Summer Sugar Babies! - Early July Due Dates

hope everyone is doing well, im training someone today for my position so i wont be able to write very much, thinking of everyone and thank you for the congrats, i love the ultasound photos and my daughter's little nose :)
hope everyone is doing well, im training someone today for my position so i wont be able to write very much, thinking of everyone and thank you for the congrats, i love the ultasound photos and my daughter's little nose :)

Im a big fan of baby feet on ultrasound pics,they are just so innocent.
TY ladies for all your thoughts prayers and comments:) So as i was saying im massive! LOL cause my babies a chunker! LOL So heres my bump
Cecelia....your belly pic is great!! I think I actually do have a little bump. But i'm so use to sucking my belly in all the time that i still do it without realising!! Your son also looks gorgeous!!! What a cutie!!

I know what you mean about the red head thing.....I am a red head (well its more auburn, not proper ginger) I love my hair colour but wouldn't wish it on a boy if i have a boy!! My DH has dark brown hair. Really hoping if its a girl then she's red and a boy brown. Same as me and my brother. And my mum and dad are the same. mum red and dad dark. I so know that my first words out of my mouth after the birth are going to be 'is it ginger'!! lol.

And woop more bump pics! exciting!!

Nic xx
im auburn too, and im so over this whole ginger thing.. dh has dark red/brown hair, everyone is like you guys are goign to have ginger babies, well, so be it, im so sick of hearing ginger stuff, its ridiculous and uncalled for. rant over lol
Well ladies I ended back in the hospital again!!! I am collapsing because of low blood sugar/ low blood pressure. They think its all related to the growth of the baby. The obgyn is stumped on what to do and is constantly in collaboration with my family doc. From what it seems now as soon as I turn 33weeks they are goign to take the baby. This pregnancy has been so weird thus far! Hope they find out what the hell is going on soon!
hey ladies, does anyone want to take over as the admin/original poster here? im not sure how, if anyone does, let me know :)
Hi ladies!!

All very quiet on here this week!!

So first of all.....weight gain. I am ok with it but only just getting used to my changing figure. My bump popped out this week. Will attach a pic below :-) very happy. But none of my trousers now fit!!! Grrrr. I think in a couple of days I will have got use to it.

Exercise!! I am continuing with my gym....though tried a bit of a run today and had to stop cause the bouncing just made me want to go for a wee! lol. I have also started swimming once a week. And from Feb I am joining pregnancy all busy!!

Welcome to anyone new joining us!!

Also, how is everyone getting on at work. My work have been so supportive but I know not all work places are like that as we have found out from a few ladies on here!

Just wanted to get some banter going again so:

1) update on how you ladies are doing with the weight/changing figure.
2) any fitness routines and how are you managing
3) How are you finding it at work
4) Bump pics!!!!!

Nic xx


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Cute bump pic nic!

As for me, not really exercising, i feel a bit guilty about it but my energy level is still very low. my bump is soft so it looks more like bloat, is yours hard? when do bumps become hard anyways lol, work has been very stressful, started a new position yesterday and my trainer was sick today, so its been rough, im training all week then i am on my own, then they are moving me again in a month then i need to learn a new job again! No wonder im so damn tired! No pics for my bump yet!
Thanks Nic and Kate for the little kick in the pants :)

1. I'm up 13 lbs so far, doing okay I love the bump and such, I am happy so far with my weight gain since I'm still about 15 lbs lighter than what I started at last time... I'm hoping to only gain about 40 - 60 lbs this time (last time was 100 lbs).

2. My fitness routine.. well I'm doing pregnancy yoga about 3 -4 times a week, I've never done yoga before but I am quite enjoying it. I bought a pregnancy yoga cd and it's got a yoga routine for post pregnancy as well. It's 30 mins.

3. Work is okay, I work for the federal govt so they have to be accomodating :) I am still dealing with my sexual harrassment issue, but I'm just focusing on the fact that in 5 months I will be off for a year :) and hopefully when I return it'll all be better.

4. So here's my bump pic, well from last week anyways. It's a little fuzzy since my son took it for me :)

Kate how's your mom doing?

Michele I can't believe you will deliver at 33 weeks! any chance at all your dates are off by a month? take care of yourself.

Chat soon.



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cute pic kim! my mom is doing okay, she is in good spirits and she is having tenderness when she touches her breast, but otherwise, her pain is minimal :)
Hey all!!!

Kate, glad your mum is improving and in good spirits - hopefully she will continue on the road to recovery!!!

1) update on how you ladies are doing with the weight/changing figure.
Ok, so to address Mrs P's points. Before becoming pregnant, I was a regualar weight watchers member, had been for 7 years and was at goal for 4 of those years, having lost 5 stone. So, it was something that I did worry about becoming pregnant.

I think I have gained around 8-9lb so far, but I am still eating relatively healthy but not exercising too much. I know that I will gain weight during pregnancy, but I dont want to come out the otherside knowing that I purposely overindulged simply because of the pregnancy, so I will try my best and I also know that I have the support of my leader and my class to get any weight back off again.

2) any fitness routines and how are you managing

As in above - zilch!

3) How are you finding it at work

Work is fab. All of my colleagues are amazing and so supportive. My boss has done my risk assessment and told me that I just have to tell her if I am feeling tired or not well and she will let me go rest for as long as I need or go home. She said that if I feel like I can't get out of bed in the morning, just to come in when I can. Obvioulsy I will not abuse this liberty, but it is lovely to know that the option is there.

I also know that I have a pretty decent maternity package which will allow me pretty close to full pay for 9 months and then another bit afterwards in the annual leave that will have accrued.

4) Bump pics!!!!!

Sorry but I havent got one yet, I will take one asap though - promise!!!
Great Idea with the wee list of questions

1) Weight Gain

Well, I started a little heavier than i'd like so I've actually lost 10lbs since the start of pregnancy. Not sure how long that will maintain though- I do feel my appetite going up this past week. Not much bump to speak of but I do feel it myself a bit...

2) any fitness routines and how are you managing

I've been walking every day and started daily swimming/gym- mostly because it is so freezing here to be outdoors, the gym/pool is 10 mins walk away and the membership for the month gives unlimited access. Again, I;m doing all this because I started out overweight and I'm terrified of getting hypertension or preeclampsia or back problems. Had a pretty positive checkup with the doctor today though and relieved to hear that my BP is within normal and there's no signs of anything bad in the urine. yay!

3) How are you finding it at work

I'm self-employed so work is a little isolating. I do photography and illustration and had to give up on dangerous work that involves ladders or extra-long shifts like weddings. So, i'm always seeking more work to make up the gap and it's hard to do so when quite tired. Also, if i want to qualify for the full maternity allowance, I'll have to work overtime between now and 34 weeks as it is means tested. Still, any allowance is better than nothing! Had to hire an accountant though to work it all out. Still, it does allow for more flexibility like taking a nap if needed, going for mid-day exercise in the daylight hours and not having to explain my pregnancy to an evil boss!

4) Bump pics!!!!!

Soo sorry but I don't have a pic....actually don't have a bump really yet though! :(

would absolutely love to hear how everyone else is doing. I am really beginning to appreicate it so much having this group of ladies to keep in touch with and share the journey. Thank you so much to all of you for staying in touch with this thread. xxxx
Im holding steady at 16 pounds weight gain which puts me at 148lbs,Im only 5 foot 1 inch so I feel and look big,especially my rear end.

My Doctor suggested I walk an hour a day because my back and hips hurt,Im guessing from lack of exercise.So Ive been doing it off and on for 2 weeks now.It has given me a little increased energy,but I have been so tired this last week.The baby is kicking like crazy and keeps me up at night.

I am a stay at home mom,so work is good,lol. My son has entered into the terrible twos for sure,hes been a handful lately.I guess thats what I get for naming him Thor.

Sometimes my bump is huge and other days its like it isnt even there,I will post a picture soon. Im still experiencing some MS off and on,so not out of the woods yet on the nausea.Ugh.

Glad to see we are all coming along good!
hey everybody
i had a finger prick done at work today becuase i wasnt feeling well and my blood sugar was way low, i had to go to the doctor right away and now im on sick leave until monday :( im so weak.. ugh, hoping to feel better soon, i have to do a full blood profile tomorrow, hopefully that will give me some answers.
hope everyone is doing well.

Dear Bump,

Why are you so soft!
OMG Kate.. take care of yourself!! hope you're feeling better soon!! and my bump is still pretty soft too... I'm not sure when it gets hard...
Hey Kate

wanted to touch base and see how you are feeling.

How about the rest of you ladies, hope you're doing well. Nothing exciting to report here, other than we are becoming very impatient and want to find out the sex.. lol it's less than 2 weeks but yikes. So I sent an email today inquiring about a 3D ultrasound, we are going to do one at 26/27 weeks, (my mom is getting that for my birthday) but I wanted to see if we went now if they could tell the sex. I think, fromtheir website that'll cost us $65... very tempting!!! hahaha I'll see what my OH says once he's up!!

Take care ladies.

hey kim! the 3d one will be fun :)

i am feeling ok, kind of sick, having to drink a lot of juice now, i went in for a full blood sugar profile thing this morning, shoul dhave the results by monday,hopefully it was just a week moment or something, really not sure what happened. thanks for checking in though.

my mom should find out this week if she needs chemo, im praying that she will not, scary to think about, she has been baby shopping for my brother and i, my brothers wife is due with a girl in february, so at least her mind is occupied.

how did everyone spend their weeked? i am not looking forward to going back to work on monday, im so stressed out.
Hey Kate

Well hopefully you're right and it's just a weak moment.

Hopefully your mom is lucky like my mom was, my mom didn't need chemo, just hormone therapy drugs which she's had no side effects from, she's been very lucky! Fingers crossed that your mom is just as lucky.

That sucks that work is so stressful... do you see the doctor monday too?


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