Summer Sugar Babies! - Early July Due Dates

oooh Jill thats a brilliant opportunity!!

I would do as Joey said and go see a personal shopper. Or, even just shopping at a proper maternity shop. They area qutie good in there. You need to make sure you wear something that pulls in under your boobs and above your bump to emphasize your figure!!

Also, I would also make sure that you are standing and sitting make sure your shoulders are pulled back. It gives you much better posture than sitting hunch backed like most of us do :)

When is it???

Nic xx
Joey, thank you! I never thought of a personal shopper! I will def give debenhams a try as I'll be near one tomorrow...It's all starting next week. Man, i feel so gross, don't even want to be seen outside right now, but it's just too good a chance that others would love to have. Thank you for the advice!! xxx

Kate sorry to hear your Mum is feeling a bit neglected, not what any of you need at a time like this, how frustrating. I really hope she gets the call soon. I do hope the worst is well and truly behind her.

Joey the journal sounds great. I keep a journal on here which you can read by clicking on the link on my signature. I purely type my thoughts though, how I feel and whats going on. I love your idea it sounds almost like a scrapbook with everything in, lovely idea.

Kim I can’t believe you find out in a week. I can’t remember now what you said you thought you were having. So far we have 2 girls and 1 boy is that right. Exciting!!
Jill – how exciting about the TV art show! Def try a personal shopper even for ideas. I agree to embrace the bump get something that gather under the bust and flows over the bump. Let us know how it goes!

My appointment went really well and heard the teeny heartbeat -so amazing!! She said baby was very active as you could hear it moving on the heartbeat monitor. I did have my first pregnant lady hormonal break down on the way there due to getting lost and being late so I sobbed!! I think also was so excited and anxious about it all. All good though so very happy!

I have an appointment to see the consultant at the hospital 21st Feb and my scan 15th Feb – cant wait.

Hope you all have brilliant weekends xxx
Becky x
how is everyone doing, work is stressing me out a lot, oh well.

who is in maternity clothes? my dh just shrunk my only pair of pants, so now im wearing tights a lot.
Hey Ladies!!

Kate sorry to hear your work is so stressful.. is there an end in sight? How's your blood sugar? how are you feeling.. well other than the stress?

Becky congrats on your apt!! amazing hearing the heartbeat!!

Jill what an amazing opportunity!! you'll have to keep us posted on how it goes. I would say own how you look and you'll look amazing!!! I always find that's easier with a great outfit, so hopefully you found one!!

Well ladies.. 1 more day for me yipee!!! we're so excited, I hope this baby cooperates. As for me I'm feeling great this time, back to eating pretty much everything which is very odd.. LOL I am still having my moments of nauseau but that's all. I'm also feeling the baby move a good bit especially when I'm sitting on the couch. It's funny actually whenever OH puts his hand on my belly, the baby starts flipping LOL then he takes his hand off and the baby stops.. very cute... OH can only feel it sort of, but I feel the flipping.. Also wanted to gush a bit about my OH, he's soo amzaing :) as a surprise this weekend he went and bought me a beautiful card and got me a gift certificate for a pregnancy massage... :) he worked very hard trying to figure out what to get me.. LOL he said he wandered around malls and even asked a random pregnant woman what she would like to get.

Okay enough blabbing :)

Hope everyone has a great day!!

wow kim, can't wait to hear all about your scan!

im feeling better, i only work 12.5 more weeks, still feels long, but it will be nice.
blood sugar hmm.. still working on that, trying to eat more frequently

keep us posted!

hope everyone is well, sorry i have been absent, its been crazy at work
Kim can't wait to hear what you are having! I think boy :-) x
Ladies, I finally have a bump pic.

In this pic it is first thing in the morning, after my breakfast, and at 17+2.

Kim, I am so excited to hear about your scan, only 18 more days until mine, can't wait!!!


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Woop Woop. Joey, love your bump!! I can't wait til I have a proper one :)

Nic x
Hey Ladies

Joey awesome bump!!!! sooo cute!!!

So my scan yesterday was awesome, the technician was fantastic, the baby wasn't cooperating at all, was back out and kept pushing the wand or whatever it's called, it was VERY cute... LOL so the words of the technician "without a shadow of a doubt, no if ands or buts.. it's a boy!!" LOL she spent a good half hour with us, getting all of the shots that she needed, had me lying on my side, and then had me coughing to try and get him to move. It was great!!! He was measuring right on, and had a heart rate of 156. Then we saw the doc right away after, and he said that every indication is that we've got a very healthy little boy!! We also got my c-section date :) so my son will be born on June 28th :) exactly 39 weeks, unless he decides to come earlier.

HOpe everyone else is doing well!!!!

Aw Kim, amazing, you are having a son!!!! Congratulations and all the best for the last few months. I am sure you are over the moon, that sounds like a lovely experience you had!!!
kim!! a boy!! wooooooooooo!!

here is a bump pic for me finally, excuse my terrible roots!


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Kim so nice to hear of your scan. And congrats on your son!! hehe. I'm glad you had a good experience.

Kate, love your bump pic!! You have a proper bump. yay!!!

Do they date you again at the next scan?? Just wondering cause one of my friends is preg and they put her forward 2 weeks after her 20 week scan.

Nic xx
Kate ... Awesome pic!!! my roots are just as bad except mine are white!!! LOL I finally asked my doc this week if I could colour my hair and he said yes for sure!!! so if I have time today at work I'm booking me an apointment!!!

Nic I don't get another scan :( here, if they can't get the pic they are looking for while the check all of the anatomy parts then they book one 2 weeks later. It was really cool, they checked us the blood flow to the kidneys and then how the kidneys connected, they showed us the full stomach :) etc we took so long actually because the technician was having a hard time getting a good pic of the heart, and I'd told her with my first they had that problem and it stressed me out :) so she was great and worked hard to get the picture of the heart to make sure the valves were all working properly.

Thanks for the well wishes, we're pretty excited about a boy, we really thought it was a girl hahah since this pregnancy has been the complete opposite, in every possible way from my last... all I know is that I'm going to be waay outnumbered in this house hahahaha

thanks ladies :)

i think they change your dates at every scan! Although i was put back a week and it is now only 5 days behind, i assume it may change again. i often hear of people whose due dates change multiple times

mien started at july 1, then July 10, and now its July 5.
by the way, is anyone feeling any movements? i feel slight ones every now and then, i cant wait until they are more frequent :)
Hi everyone!

Kate – I am in some maternity clothes now. Some of my bigger clothes are fine but anything tailored or fitted has been far to tight for a while so starting to need more and more now. How about everyone else? I’ve been buying bits on ebay. I am really pleased that the ‘looking a bit fat’ stage is passing and I now definitely look pregnant with a baby bump. We are nearly half way!!

Lovely bump pics Joey & Kate – I’ll try and post another one this week. My roots are awful Kate, my salon have said highlights are fine so they have a half price sale end of Feb I am going to sort my hair out!!

Kim – your scan sounded so wonderful! HUGE congrats on having a baby boy that is so exciting! Great that you have your section date too so all being well you know exactly when he will arrive. I bet it will fly past now!

Hope everyone has great weekends. We are expecting some snow tonight, its freezing!!!!!

How was everyones weekend? I have started feeling the baby move a little, particularly today - exciting!! Is everyone feeling some movement now? x
Hello ladies!!

Things are good here.. busy and trucking along... there must be some more scans coming up soon huh.. keep us updated!!!

Kate let us know how your mom's apt goes today and if she's going to need chemo.

Becky.. I am feeling movement.. I first felt it about 14 weeks, I now feel it regularily. I can't wait for my OH to be able to feel it too!!

Hope everyone is doing well, chat soon.

It's wonderful feeling them wriggle around isn't it?! Agree can't wait till my dh can feel it. My scan is a week tomorrow!!

Kate I hope your mums appoint went well.

Becky x

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