregnant) I decided I would start one.

I keep a regular day to day diary, so I have all of my milestones marked in there, but I want something to dedicate to my pregnancy only. I have been looking at the ones online and whilst I wouldnt say they are expensive, they can be pricey and none of them quite capture what I want.

I dont need any of the instructions or tips they provide, I have more pregnancy books than enough, I just want somewhere that I can record all the different little things that I am going through and that my body is going through etc. Somewhere to keep bump pics and ultrasound pics.

So, I have decided, as I am quite creative, to make my own. I have decided on a nice notebook with a spiral spine (to allow for pics to be added). So, here is where I need your help.

I dont want to miss anything and I want to start from the very beginning. So, I have come up with some headings and I'd be so grateful for your input if you can think of anything else that I should/could add. Here's what I have so far:

BFP - date and pic of test - I have a million pics of it lol
How I felt
When I told my OH
When I told my parents
When I told others
Peoples reactions
First MW appointment
When MS started
How MS felt - although I'm pretty sure I could never accurately describe it in words
How long MS lasted
How I felt when I passed 12 weeks
My first ultrasound date and pics
My first maternity clothes
My first baby buys
When I felt first movement
When I felt first kick
When OH felt first movement/kick
Ideas for the nursery
Name ideas

Now, I am stumped. I was able to come up with all of those headings because those things have already happened (well, most of them) but for the next lot of months, I have no clue, can anyone add anything???
joey i think that is such a nice idea, very inspiring, makes me want to do the same :)
Joey that's very creative of you!! good luck.

I have been keeping a pregnancy journal myself, I haven't limited anything that goes into it. These days I tend to write something after my docs apts and such, or when something that I want to remember happens. I have been trying to document such things as how I felt too and such.

Kate how are you feeling? any better? did you see the doc about your low blood sugar? Sorry your work is so stressful!! you definately don't need that!!!

Becky how was your apt? did you get to hear the heartbeat?

Nic glad to hear your apt went so well, what was your baby's heart rate?

Finally less than a week until we hopefully find out the sex!!! I hope this weekend flies by!!!

Chat soon.

Hey all!!! Well, I had my 16 week midwife apt yesterday. I heard the hearbeat, good and strong, and could even hear the baby kicking the doppler out of the way. There was a student midwife in with her and she asked if I would mind if she followed me throughout my pregnancy as part of her studies. I have no problem with that, we all have to learn somewhere right, so I agreed. There will obviously always be a fully trained professional there also, but I'd be happy to help the student with her training.

The midwife said I had keytones in my urine, meaning that I am dehydrated, so have to up the fluid and no, unfortunately that excludes diet coke :(

My BP was 120/78 which she said was fine and everything else looked good. It was lovely and reassuring to hear the heart beat, now I am on the count down to my 20 week scan on 20 Feb - only 24 more days to go!
Wow, them tickers sure are annoying!! Anyone else seeing a full page advert! lol.

Kim, I have no idea what the baby's heart rate was, completely forgot to ask! She said everything was fine though. I'll remember to ask next time, i'm curious now! hehe.

And 1 week to go Kim....excited for you.

Joey, so glad your appt went well. That sounds really great with the kicking. Also, I like that you have a student midwife following you! That is really interesting. I think I would have done it too!! Roll on your next appt.

I am feeling slightly stronger kicks now. They are very inconsistent though. I can't wait til DH can feel them too :) 14th Feb for my next scan.....bit of a valentines special day for us, though we're team yellow so won't be finding out.

Nic xx
Hi ladies, so i have a rather ridiculous dilemma.... i was invited today to appear on a tv art show with some of my work. It's a great opportunity by i am freaked out by the idea of feeling like such a whale and being filmed for TV! So, a few questions.... what can I wear to not look to huge but to look pregnant instead of just fat?! And just generally, what things should i remember so I don't look slobbish..... I feel like wearing all black would look a bit depressing. Argh, it's such an amazing opportunity but I've avoided even having a photo taken the whole pregnancy so far, never mind national TV! lol.
Oh honey, that is too good of an opportunity to turn down.

I think this might be the time to speak to a personal shopper. I have used the shoppers in Debenhams for a fashion show I was doing once and they were amazing. They knew just what to wear for the occassion etc and picked wonderful outfits for me.

I know it can be expensive shopping in shops that offer this service, so even if you can get an idea of what looks good, you could then maybe try to find something similar cheaper or on eBay or something.

Congrats, brill opportunity!

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